1. Agenda Item Title: Request for approval for starting salary in excess of salary schedule maximum.

Meeting Date: May 31 ? June 1, 2012


Board of Regents approval is required for faculty hires when the employment salary exceeds the maximum amount on the salary schedule. University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) requests such approval for the appointment of Hiren Patel, M.D., as Assistant Professor, Pulmonology and Critical Care, in the Department of Internal Medicine, Las Vegas, UNSOM. Dr. Patel's full salary will be supported by University Medical Center (UMC) funds.

3. SPECIFIC ACTIONS BEING RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED: President Marc A. Johnson requests approval of employment of Hiren Patel, M.D. as an Assistant Professor, Pulmonology and Critical Care, in the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine, at a salary of $290,000, which exceeds the maximum on the salary schedule of $184,224.

4. IMPETUS (WHY NOW?): The goal of hiring this position is to improve quality of care in the Intensive Care Unit setting by bringing in physicians trained in cutting edge technologies. Medical students and residents caring for these patients require intensive supervision and specialized training. This will improve the quality of the resident and student training, plus help develop fellowship training in pulmonary critical care. The long term goal is to train pulmonary critical care physicians who will stay and practice in the state of Nevada. The hiring of these specialists will greatly help UMC-UNSOM grow into a true academic medical center.

Critical care physicians work in the intensive care unit; step down units at UMC hospital, and in the outpatient setting. These doctors take care of the most severely ill patients in the hospital setting, as these patients have multiple complicated medical issues and require advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, require very close monitoring with frequent evaluations. They will provide 24/7 coverage at UMC and be on call for caring for those critically ill patients connected with UMC's Level 1 trauma center.

5. BULLET POINTS TO SUPPORT REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: ? Dr. Patel has the fellowship training and the ability to assume this position. ? UMC has awarded the Critical Care contract to UNSOM; thus, UNSOM is obligated to have the faculty to provide these services on a continuous basis. ? With this position, UNSOM has the potential to generate significant revenue performing procedures as bronchoscopy, chest tube placement, endoscopic ultrasound and other procedures that are reimbursed at a high level. ? The School of Medicine must comply with industry benchmarks to set competitive salaries in order to attract the best individuals for the position. The requested salary falls within the 72nd percentile of the most recent (2009) Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) salary data. ? UMC has committed full salary support. ? UNSOM's team of providers will provide on-site 24/7 coverage ? UMC and UNSOM provide care to a predominately uninsured or underinsured population that make up some of the most critically ill patients in the Southern Nevada region.

Revised: June 2010 (BOARD OF REGENTS' AGENDA 05.31.12 & 06.01.12) Ref. BOR-21, Page 1 of 4

6. POTENTIAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: Physicians and other medical school faculty should be compensated at levels similar to other professors and faculty. 7. ALTERNATIVE(S) TO WHAT IS BEING REQUESTED/RECOMMENDED: Hire a less accomplished individual with compensation within Q2. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH BOARD POLICY:

Consistent With Current Board Policy: Title # 2 Chapter # 5 Section # 5.4.1.; 5.5.2 (seeking


Amends Current Board Policy: Title #_____ Chapter #_____ Section #_______ Amends Current Procedures & Guidelines Manual: Chapter #_____ Section #_______

X Other: Seeking exception to salary schedule.

Fiscal Impact: Yes_____ No_X___

Explain: Dr. Patel's proposed salary of $290,000 will be entirely supported by UMC funds. No state funds will be used to support his salary.

Revised: June 2010 (BOARD OF REGENTS' AGENDA 05.31.12 & 06.01.12) Ref. BOR-21, Page 2 of 4

(BOARD OF REGENTS' AGENDA 05.31.12 & 06.01.12) Ref. BOR-21, Page 3 of 4

(BOARD OF REGENTS' AGENDA 05.31.12 & 06.01.12) Ref. BOR-21, Page 4 of 4


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