122 Amsterdam Avenue

Room 504

New York, New York 10023

Tel: (212) 580-5905

Fax: (212) 580-2478

Dear all,

             The 2018 NYSBA High School Mock Trial Tournament is underway. The Justice Resource Center, NYC coordinator of this premier law-related competition, is currently recruiting volunteer judges.

            More than 90 schools from all five boroughs will compete at one of three courthouses in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens between February 27 to March 15, 2018. Serving as a judge requiers a time commitment of approximately three hours on a weekday evening, and prior knowledge of the case and tournament rules. Information about this year’s case, tournament rules, scoring guidelines and more can be found at

  Volunteer judges who are members in good standing of the New York State Bar Association and are also admitted to the New York State Bar for at least two years are eligible for up to three (3) CLE credits for their service. Past volunteers can receive CLE credits once every two years for their service in the Mock Trial Tournament. For more information, visit .

 Please see the attached application for complete list of dates. If you are interested in serving as a judge, please complete the application below and submit to DWollenberg@schools. or fax to (212) 580-2478 no later than January 9, 2018.  Please free to refer this invitation to any interested parties.

 If you have any questions, please email Debra Lesser at dlesser@schools. or Deborah Wollenberg at DWollenberg@schools. or call the Justice Resource Center at (212) 580-5905.


Best regards,

Deborah Wollenberg, Esq.

2018 New York City High School Mock Trial Tournament

Application to Serve as a Volunteer Judge

Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Firm, if applicable: ___________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________________

Telephone: ______________________________ Fax: _________________________________

Cell phone: ______________________________ Email: _______________________________

Please place an X next to the dates that you are available (reporting times are below):

Preliminary Rounds:

Round 1:

February 27, 2018: __________ February 28, 2017: __________ March 1, 2018: __________

Round 1 Snow Date March 8, 2018:__________

Round 2:

March 5, 2018: __________ March 6, 2018: __________ March 7, 2018: __________

Round 2 Snow Date March 12, 2018:__________

Elimination Rounds:

March 14, 2018: ___________ April 10, 2018: __________

Round 3 Snow Date March 15, 2018: _________

I am available to serve as a Judge at the following courthouses (please check one or more):

US Federal Courthouse (Eastern District NY)

225 Cadman Plaza East

Brooklyn, NY

Reporting time for judges: 4:30 pm


Queens Supreme Court (Criminal Court Building)

125-01 Queens Blvd.

Kew Gardens, NY

Reporting time for judges: 3:30 pm


Manhattan Criminal Courthouse 100 Centre Street

New York, NY

Reporting time for judges: 4:30 pm


*Rounds held on April 12, 16, and 18 will be presided over by federal judges at

Thurgood Marshall US Courthouse.

40 Centre Street @ Foley Square NYC

Please complete this application and return to DWollenberg@schools. or fax to (212) 580-2478.

Dates will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. We will contact you with your scheduled date(s).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Deborah Wollenberg, Esq. at (212) 580-5905.



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