I. Academic/Professional Background

Name: Jeffrey M. Cancino Title: Associate Professor

Educational Background

Degree: Year: University: Major: Thesis/Description:

Ph.D. 2002 Michigan State University Criminal Justice Nonmetropolitan

Social Disorganization:

A Multilevel Analysis

of Quality of life

M.A. 1998 Michigan State University Criminal Justice- The Association

Urban Affairs Between Culture

and Use of Force

B.A. 1996 St. Mary’s University Public Justice


2011 Foundations of Intelligence Certified Intelligence Analyst

Analysis Training (FIAT),

International Association of

Law Enforcement Intelligence


2011 University of Michigan, Inter- Monte Carlo Simulation and Re-sampling

University Consortium for (Professor: Thomas Carsey)

Political and Social Science

Research (ICPSR), Univ. of North

North Carolina

2009 University of Michigan, Inter- Empirical Models Time-Series,

University Consortium for Cross-Section (Professor: Robert Franzese)

Political and Social Science

Research (ICPSR), Michigan Univ.

2009 Department of Homeland Certification: Law Enforcement Intelligence

Security (DHS) and Federal Tool Box Training (DHS No. AWR-181)

Emergency Management Agency


2009 Department of Homeland Certification: Sustaining the Intelligence

Security (DHS) and Federal Capacity (DHS No. AWR-199)

Emergency Management Agency


2008 University of Michigan, Inter- Spatial Regression Analysis

University Consortium for (Professor: Paul Voss)

Political and Social Science

Research (ICPSR), Indiana Univ.

Revised 1/6/2012

1999 University of Michigan, Inter- Quantitative Methods-Matrix Algebra

University Consortium for

Political and Social Science

Research (ICPSR)

1995 Basic Peace Officer Certificate Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education (TCLEOSE)

University Experience

Position University Dates

Associate Professor Texas State University-San Marcos 2007-present

Assistant Professor Texas State University-San Marcos 2005-2007

Assistant Professor University of Texas-San Antonio 2001-2005

Relevant Professional Experience

Position Entity Dates

Deputy Constable Precinct 5 Bexar County Constable 1995-1996


Teaching Honors and Awards:

Student and Disability Services Teaching Excellence Award (University of Texas-San Antonio), 2004.

Courses Taught:


Crime Theory and Victimization (Fall two sections, 32 students and 34 students)

Management Principles in Criminal Justice (Graduate course Fall, 25 students)

Independent studies (1 undergraduate and 1 graduate, Fall)

Advanced Criminological Theory (Spring, graduate doctoral course, 8 students)

Police Systems and Practices (Spring, 83 students)

Independent studies (4 Graduate Students, Spring)

Police and Society (Graduate course summer, 21 students)

Advanced Crime Theory (Graduate course summer, 20 students)

Internships (Summer 1, 4 students ; Summer 2, )

Comparative Criminal Justice (Summer,16 students)


Administration of Justice (Graduate course Fall, 28 students)

Independent Study (Graduate Student, Fall)

Independent Study (Graduate Student, Fall)

Police Systems and Practices (Fall, 71 students)

Police Systems and Practices (Fall, 32 students)

Administration of Justice (Graduate course Summer, 6 students)

Advanced Crime Theory (Graduate course Summer, 17 students)

Police and Society (Graduate course summer, 6 students)

Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Spring 38 students)

Advanced Criminal Justice Management (Spring 43 students)

Independent Study (Graduate Student, Spring)

Independent Study (Graduate Student, Spring)


Advanced Criminological Theory (Graduate Doctoral course, 9 students)

Administration of Justice (Graduate course Fall, 37 students)

Independent study (Graduate student, Fall )

Independent Study (Summer, 2 students)

Police in Society (Graduate course Summer, 8 students)

Advanced Crime Theory (Graduate course Summer, 17 students)

Management Principles in Criminal Justice (Graduate course Spring, 30 students)

Independent Study (Graduate student, Spring 1 student)

Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Spring 30 students)

Police Systems and Practice (Spring, 35 students)


Police Systems and Practice (Fall, 40 students)

Administration of Justice (Graduate course Fall, 42 students)

Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Fall, 36)

Advanced Crime Theory (Graduate course Summer, 14 students)

Police Systems and Practice (Spring, 99 students)

Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Spring, 9 students)

Independent study (Spring, 1 student)


Independent Study (1 Graduate Student, Fall)

Special Topics in Criminal Justice (Fall, 35 students)

Crime Theory and Victimization (Spring,36 students)

Police Systems and Practice (Fall, 77 students)

Administration of Justice (Graduate Course, Spring 16 students, Summer 5 students, Fall 31 students)

Police in Society (Graduate Course, Summer, 10 students)

Internship 1 (Summer, 6 students)

Internship 2 (Summer, 5 students)

Independent Study (2 Graduate Students, Summer)

Independent Study (1 Undergraduate, Summer)


Special Problems in Criminal Justice (Fall)

Crime Theory and Victimization (Fall)

Independent Study (Fall)

Police in Society (Graduate Course, Summer)

Advanced Crime Theory (Graduate Course, Summer)

Internship 1 (Summer)

Internship 2 (Summer)

Administration of Justice (Graduate Course, Spring)

Crime Theory and Victimization (Spring)


Administration of Justice (Graduate Course, Fall)

Police Systems and Practice (Fall)

Independent Study (Fall)

Police in Society (Graduate Course, Summer)

Internship 1 (Summer)

Internship 2 (Summer)

Nature of Crime and Justice (Summer)

Paradigms of Justice Policy (Graduate Course, Spring)

Contemporary Police Practices (Spring)


Topics in Police and Crime Control (Graduate Course, Fall)

Introduction to Policing (Fall)

Independent Study (Fall)

Managing Criminal Justice Organization (Summer)

Nature of Crime and Justice (Summer)

Independent Study 2 (Summer)

Paradigms of Justice Policy (Graduate Course, Spring)

Managing Criminal Justice Organizations (Spring)

Contemporary Police Practices (Spring)

Independent Study (Spring)


Nature of Crime and Justice (Fall)

Managing Criminal Justice Organizations (Fall)

Independent Study (Fall)

Independent Study (Fall)

Managing Criminal Justice Organizations (Summer)

Contemporary Police Practices (Summer)

Independent Study (Summer)

Independent Study (Summer)

Nature of Crime and Justice (Spring)

Introduction to Policing (Spring)

Contemporary Police Practice (Spring)

Independent Study (Spring)


Nature of Crime and Justice (Fall)

Contemporary Police Practices (Fall)

Introduction to Policing (Summer)

Nature of Crime and Justice (Summer)

Introduction to Policing (Spring)

Contemporary Police Practices (Spring)


Introduction to Policing (Fall)

Contemporary Police Practices (Fall)

C. Graduate Thesis/Dissertations or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):

Mina Constancio, Professional Paper (Member, 2011)

Cheryl M. Rowden, Professional Paper (Chair, 2011)

Micheal H. Martindale, Professional Paper (Member, 2011)

Jennifer M. Ygnacio, Profesional Paper (Member, 2011)

Elisha D. English, Professional Paper (Member, 2011)

Renee Kimball, Professional Paper (Member, 2011)

LaShunda Williams Professional Paper (Member, 2011)

Anjelica Ruiz Professional Paper (Member, 2010)

Jami Powell Professional Paper, (Member, 2010)

Greg Andrade Professional Paper, (Member, 2010)

Natash Hale Professional Paper, (Member, 2010)

Doctoral Mentorship Program, Mentor (Jesse Diaz, 2010)

Jonathan Allan, Thesis (Chair, 2010)

Greg Andrade Professional Paper (Member 2010)

Felix Adam Professional Paper (Chair 2009)

Chris Ramirez Professional Paper (Chair 2009)

Kyla Broz Professional Paper (Member 2009)

Robert Almanza Professional Paper (Chair 2009)

Monica Williams Professional Paper (Member 2009)

Jorge Moreno Professional Paper (Member 2009)

Tyler Hail Profesional Paper (Member 2009)

Tylesia Lewsi Professional Paper (Member 2009)

David Ray, Oral Exam Political Science (Member 2008)

Robert Rojas, Thesis (Member, 2008)

Amber Warren Professional Paper, (Member, 2008)

Laura Sifuentes Professional Paper, (Member, 2007)

Kimberly Smith Professional Paper, (Member, 2007)

David Ellis Professional Paper, (Member, 2007)

Jason Shaley Professional Paper, (Chair, 2007)

Rachel Leitudke Professional Paper, (Member, 2007)

Kristin Ramey-Capallo Professional Paper, (Chair, 2006)

Julie Martinez, Professional Paper, (Chair, 2006-2007)

Erin Nelson, Thesis Committee, (Member, 2006)

Mark Jensen, Professional Paper, (Member, 2006)

Leticia Trevino, (Member, 2006)

Tim Owens, Professional Paper, (Member, 2006-2007)

Crystal Jones, Professional Paper (Member, 2006)

David Ellis, Thesis Committee (Member, 2006)

Elaine Chalmers, Thesis (Member, 2004)

David Olveda, Thesis (Member, 2004)

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development

Advanced Criminological Theory (Graduate Doctoral course, Fall 2009)

Management Principles in Criminal Justice (Master’s course, Spring 2009)

Advanced Crime Theory (Master’s Course Summer, 2006)

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


H. Submitted, but not funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


I. Other:


III. Scholarly/Creative

A. Works in Print

1. Books (if not referred, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:


b. Textbooks:


Edited Books:


d. Chapters in Books

Jeffrey M. Cancino

2008 Nieghborhood Social Control, Culture, and Crime Prevention. In, Battle Ground: Immigration

(Ed.) Judith A. Warner. Chicago, IL: Greenwood Press.

Varano, Sean, Jeffrey Cancino, James Glass, and Roger Enriquez

2007 Police Information Management” in Policing 2020: Exploring the future of crime, communities,

and policing (Ed.) J. A. Schafer, Federal Bureau of Investigation: Washington: D.C.

e. Creative Books:


2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Allen, Jonathan (Doctoral Student), and Jeffrey Cancino

2012 Social Disorganization, Latinos, and Juvenile Crime in the Texas Borderlands. Journal of Criminal

Justice, 40(2), pp. 152-163.

Stowell, Jacob, Ramiro Martinez, and Jeffrey Cancino

2012 Latino crime and Latinos in the Criminal Justice System: Trends, Policy Implications, & Future

Reseach Initiatives. Race and Social Problems, 4 (1), pp. 31-40.

Olusanya, Olaoluwa, and Jeffrey M. Cancino

(forthcoming) Cross-Examining the Race-Neutral Frameworks of Prisoner Re-Entry. Critical Criminology

Schafer, Joseph A., Sean Varano, Jeffrey M. Cancino, and John Jarvis

2010 Bad Moon on the Rise? Lunar Cycles and Incidents of Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(4).

Varano, Sean, Joseph Schafer, Jeffrey M. Cancino, Scott Decker, and Jack Greene

2010 A Tale of Three Cities: Crime and Displacement after Hurrican Katrina. Journal of

Criminal Justice, 38(1).

Varano, Sean, Joseph Schafer, Jeffrey M. Cancino, and Mark Swatt

2009 Constructing Crime: Neighborhhood Characteristics and Police Recording Behavior.

Journal of Criminal Justice, 37(6).

Cancino, Jeffrey M., Ramiro Martinez Jr., and Jacob I. Stowell. The Impact of Neighborhood Context on

2009 Intra- and Inter-group Robbery: The San Antonio Experience. The ANNALS of the American

Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS), May, 623.

Cancino, Jeffrey M., Sean Varano, Joeseph Schafer, and Pablo Martinez

2008 Satisfaction with Police: Ethnicity, Violent Crime, and Immigrant Concentration. Journal

of Social and Ecological Boundaries, 3(2).

Martinez, Ramiro, Jr., Jacob I. Stowell and Jeffrey M. Cancino

2008 A Tale of Two Border Cities: Community, Context, Ethncity, and Homicide. Social

Science Quarterly, 89(1).

Cancino, Jeffrey, Sean Varano, and Joseph Schafer

2007 Incivilities, Crime and Latino Immigrant Concentration: A Hierarchical Logistic

Examination of Citizen Perceived Safety. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 5(4).

Cancino, Jeffrey, Sean Varano, Joseph Schafer, and Roger Enriquez

2007 An Ecological Assessment of Property and Violent Crime Rates Across a Latino Urban Landscape:

The Role of Social Disorganization and Institutional Anomie Theory. Western Criminology

Review, 8(1).

Cancino, Jeffrey, Sean Varano, Joseph Schafer, and Roger Enriquez

2007 The Effects of Social Disorganization: A Hierarchical Analysis of Perceived Incivilities in a Latino

Community. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 5(1).

Enriquez, Roger, Jeffrey M. Cancino, and Sean P. Varano

2006 A Legal and Empirical Perspective on Crime and Adult Establishments: A Secondary Effects Study

in San Antonio, Texas. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law, 15(1).

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael.

2005 The Utility of Social Capital and Collective Efficacy: Social Control Policy in

Nonmetropolitan Settings. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 16(3).

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael and Roger Enriquez.

2004 A Qualitative Analysis of Officer Peer Retaliation: Preserving the Police Culture.

Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 27 (3).

Reisig, Michael and Jeffrey Michael Cancino.

2004 Incivilities in Nonmetropolitan Communities: The Effects of Structural Constraints,

Social Conditions, and Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, 32 (1).

Zhao, Solomon, Ni He, Lovrich, Nick., and Cancino, Jeffrey.

2004 The Moderating Effect of Police Marriage on Occupational Stress: Are Married Couples

Better Off? Journal of Crime and Justice, 26 (2).

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael.

2003 Breaking from Orthodoxy: The Effects of Social Disorganization on Perceived

Burglary in Nonmetropolitan Communities. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 28


Cancino, Jeffrey Michael

2001 Walking Among Giants Fifty Years Later: An Exploratory Analysis of Patrol Officer

Use of Violence. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and

Management, 24 (2).

Varano, Sean Patrick. and Jeffrey Michael Cancino

2001 An Empirical Analysis of Deviant Homicides in Chicago. Homicide Studies: An

Interdisciplinary and International Journal, 5 (1).

b. Non-referred Articles:

3. Abstracts:

4. Reports:

McCluskey, J., Jeffrey Cancino, Rob Tillyer, Marie Tillyer, and William Prock

2011 The San Antonio Police Department’s Robbery Task Force: An Analysis of Clearance and Crime

Control Impacts of Centralized Investigation. Sponsored Research Under Bureau of Justice Assistance Award.: 2009-SC-B9-0101.

Tillyer, R, Layla McKinnon, Marie Tillyer, John McCluskey, and Jeffrey Cancino

2011 Family Violence Case Processing and Trends (2002-2010). Sponsored Research Under Bureau of Justice Assistance Award.: 2009-SC-B9-0101.

Jeffrey Cancino and Brian Withrow

2010 The San Antonio Police Department Racial Profiling and Data Analysis Report

Submitted to the City of San Antonio, Feb. 25, 2010

Martinez, Pablo, Jeffrey Cancino, and Eric Benson

2010. Evaluating Child Care Services in Texas: Implementing and Monitoring a Standardized System. (Submitted to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS).

Martinez, Pablo, Jeffrey Cancino, Allen, Jonathan (Graduate Student), and Guerra, Selah (Graduate Student). (2009). Comparing Compliance Levels Using the Weighted Enforcement System (WES) and the Child Care Licensing Automated Support System (CLASS). Monitoring Report No. 1. September 17, 2009 (Submitted to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – Funding Agency).

Martinez, Pablo, Jeffrey Cancino, and Allen, Jonathan (Graduate Student), Guerra, Selah (Graduate Student). (2009). Comparing Compliance Levels Using the Weighted Enforcement System (WES) and the Child Care Licensing Automated Support System (CLASS). Monitoring Report No. 2. August 12, 2009 (Submitted to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – Funding Agency).

Martinez, Pablo, Jeffrey Cancino, and Benson, Eric . (2009). Development of Sampling Information Data Entry (SIDE ) for Child Placement Agencies (CPA). July, 2009 (Submitted to Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – Funding Agency).

Martinez, Pablo, Cancino, Jeffrey, Montano Cecilia. (graduate student), and Steffens Loni. (graduate student)

2009 Texas Youth Commission (TYC) Classification System: Safety and Security Issues. Report

submitted to the Texas Youth Commission.

Martinez, Pablo, Cancino Jeffrey, Montano Cecilia (graduate student), Steffens Loni (graduate student), and Kanode E.(Graduate student)

2008 Fiscal Year Research Report: WES Application for Registered Homes and CPAs. Report submitted

to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

5. Book Reviews:

6. Other:

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Prock, William, Jeffrey Cancino, and John McCluskey

2011 “Robbery Investigation: A Comparison of Centralized and De-Centralized Approaches.” The 48th

Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Science’s Meeting. Toronto, Canada.

Pollock, Joycelyn, Jeffrey Cancino, and Pete Blair

2010 “Measuring an Ethical Climate in Policing Organizations.” The 47th Annual Academy of Criminal

Justice Science’s Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Martinez, Ramiro, Jeffrey Cancino, and Jacob Stowell

2010 “The Differential Impact of Neighborhood Context on Racial/Ethnic-Specific Drug Homicides.

The 47th Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Science’s Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Martinez, Ramiro Jr., Jeffrey M. Cancino, and Jacob I. Stowell

2009 “Neighborhood Context and Racial/Ethnic-Specific Patterns of Drug Homicide.” The American

Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Conference, Chicago, IL.

Cancino, Jeffrey M., Ramiro Martinez Jr., and Jacob I. Stowell. “The Impact of Neighborhood Context on

2008 Intra- and Inter-group Robbery: The San Antonio Experience.” The 60th American Society of

Criminology Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Martinez, Ramiro Jr., Jacob I. Stowell, and Jeffrey M. Cancino

2008 “Latinos, Violence, and Public Policy in Texas Counties.” Latinos and Public Policy in Texas

Conference, Austin, Texas (University of Texas).

Cancino, Jeffrey M., Sean P. Varano, and Joseph A. Schafer

2007 “Space, Race and Ethnicity: An Ecological Study of Homicide Victimization in San Antonio,

Texas.” The 59th American Society of Criminology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Varano, Sean, Joseph A. Schafer, Jeffrey M. Cancino, Scott Decker, and Jack R. Greene.

2007 “A Tale of Three Cities: Crime Displacement, and Homicide in the Post-Katrina Era.” The 44th

Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Science’s Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

Cancino, Jeffrey M., and Ramiro Martinez, Jr.

2007 “Between White and Black Violence: Disaggregating Race- and Ethnic-Specific Community

Robbery Outcomes.” Racial Democracy, Crime & Justice-Network Summer Workshop, Ohio State

University Criminal Justice Research Center. Columbus, Ohio.

Pollock, Joycelyn and Jeffrey M. Cancino

2007 “Homicide Trends by Gender and Ethnicity, USA.” The 7th Annual Conference of the European

Society of Criminology, Bologna, Italy.

Pollock, Joycelyn, Jeffrey M. Cancino, and Jason Sahley

2006 "Gender, Race, and Ethnicity: An Analysis of Homicide Rates and Trends in San

Antonio 1990-2004." The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of

Criminology, Los Angeles, California.

Cancino, Jeffrey, Sean Varano, Joeseph Schafer, and Roger Enriquez

2006 “Quality of Life, Social Disorganization, and Police Strength: A Hierarchical Analysis

of Latino Perceived Incivilities.” The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of

Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland.

Roger Enriquez and Jeffrey Cancino

2006 “Secondary Effects: A Legal Perspective on Zoning.” The 43rd Annual

Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland.

Martinez, Ramiro, Jr., Jacob Stowell, and Jeffrey Cancino

2005 “Revisiting Social Disorganization Theory: A Spatial Analytic Test of Immigration and

Homicides in Two Cities.” The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of

Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

Schafer, Joseph, Sean Varano, and Jeffrey Cancino

2005 “Bad Moon Rising? Lunar Cycles and Calls for Police Service.” The 57th Annual

Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

Cancino, Jeffrey, Sean Varano, and Roger Enriquez

2005 “Institutional Correlates of Crime: A Local Test of Institutional Anomie Theory.” The

42nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois.

Sean Varano, Joseph Schafer, Jeffrey Cancino

2004 “Translating Calls for Service into Official Incidents: Contextual Determinants of Police

Discretion.” The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology.

Nashville, Tennessee.

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael, Sean Varano, and Joe Schafer

2004 “Satisfaction with Police: A Contextual Analysis of Latino and Non-Latino

Perceptions.” The 41st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,

Las Vegas, Nevada.

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael and Roger Enriquez.

2004 “A Qualitative Analysis of Officer Peer Retaliation: Preserving the Police Culture.”

The 41st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas,


Cancino, Jeffrey Michael.

2002 “Collective Efficacy and Quality of Life in Nonmetropolitan Settings: Policy

Implications Beyond the Urban Box.” The 39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of

Criminal Justice Sciences, Anaheim, California.

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael and Michael D. Reisig

2002 “Social Disorganization, Collective Efficacy and Quality of Life in Nonmetropolitan

Settings.” The 39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,

Anaheim, California.

Cancino, Jeffrey Michael and Sean P. Varano

2001 “Es La Cultura: The Mediating Effect of the Hispanic Culture on Strain Theory.” The

38th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, Presentations:

Cancino, Jeffrey, Jonathan Allen, and Issac Brewer

2010 “Utilizing Multi-data Sources to Better Understand Characteritics Associated with Alcohol.”

Presented at the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

3. Consultancies:

A Multi-city Assessment of Juvenile Delinquency in the US: A Continuation and Expansion of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study. Funded Fall 2006 by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), PI's Phil He and Inika Marshall, Northeastern University. Served as consultant: San Antonio Site Coordinator.

4. Workshops:

Adobe Connect Online Teaching Workshop (Patrick Smith, Instructor) Texas State University (Fall 2008)

Racial Democracy, Crime & Justice-Network Summer Workshop, July 26-27 (2006, 2007, 2008 ) Criminal Justice Research Center, The Ohio State University

National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop, January 23, 2004, University of Texas-San Antonio.

5. Other:

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:


Cancino, Jeffrey M.

2012-2013. At Risk Hispanic Gangs: Long-Term Consequences for HIV, Hepatitis and STI. Research

Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Program. National Institutues of

Health. National Institute of Drug Abuse. Award Amount: $70,063.

McCluskey, John, Robert Tillyer, Marie Tillyer, and Jeffrey M. Cancino

2009-2011 BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Data Driven Approaches to

Preventing and Reducing Violent Crime. Crime Analysis Consortium (CAC): Building Capacity in

Bexar County, Texas. Bureau of Justice Assistance: $371,522 awarded.

Cancino, Jeffrey M. and Brian Withrow (SAPD Contract)

2009-2010. Racial Profiling Data Analysis (RFP). San Antonio Police Department: $25,000 awarded.

Martinez, Pablo and Jeffrey Cancino (State of Texas Contract)

2008-2009 Weighted Enforcement System (WES) for Child Care Licensing-Phase II. Funded for

$127,000 by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) from September 1,

2008 to August 31, 2009.

Martinez, Pablo and Jeffrey Cancino (State of Texas Contract)

2007-2008 Develop a Risk Score Instrument for Day Care Center Facilities. Funded for $124,827 by the

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) from September 1, 2007 to August

31, 2008

Martinez, Pablo and Jeffrey Cancino (State of Texas Contract)

2007-2008 Develop a Classification System for the Texas Youth Commission (TYC), July 2007.

Funded for $147,970 by the TYC for September 1, 2007 through August 31, 2008

Westside San Antonio Family Security Index/Portfolio Project. Annie E. Casey Foundation, Funded $63,368. Awarded July 2002. Principal Investigator.

2. Submitted, but not funded, External Grants and Contracts:

The Criminal Investigations Process: A Multi-site Study. Solicitaion SL#000963: Research and Evaluation in Crime Control and Prevention. National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research on Police Investigations, 1.5 Million. Submitted March 2011. Co-PIs: Drs. Craig Uchida, Roger Parks, Steve Mafstroski, John Klofas, and John McCluskey.

Filling the Analytical Void and Sustaining the Intelligence Capcity along the Laredo-San Antonio 1-35 Corrdior: Establishing a University-Law Enforcement Data Analysis Partnership/Center (partners: SAPD, LPD, Webb Co. Sheriff Deprartment, Texas A&M International University-Laredo). Federal ear-mark appropriations request Department of Justice: 3,105,308.46.

Southwest Texas Strategic Violence Reduction Consirtium. National Institute of Justice (NIJ), $332,449. Submitted July 2009, Co-PI Dr. Quint Thurman.

A Process and Outcome Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) Treatment Programs. National Institute of Justice (NIJ), $664,096. Submitted April 2009, Co-PI with Dr. Pablo Martinez.

The Effects of Economic and Noneconomic Institutions on White, Black, and Latino Homicides in a Majority-Minority Community. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, $19,211, Submitted August 2005, principal investigator.

Exploring Situational Aspects of Robbery: A Tale of Two Cities. National Institute of Justice (NIJ), $276,823, Submitted December 2004, co-principal investigator with John McCluskey, Cynthia Perez-McCluskey, and Roger Enriquez.

Building Community Capacity to Reduce Drugs and Drug Crime in a Latino Community: Processes and Outcomes. National Institute of Justice (NIJ), $250,000, Submitted December 2004, co-principal investigator with John McCluskey, Cynthia Perez-McCluskey, and Roger Enriquez.

The Utility of ArcView Geographic Information Systems in a Community Policing Era: An Evaluation Tool-kit for Police Departments. Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG), $47,450, Submitted January 2004, principal investigator.

The Utility of ArcView Geographic Information Systems: An Evaluation Tool-kit for Police Departments in the 21st Century. Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG), $49,979, Submitted November 2002, principal investigator

Collective Efficacy, Culture, and Religion: Latino Neighborhood Quality of Life. National Institute of Health (NIH), $105,000, Submitted August 2002, principal investigator.

Community Cohesion/Dissolution: Applying Indicator Theory in Community Settings. San Antonio Area Foundation, $18,264, Submitted November 2001, principal investigator.

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Texas State University Library Research Grant, Spring, 2006, principal investigator: $3,000.

Small Research Grant College of Public Policy UTSA Office of the Dean, Spring 2004, principal investigator: $1000.

4. Submitted, but not funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

Joann Cole Mitte Faculty Grant for Excellence Texas State University ($25,000, Fall 2007), Understanding San Antonio Homicide: The Influence of Politics, Religion, Culture, and Local Economic Institutions.

Ethical Climates in Police Departments: An International Study. Texas State University Research Enhancement Grant, submitted Fall 2006, co-principal investigator with Joycelyn Pollock.

Social Disorganization, Collective Efficacy, and the Hispanic Culture: The Next Truly Disadvantaged?, UTSA Faculty Research Award, $5,000, Submitted Fall 2001, principal investigator.

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

College Dean Nominee, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities (Fall, 2008, Fall 2009).

Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, Runner-Up (Fall, 2007).

Texas State University Graduating Student Recognition of Campus Support Program (Michael Eagan and Jason Sahley, Graduate Students, Fall 2007).

Texas State University Graduating Student Recognition of Campus Support Program (Robert Almanza, Undergraduate Student, Summer 2007).

Texas State University Graduating Student Recognition of Campus Support Program (Daniel Ellis, Undergraduate Student, Spring 2007).

Nominated for UTSA President’s Distinguished Research Achievement Award (2004)


A. University

Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Award Committee Member (Spring 2011-Current)

College of Applied Arts Research Enhnacement Program Committee Chair (Fall 2008-2011)

Texas State University Presidential Seminar Award Committee Member (Spring 2008-2010)

Texas State University Presidential Award for Excellence and Scholarly Activity Committee Member (Spring, 2008-2010).

College of Education Review Group Tenure and Promotion Cycle (Spring 2008)

College of Applied Arts University Council Committee Member (Fall, 2007-2011)

College of Applied Arts Representative for Scholarly and Creative Awards (Fall, 2007)

College of Education Review Group Tenure and Promotion Cycle (Fall 2007)

College of Applied Arts Research Enhancement Program Representative (2006-2007)

Member, Texas State University Graduate Faculty Committee (2005-present)

Member, UTSA University IT Research Advisory Council (2003-2004, 2005)

UTSA Library Liaison (2002-2004)

Primary Faculty Advisor to UTSA La Despedida Student Organization (September 2002; faculty advisor February 2002-2003).

Chair, UTSA College of Public Policy Faculty Development & Research Committee (2003-2005)

Member, UTSA College of Public Policy Travel Committee (2003-2004)

Chair, UTSA College of Public Policy Travel Committee (2004-2005)

Banner Marshal for UTSA Graduation Ceremonies (Fall 2001, Spring and Fall 2002; Spring 2003)

Stage College of Public Policy Party Representative for UTSA Graduation Ceremonies (Spring 2004)

B. Departmental:

Doctoral Comprehensive Exams Committee (Spring & Fall 2011)

Self Report Faculty Evaluation Committee Member (Spring 2010)

Lecturer Position Search Committee Member (Spring 2008)

Full Professor Search Committee Member (Spring 2008)

Associate Professor Search Committee Member (Spring 2008)

Mitte Chair Criminal Justice Research Professor Search Committee Member (Spring, 2007)

Academic Governance Committee (Spring, 2007).

Full Professor Search Committee Member (Fall 2007)

Associate Professor Search Committee Member (Fall 2007)

Invited and participated in Hispanic Leaders in Criminal Justice: A Panel Discussion (Fall, 2007)

Member, Strategic Planning Committee (2006)

Participated in May 2006 Graduation

Participated in Graduation as Undergraduate Marshal (Fall 2006)

Participated in Bobcat Day (Fall 2006)

Member, Doctoral Curriculum Committee (2005-present)

Comprehensive exam reviewer Texas State Univ. (Fall 2005; Fall 2006; Fall 2007, Fall 2008)

Chair, UTSA Criminal Justice Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Student Writing Assessment (2002)

Member, UTSA Criminal Justice Policy Admissions Studies Committee (2002-2004)

Faculty Advisor UTSA Criminal Justice Forum (2002-2004)

Member, UTSA Criminal Justice Faculty Merit Appraisal Committee (submitted 2001 Annual Report January 2002).

Member, UTSA Criminal Justice Search Committee (2001-2003)

Chair, UTSA Associate Professor Search Committee (2003-2004)

Member, UTSA Associate/Full Professor Search Committee (2004-2005)

Member, UTSA Criminal Justice Faculty Development and Research Committee (2001-2002)

Member, UTSA Scholarship Committee (2003-2005)

Chair, UTSA Criminal Justice Faculty Development and Research Committee (2003-2005)

Secretary, UTSA Department of Criminal Justice Faculty Secretary (2003-2005)

Developed and graded graduate comprehensive exam question (2004)

Letters of recommendation for several UTSA students

Graduate recruitment fair UTSA, participant (2002-2003)

C. Community:

Interview with San Antonio Express News about San Antonio homicides (2004)

Interview with San Antonio Express News about Laredo Paternity (2004)

Served as external evaluator for Senior Seminar Criminology presentations at St. Mary's University (2003)

Interview with San-Antonio Express News about rural law enforcement (2002)

D. Professional:

American Academy of Criminal Justice (ACJS), Membership Committee with Drs. Sean Varano, Beth Huebner, Joe Schafer, and Natasha Frost (2008-2009)

Ad hoc reviewer Homicide Studies (Fall 2011)

Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Criminal Justice (Fall 2008)

Ad hoc reviewer for Criminology (Spring 2008)

Reviewer for Journal of Ethncity in Criminal Justice (Fall, 2007)

Reviewer for Journal of Criminal Justice Education (Fall, 2007)

Reviewer for Western Criminology Review (Summer, 2007)

Reviewer for Wadsworth Press, July 2002

Reviewer for Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management

E. Organizations

1. Honorary:

2. Professional:


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