Critical Care Nursing Quarterly (CCNQ) Instructions for AuthorsRevised May 2019Journal PurposeThe primary objective of Critical Care Nursing Quarterly (CCNQ) is to serve as a resource for continuing education and the clinical practice of critical care. Each issue addresses a timely topic of vital importance to nurses directly involved in the management of critically ill patients and their families, and will be suitable for use as a supplementary text as well as a journal and reference work.Publication PolicyThe content of Critical Care Nursing Quarterly is topical and consists of articles written by various members of the multidisciplinary critical care team. Although the content of the issue is designed for direct application to clinical nursing practice, basic research is included when it is deemed essential to support a comprehensive presentation of a subject. Material from management, legal, behavioral and other supporting sciences will also be judiciously selected in order to enhance certain topics.Manuscript Submission To be considered for publication in this journal, articles should reflect the contemporary needs of clinicians, reflect all requirements set forth in the instructions for authors, and be transmitted electronically to the editor, Janet M. Barber (duvalfarm1@). Each submission must be accompanied by the following forms: Electronically completed Copyright Transfer Agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”. If the article is not accepted for publication, the copyright assignment will automatically return to the author.Article Submission Form (attached)For Questions related to manuscript submission or preparation, please contact the Editorial Office of CCNQ: Janet M. Barber, Editor, CCNQ (duvalfarm1@). Manuscript Preparation InstructionsSoftware and General Formatting RequirementsOur preferred software used to compose manuscripts is Microsoft Word?. All sections of the manuscript should be double spaced (including quotations, lists, and references, footnotes, figure captions, and all parts of tables).Types of ArticlesOriginal work (Clinical Investigation, Basic Science)Review articleEditorialLetters to the editorOrder of Submitted FilesManuscripts should be ordered as follows: cover letter, title page, abstracts, text, tables, figures, references, and appendices, Cover LetterA cover letter should be included addressing the following: Identify the type of article and confirm that it complies with all instructions to authorsIndicate that authorship requirements have been met and all authors and the final manuscript was approved by all authorsConfirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journalConfirm that the source of funding for the study, potential conflicts of interest for all authors, adhering to ethical guidelines, use of informed consent, and ethical approvals (IRB) are described in the manuscript, if applicableTitle PageTitle page should include the in the following order: Title of the article (no subtitles) Author names (with highest academic degrees) and affiliations (including titles, departments, and name and location of institutions of primary employment) Corresponding author's name and complete address including email Any acknowledgments, credits, or disclaimersConflicts of interest and source of funding Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript.For example: Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.Key Words - include 3-5 key words that describe the contents of the article like those that appear in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) or the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (Mesh)Word count (excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references)Number of figures and tablesAbstractStructured abstracts for original work submissions should be no more than 200 words in length and include the following sections without headings: Background/objective (what was observed or investigated), Subjects/Methods, Results and Conclusions. Abstract for other types of articles do not have to have those headings. The results should include data values not just descriptive terms.BodyThe text should be written in standard scientific English and carefully proofread. The text should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. These should be followed by Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables. Conclusions should not extend beyond what the data indicate. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided wherever possible and defined on first use. Arabic numbers should be used for in-text citations (set within parentheses) numbered consecutively.TablesTables should be created using Microsoft Word, with each appearing be on a separate page. They should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text and have a brief title on each. There should be clear indication or citation of the placement of all tables in text. Abbreviations should all be defined within the table or as a explanatory footnote. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in this sequence: *, ?, ?, ?, ||,**, ??, etc.Artwork / FiguresFigures should each appear on a separate page following the tables. They should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text and have a brief title on each. There should be clear indication or citation of the placement of all figures in text. Abbreviations should all be defined within the figure legend. Include figure captions in a separate section at the end of the manuscript, defining all abbreviations and providing sufficient information to interpret the figure without reading the text.All illustrations must be provided in professional-quality, finished form, ready for direct reproduction without revision. All artwork / figures are to be submitted electronically as a tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or as an Encapsulated Post Script (EPS) file in Adobe Illustrator?, Adobe Photoshop?, or QuarkXpress?. Figures should be created using electronic software (i.e., Adobe Illustrator?, Adobe Photoshop?, or Quark Xpress?. Please save files in both the application in which they were created (i.e., Microsoft Word) and as either EPS or TIFF files. Use computer-generated lettering. Do not use screens, color, shading, or fine lines.PermissionsAuthors are responsible for obtaining signed letters from copyright holders granting permission to reprint material being borrowed or adapted from other sources, including previously published material of your own. This includes forms, checklists, cartoons, text, tables, figures, exhibits, glossaries, and pamphlets; concepts, theories, or formulas used exclusively in a chapter or section; direct quotes from a book or journal that are over 30% of a printed page; and all excerpts from newspapers or other short articles. Without written permission from the copyright holder, these items may not be used. Authors are responsible for any permission fees to reprint borrowed material. If you use data from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission and acknowledge fully. Include a source line. Type "Source: Author" on tables that you created.ReferencesReferences should be on a separate page at the end of the article. References must be cited in text and styled in a reference list. Arabic numbers should be used for in-text citations (set within parentheses at point of citation) and should be listed in numerical order in text in the reference section.References should follow that of The Journal of the American Medical Association. An EndNote template may be used. The style is according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Ed. 10, Copyright 2007, AMA.Examples of correctly styles references: Journals: Author, article title, journal, year, volume, inclusive pages. Doe J. Allied medical education. JAMA. 1975;23:170-184.Doe J. Drug use during high school. Am J Public Health. 1976;64(5):12-22.Books: Author, book title, place of publication, publisher, year. Farber SD. Neurorehabilitation: A Multisensory Approach. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders; 1982. Winawar S, Lipkin M. Proliferative abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. In: Card WI, Creamer B, eds. Modern Trends in Gastroenterology. 4th ed. London, England: Butterworth & Co; 1970.For multiple authors in journals and books: If six or fewer, list all authorsIf more than six, list the first three followed by et al.If referencing software such as Endnote is used for citations, all references should be converted to plain text prior to submission. Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those used in the latest edition of Index Medicus and on MEDLINE.List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first three, then “et al.”Page numbers should appear with the text citation following a specific quote.What to Expect after SubmissionThe editor will review all submissions and determine whether the work meets criteria for publication in CCNQ. External, blind peer review will follow. Authors will typically receive notification of acceptance or the need for further manuscript revisions within 30 days after receipt. All comments are reviewed by the editor and an initial decision is made and communicated to the corresponding author. If revisions are requested, authors will be provided with the reviewer’s and editor’s comments to ensure that each point is addressed in the revised manuscript. Additional rounds of peer review and revisions may occur. The Editor will notify the corresponding author of the publication decision and will communicate provisional schedules related to journal publication. The corresponding author will be tasked with reviewing page proofs and responding to queries from the production staff. Other InformationA number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism.Invited PapersInvited papers should follow the same requirements set forth in these author instructions.Critical Care Nursing Quarterly Article Submission FormPlease complete one form per author and submission along with the completed manuscript Title of Article: Click here to enter text.Author InformationName: Click here to enter text.Degrees: Click here to enter text.Professional Title: Click here to enter text.Business Institution: Click here to enter text.Business Department: Click here to enter text.Business Address (with Zip Code):Click here to enter text. Business Phone: Click here to enter text.Business Fax: Click here to enter text. Home Address (with Zip Code): Click here to enter text.Home Phone: Click here to enter text.Preferred E-mail: Click here to enter text.**Note: We email page proofs as PDFs to the corresponding author only** ................

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