Religious Education Matters

1. Plato’s theory has much strength, but the weaknesses outweigh the strengths so I think it is not a convincing view. Plato argued that there is a world of the forms which is where real things are- the forms and that the world around us is an illusion. The other side of the argument is that Aristotle offers a better way of explaining the world because the senses are better and have less problems because you have to see it to be sure it exists and Plato does not do this convincingly. The allegory of the cave is not very good therefore Plato is not convincing. 2. This essay will argue that Plato’s theory of the forms, as outlined in The Republic, is not very convincing due to the strength of the weaknesses put forward by his student, Aristotle. The key point to Plato’s theory of the forms was that there exist two realms: the world of appearances, an illusory world of a posteriori knowledge represented by the cave in his allegory, and the world of the forms, represented by the world outside of the cave. His famous rejection of knowledge based in the senses will be found to be unconvincing due to the strength of the Third Man argument as outlined by Aristotle. Aristotle’s empiricist view of what is real is far more convincing and sensible. Therefore, the statement is false and Plato’s theory is not very convincing. 3. The theory of the Forms is Plato’s answer to two key branches of philosophical enquiry: metaphysics (what exists) and epistemology (what we can know). In his book The Republic, he argues through the mouthpiece of Socrates, that humans rely too heavily on their senses and should not rely on them for any genuine knowledge about reality. For him, knowledge gained through sensory experience is merely ‘doxa’ or opinion, and is far removed from genuine knowledge (episteme) of the truth of the forms. As a rationalist, he believed that it was a priori knowledge which was superior and he explained his dualist understanding of reality through his Allegory of the Cave, exploring it in more detail in the Divided Line and Simile of the Sun. This essay will find that, despite some clear strengths, such as highlighting our need to question the reliability of the senses, Plato’s theory of the forms is, ultimately, not successful. The most destructive criticism is from Aristotle ‘s third man argument which highlights how Plato’s theory of the forms results in a meaningless infinite regression of ‘worlds’ of forms. Ultimately then, it might be argued that since Plato’s ideas are flawed, Aristotle’s empiricism could be seen as a much more convincing account of reality. I was pleased with everyone’s first efforts on their essay writing . Please do not be worried about your mark- it is a new way of approaching material and it is very difficult to get it right first time! Practise makes perfect!*Here is a list of some key targets to work on for next time…State your line of argument from the start and LINK back to it throughout your essay.Give contextual information, especially in your introduction.Go on a QUEST:Quotes, Explanation, Scholars, Technical terms Develop your EVALUATION points in detail and use more evaluative languageUse Adjective, Reason, Explanation. 27366197464400-368935130970Some useful evaluation languageNevertheless..Insofaras…However, on the other hand…Despite…Although… it might be the case that…One may argue… but in fact it is clear that…..It is important to justify….in light of….Under close scrutiny…….stands up to this attack of criticism by…Strengths/weaknesses are overcome/upheldIt might be understandable to… yet…Moderate success/failureTo some/a lesser/a greater extentThe Scholar….. rightly/wrongly argues that….The claim that …… made by …. is overwhelming convincing/weak because….00Some useful evaluation languageNevertheless..Insofaras…However, on the other hand…Despite…Although… it might be the case that…One may argue… but in fact it is clear that…..It is important to justify….in light of….Under close scrutiny…….stands up to this attack of criticism by…Strengths/weaknesses are overcome/upheldIt might be understandable to… yet…Moderate success/failureTo some/a lesser/a greater extentThe Scholar….. rightly/wrongly argues that….The claim that …… made by …. is overwhelming convincing/weak because…. ................

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