A Study on the Relationship between E -CRM Features and E ...

A Study on the Relationship between E-CRM Features and E-Loyalty: the case in UK

A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

April 2011

by Talhat Almohamed Alhaiou

Brunel Business School

PhD Abstract

E-CRM emerges from the Internet and web technology to facilitate the implementation of CRM; it focuses on Internet or web-based interaction between companies and their customers. In particular, E-CRM enables companies to provide appropriate services and products to satisfy the customers and enhance customer loyalty. Furthermore, E-CRM features are vital for managing customer relationships online. They are generally referred to as concrete website functionality or tools and they are required for customising, personalising and interacting with the customer. Without E-CRM features, CRM could not be realised on the Internet.

In fact, in the literature, there appears to be an absence of theoretical models for E-CRM implementation in general, and E-CRM features in particular. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies focusing on identification of the importance and categorisation of E-CRM features within different stages of transaction cycle. Consequently, this dissertation attempts to fill the information gap based on empirical data derived from survey.

The aim of this dissertation was to examine the relationship between E-CRM features and ELoyalty at the different stages of transaction cycle (pre-purchase, at-purchase, and postpurchase) on mobile phone companies websites in UK.

The results from this study show that the use of E-CRM in building consumer relationships affects online consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The efficiency of E-CRM program determine the level of which online features, such as search capabilities, security/privacy, payment methods, and online customer support would be implemented on mobile companies' websites.

This research contributes to knowledge in several ways. Most importantly, it illustrates the roles of E-CRM features in enhancing online consumer loyalty at different stages of purchase cycle leading to long-term consumer relationships. In particular, this research highlights the critical features of E-CRM program, which mobile phone companies' websites in UK should invest in their consumer loyalty strategies.

Keywords: CRM, E-CRM features, Transaction cycle, E-satisfaction, E-Loyalty



This doctoral research effort is dedicated to my parents and my small family, who believed in my ability to achieve this goal. For all your love, support and constant encouragement, this has enabled me to reach this milestone. I could not have imagined achieving this without you all. I have to say special Thank-you to my Mum the greatest person of all times for all the support she provided me with during my lifetime in order to reach to this point.



My thanks goes to the Almighty Allah for helping me to finish this critical stage in my life and giving me the strength to continue studying despite the difficulties I faced during these years.

I can clearly remember the day when I began my journey as a research student at Brunel University, and what made this experience so unique for me revolves around the fact that this degree has prepared me for life, academically, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically. In addition, it has had a tremendously positive impact on my character. I have come to realize that research has taught me much more than publishing papers, reading articles and delivering presentations. It has taught me humility and flexibility.

There are very important people who have helped me reach my goal of completing this doctorate degree. I feel the need to acknowledge them.

I would like to thank my amazing supervisor Professor Zahir Irani, who has been a great support system to me during all stages of this research. I sometimes feel that he offered much more support than what was required of him. He was always there for me at time of need. Zahir, I really appreciate and value your support, patience and friendship throughout this research. I would also like to thank my second supervisor, Dr Mage Ali who encouraged me to do well.

Last, but not least, my warm and heartfelt thanks go to my family for sticking by me in the days and nights that it took to finish this dissertation: my wife, Rania Al-Jammas, and daughter, Kinda; my mother and father; my sisters, brothers in Syria. Without the blessings and support of my whole family, this thesis would not have been possible. Thank you for the strength you gave to me. I love you all!



I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, no portion of the work referred to in this thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree, or qualification, to any other university, or institute of learning. Some of the material contained here has been presented in the form of the following:

Professional Conference Paper (Published)

1. Alhaiou, T., Irani, Z., and Ali, M. (2009). "The Relationship between E-CRM Implementation and E-Loyalty at Different Stages of Transaction Cycle: A Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis". European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. (EMCIS 2009), Izmir, Turkey, (CD-Proceedings).

2. Alhaiou, T., Irani, Z. "An empirical study on the relationship between E-CRM features and eloyalty on mobile phone websites in UK" The Eurasia Business and Economic Society (EBES) Conference ? Istanbul (2011). (Paper Accepted).

Papers Presented (Not Published)

1. "The relationship between the implementation of E-CRM and E-Satisfaction throughout transactional cycle", paper presented at Brunel Business School, PhD Doctoral Symposium 2008, Brunel University.

2. "The relationship between the implementation of E-CRM and E-Loyalty at different Stages of Transaction cycle", paper presented at Brunel Business School, PhD Doctoral Symposium 2009, Brunel University.

3. "The relationship between E-CRM features and E-Loyalty within different Stages of Transaction cycle", paper presented at Brunel Business School, PhD Doctoral Symposium 2010, Brunel University.

Under Review Journal Papers

1. Alhaiou, T., Irani, Z. (2011). "An empirical study on the relationship between E-CRM features and e-loyalty at different Stages of transaction cycle". European Journal of Marketing, (second round).

2. Alhaiou, T., Irani, Z., and Ali, M. (2011). "A study on E-CRM implementation and ELoyalty at different stages of transaction cycle". International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM). (Paper Accepted).



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