Brussels Summer Program 2008

Maymester Spring 2020 - International Relations 322

Financing Development in Mexico

Professor Pamela Starr

Dates: May 18-June 12, 2020

Location: Mexico City and Puebla

Application due October 18


Submit the Following Documents to VKC 301

• Application form - please be sure to include the names of two professors we can

contact on your behalf to obtain a recommendation for you.

• STARS Report (Accessible on OASIS through my USC.)

• Personal Statement (1-2 pages) - be sure to address why you are interested in

participating in this program, how this opportunity may benefit your academic

experience and future goals, and how you are a good fit for this program.

• Resume

Program Description

This 4-unit Maymester course will focus on the essential role of finance in Mexican development. Students will study the challenge of development and the central role of finance in this process. The course will briefly consider traditional sources of finance such as direct foreign investment, portfolio investment, development aid and lending from official development banks. But its principle focus will be on new means for financing development such as microloans, peer-to-peer lending, social impact investing, and venture capital. And it will focus specifically on Mexico, an emerging market country characterized by a dual economy where persistent poverty creates opportunities for micro lending even as modern sectors create opportunities for venture capital.

Students who enroll in this course will be required to write a two concise yet clear short essays analyzing the strengths and shortcomings of two different kinds of development finance in Mexico. These essays will be based on seven days of classroom study, ten days of field research in Mexico City and Puebla, and four days of on-line discussions and exercises undertaken with the professor’s guidance.

A working ability with Spanish is recommended for this course. Although most academics and high-level politicians speak English, the capacity of students to carry out research in Mexico will be enhanced by a working knowledge of Spanish.

Estimated Program Cost: $1900 (Excluding Spring Tuition)

Tuition: $7,452 (4 units)

Airfare: $500 (Los Angeles/Mexico City)

Living Expenses: $1,400 (includes room, board, and ground transportation)

PLEASE NOTE: A $500 non-refundable deposit is due upon student acceptance of this Maymester course. This deposit will be charged to the student’s account and reimbursed during the first week of the Maymester program. While most spring courses allow for an add/drop period, Maymester courses require immediate commitment due to travel arrangements and budgeting.

Travel Logistics

Lodging will be at the Casa Gonzalez Bed and Breakfast in the heart of Mexico City and will be arranged by the professor.

Students will arrange their own air transportation to Mexico City. Transportation within the city and to Puebla will be arranged by the professor.

Health and Safety Issues

Mexico is a politically stable, middle-income country, but one with significant problems with crime. Although we will be traveling to parts of the country where there is not a lot of drug-related crime and violence, the crime rate in Mexico City and Puebla is not insignificant (although better than New Orleans or Chicago). You will also likely appear to be a tourist. So you will be required to take reasonable precautions.

For more information contact Professor Pamela Starr,


Maymester – Mexico Financing Development 2020

Return all forms and supporting documentation to:

SIR Student Affairs Advisement Office, VKC 300

Please contact Katrina Miranda with questions at, (213)740-0772.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Last First Middle

Student ID#: _________________________________ Email: ___________________________________

Major(s): ____________________________________ Minor(s):_________________________________

Year in School:______________________ Cumulative USC GPA:______________ IR GPA:_____________

IR or Related COURSES TAKEN (include Spring 2020): List Course Number, Grade, and Professor

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

Expected Graduation Date: _____________________ Profession Considering: _____________________


___________________________________________ _________________________________________

Street Apt Street Apt.

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

City State ZIP City State ZIP

Local Phone: ________________________________ Permanent Phone: __________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________ DATE: __________________


1. _____________________________________ _______________________________________

Name and title Email and phone

2. _____________________________________ _______________________________________

Name and title Email and phone


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