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Abnormal Behaviour (HL)Studies ReviewTopicContentStudiesFactors Influencing DiagnosisNormality vs. Abnormality Rosenhan and Seligman (1989) – 7 Criteria for AbnormalityJahoda (1958) – 6 Characteristics of ideal mental healthRosenhan (1973) – Being sane in insane placesClassification SystemsRosenhan (1973) – Being sane in insane places (DSM)Chmielewski et al (2015) – DSM5The Role of Clinical Biases in DiagnosisLangwieler and Linden (1993) – Clinicians Theoretical OrientationFurnham and Malik (1994) – Reporting Bias British AsiansLin, Carter and Kleinman (1985) – Somatization refugees, immigrants Validity and Reliability of DiagnosesRosenhan (1973) – Being sane in insane placesChmielewski et al (2015) – DSM5Validity of DiagnosesRosenhan (1973) – Being sane in insane placesCooper (1972) – Validity DSM-IIReliability of DiagnosisChmielewski et al (2015) – DSM5Rosenhan (1973) – Being sane in insane places(Beck 1962, Kendall 1974, Di Nardo 1993)Etiology of Abnormal PsychologyBiological ExplanationsKendler (2006) – Swedish TwinsCaspi et al (2003) – 5HTT Gene“Serotonin Hypothesis”Cognitive ExplanationsAlloy, Abramson and Francis (1999) – Negative Cognitive StyleCaseras et al. (2007) – Attention BiasBeck (1967) Cognitive Theory of Depression Sociocultural ExplanationsBrown and Harris (1978) – Vulnerability FactorsRosenquist et al (2011) – Symptoms of Depression in social networkPrevalence Rates and DisordersKessler and Bromet (2013) – Prevalence Rates for DepressionFactors influencing prevalence rates (classification system, reporting bias, culture)Symptoms for DepressionTreatment of DisordersBiological TreatmentTADS (2004) – Antidepressants and psychotherapy Kirsch (2014) – Criticism Psychological TreatmentDeRubeis et al (2005) – Response and RemissionHollon et al (2005) – Relapse RatesThe Role of Culture in TreatmentKinzie et al (1987) – ComplianceGriner and Smith (2006) – Effectiveness of culturally sensitive treatment Assessing the Effectiveness of TreatmentsJacobson et al (1996) – Dismantling Design(Eysenek 1952, Smith and Glass 1977, Wampold 2007)Must be able to identify research studies (two each) for ethical considerations and research methods for each topic. ................

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