What Makes Teens Tick: Time Magazine Article

What Makes Teens Tick

Time Magazine Article

1. Some experts believe that brain structural changes seen during adolescence may explain the timing of what major psychological illnesses?

2. Why are researchers more commonly shifting their focus to twin studies today?

3. Describe what Anthony is asked to do before he is allowed to enter the MRI machine.

4. Brain density peaks at about age ________ for girls and age _________ for boys.

5. True or False: We are born with most of the neurons our brain will ever have.

6. Studies of London cab drivers show they have an unusually large __________________, which is involved in memory.

7. Brains develop in stages, from ________________ to _________________.

8. The brain undergoes two major developmental spurts. The first is __________________ and the second is _______________________________.

9. The _____________________________ connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

10. The ___________________ is the emotional center of the brain, responsible for fear and aggression.

11. True or False: The reason why teenagers make irresponsible decisions is because that part of the brain hasn’t matured yet.

12. Why are teenagers more at risk for impulsive behavior and not exercising judgment?

13. When the teenagers play the driving simulation, how does their behavior differ when they’re with friends compared to when they’re alone?

14. True or False: Most teen crimes are committed by kids in packs.

15. _______________ is the chemical that signals the body to begin shutting down for sleep.

16. The best estimate for when the brain is truly mature is age ___________.

17. Which one of the “7 Rules for Parents” do you think is the most valid (that is, the most ‘true’ or ‘correct’)? Explain your answer.


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