CHAPTER TWO - Alta High School Law Enforcement Class


NAME _______________________________________ DATE __________________

1. Burglary is defined by UCR as ______________________________________________


2. The Uniform Crime Reporting System was instigated in 1930 by the U.S. Congress. TRUE _____ FALSE _____

3. List four Part 1 crimes which are reportable to the F.B.I. as part of the UCR system.


4. Which Part 1 crime has the highest clearance rate? _______________________________

5. Baltimore, Maryland had 182 murders in 2008.

TRUE _____ FALSE _____

6. The overall clearance rate for all Part 1 Crime Index crimes is ____________

7. A major study indicates that over 60% of all crime is actually reported to a law enforcement agency. TRUE _____ FALSE _____

8. The Drug Enforcement Administration is responsible for the dissemination of crime statistics to the nation. TRUE _____ FALSE _____

9. In the state of Utah, the Bureau of _________________________ is responsible to compile statistics and forward them to the F.B.I.

10. Hiring more law enforcement officers can cause the number of crimes committed to fall. TRUE _____ FALSE _____

11. The urbanization process has no affect on the number of crimes committed.

TRUE _____ FALSE _____

12. Crime statistics are useful in measuring both frequency and seriousness of crime in a specific geographic area. TRUE _____ FALSE _____


*Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department *

*Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department *


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