Deviance: Criminal Justice Resources on the World …

Deviance: Criminal Justice Resources on the World Wide Web

CLICK HERE, and use the variety of charts provided to answer the following questions:

1. What has been the trend in violent crime over the past ten years or so?

[pic]Violent crime has been rising

[pic]Violent crime has been falling

[pic]Violent crime has remained steady

2. Between the early 1970s and now, what year had the highest number of violent crimes?

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3. Since the late 1970s, robbery rates have generally been 



[pic]fluctuating wildly

4. In the 1990s, motor vehicle theft rates 


[pic]fell sharply

[pic]remained steady

5. The age group that experiences the highest rate of crime is 



[pic]65 and older

6. Please report on and then react to 3 more facts you can gather from the charts provided. You must use a minimum of two complete sentences for your reaction.

|Name of Chart used/Fact |Your reaction to this fact/Suprising? |

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Click here on Death Penalty Information Center Fact Sheet and answer the questions below:

7. How many people have been executed so far this year?

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8. What state leads all others in executions?

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9. Why do you believe Michigan does not have the death penalty?

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10. What proportion of current death row inmates are black?

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11. Does this reflect any type of social or racial prejudice when judging what region most executions are held in?

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12. What do criminologists believe about the death penalty Why do you believe it continues to occur? 

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Use the search bar at the top of the KALAMAZOO GAZETTE and search the word “crime” and then “deviance”. Scan (you do not have to read the entire article) the first 5-7 articles in each search and answer the following questions:

| |“crime” |“deviance” |

|13. What types of adjectives (describing words) | | |

|were most used in these articles? | | |

|14. What demographic of people (race, neighborhood,| | |

|age etc) were most mentioned in these articles? | | |

|Was this a surprise to you? Why or why not? | | |

|15. Did any of these articles seem “positive” | | |

|regardless of the “negative” feelings surrounding | | |

|these words? If so how? | | |

16. Choose one article from your “crime” searches, cut and paste the link to the article here:

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and the answer the following questions:

What was the crime?

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How did it make the victim feel?

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How would you have felt if the crime happened to you?

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Did it have any impact on other family members or friends of the victim or criminal?

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What was the impact on the community?

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Was the offender ever caught? If so, how was he or she punished?

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Use the crime map of Kalamazoo (CLICK HERE) . Search all crimes during 2011 in your neighborhood and answer the following questions:

17. How many and what type of crimes were committed in your neighborhood?

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18. Do you consider these “crimes” or just “deviant behavior”. Why?

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19. Is the area where you live higher or lower in crime than other neighborhoods in Kalamazoo? Why?

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Deviance encompasses mental health and substance abuse as deemed by our culture. CLICK HERE for Kalamazoo Community Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services website and answer the following question.

20. Using the space below please name 7 services that KCMHSAS provides and give a sentence describing each.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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