4 Cloud Application Benets for Busy Real Estate Agents

4 Cloud Application Bene ts for Busy Real Estate Agents


You're a busy real estate agent. You've just nished showing one apartment and you're heading back to the o ce when your mobile phone rings. A customer has a question about her lease agreement. You can't access the document until you get back to the o ce, so you promise to circle back ASAP.

For real estate agents on-the-go, cloud applications help them manage the crazy apartment hunting season.

Suddenly, your o ce calls and reroutes you for a last-minute showing at one of your listings. You need to call the current residents and give them a heads-up. Unfortunately, you don't have their contact information saved in your mobile phone through cloud applications and can't nd it in your email. So, you have to call the o ce and ask someone to look it up in your CRM system. As you're leaving that appointment, you receive a call from another customer, who immediately starts to explain what he wants in an apartment. You scramble for a pen, but even though you started the day with 10 of them, they've all mysteriously vanished. You interrupt the customer and ask if you can call him back when you get to the o ce, but he's on a short break at work and won't be available then. He seems understanding and promises to try you later, but you're pretty sure he'll call another agent instead. You eld a few more calls and show a couple more apartments. By the time you get back to your desk, you have a laundry list of things to look up and calls to return. It doesn't have to be this way, though. With cloud applications, agents can take the o ce technology and

communications systems with them wherever they go. There's no need to follow up on dozens of calls every day, because the answers they need are always at their ngertips. The cloud uni es and streamlines business communications for real estate agencies by providing a wide array of bene ts, including the following:

1. 24/7 Access to Important Documents

When les are stored on an o ce desktop or a local business server, agents need to be sitting down in front of a computer to pull up important documents. They won't have many opportunities for that during the busy apartment hunting season. However, with cloud applications for le storage, they can view, edit, and share documents from their smartphones. When a highmaintenance customer calls to add a few more bullet points to her apartment wish list, an agent can easily update the document on the


2. Improved Team Collaboration

Speaking of updating documents on the y, cloud services ensure document control, so when agents collaborate to help a particular customer, everyone can quickly locate the most up-to-date information. Agencies with uni ed communications technology in place have even more ways to collaborate, from sharing information to forwarding calls to video chatting while they're in the eld.

3. A Professional Phone Presence

What looks more professional on a customer's caller ID, a name and mobile number, or a company name and o ce number? With a cloud-based business phone system, each agent's mobile phone connects with the o ce phone network, so outgoing calls register the same way on caller ID, whether agents call from their desk phones or smartphones. Agents can also receive calls on either device and can easily forward calls to colleagues. With uni ed communications systems that also include call recording, agents can capture conversations when they're out and about, then listen to the audio les later when they can take notes. So, even when the pens go missing, information is preserved.

4. Seamless CRM Integrations

Real estate agencies with cloud CRM platforms can already access those applications from any device, but by integrating CRM with other cloud applications, all the information agents need about customers is stored in one place. For instance, when CRM and business phone systems are integrated, all customer interactions are automatically logged in the CRM platform, including any call recordings. Apartment hunting season is a crazy time of year, but cloud applications can add a little sanity and a lot of e ciency to the mix. Do you want to learn more about how agents can better communicate with clients and collaborate with colleagues? Check out other real estate solutions from Vonage Business.


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