Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

Varighed: 1 Days Kursus Kode: M80546


This course introduces the capabilities of Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 that allow you to track and manage the sales process from potential to close. This course provides insight on sales process information, and introduces the tools available to analyze and report on sales information.

This course guides you through the tools that help make the internal processes simpler and easier so your sales force can focus on what is important--creating a differentiated experience for your customers.


This course is intended for individuals that plan to implement, use, maintain, or support Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 in their organization. The training is intended for sales representatives, administrators, office managers, CEOs, and consultants who want to learn the available sales features within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Understand the context of Sales Management and review real-life sales scenarios

Identify how the various elements of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Sales fit together

Review the basic terminology used throughout the application.

Review how the basic flow of sales activity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM begins with the entry of leads, and review ways to manage leads in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Identify the role of leads, and when they can be used

Know the Lead to Opportunity process and the roles of these records.

Work with Sales Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Explore the steps to create and maintain Competitors.

Identify the features and benefits of the product catalog.

Create and maintain unit groups for the product catalog.

Add products to the product catalog, and describe the use of kit products and substitute products.

Create price lists and configure as appropriate for different customers, marketing campaigns and special offers.

Set up different price lists for different types of customers and marketing campaigns

Utilize the tools to available within Microsoft Dynamics CRM to capture important sales information and uncover new business opportunities.

Identify how Goal Management enables organizations to manage and analyze performance.

Use the Sales Analysis tools that Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides analyze and report on sales-related information


Before attending this course, students must have:

General knowledge of Microsoft Windows General knowledge of Microsoft Office An understanding of Customer Relationship Management solution processes and practices

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Module 1: Introduction to Sales

This is an important part of the sales process Lessons


because this is where the sales team spends line


most of its time and effort. The process of

Lead to Opportunity Process Form and

working on an opportunity may include

Process Ribbon

The Sales module within Microsoft Dynamics several customer interactions. How well the

Convert Activity Records to Leads

CRM provides a flexible framework for

sales team manages this stage can mean the Qualifying and Disqualifying Leads

organizations to track, manage, and analyze difference between a win and a loss.

Create, Maintain, and Use Sales Literature

parts of their sales cycle as well as its overall line

Create, Maintain, and Use Competitors


Adding Line Items (Opportunity Products)



to Opportunities


Quote Management

This course describes the components used in Customer Scenarios

Working with Orders

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Management Basic Record Types

Working with Invoices

and explains how they can apply to various

Create Opportunities and Work with

Configuring Goal Metrics

business scenarios. It also details the entities

Opportunity Form

Configuring Fiscal Periods

or record types that Microsoft Dynamics CRM Changing Opportunity Status

Creating and Assigning Goal Records

uses to track sales from potential to close. With The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product

Creating and Recalculating Parent and

this information, organizations can determine


Child Goal Records

which aspects of the Sales module framework Unit Groups

Creating a Rollup Query

are appropriate for their organization

Adding and Maintaining Products


Creating, Maintaining and Using Price

Lab : Sales Order Process




Currency Management


Creating a Price List

After completing this module, students will

Customer Scenarios

Running Built-in Reports

be able to:

Basic Record Types

Exporting Sales Information to Excel


Create Opportunities and Work with

Working with Charts and Dashboards

List the business scenarios that might

Opportunity Form

Working with System Charts from the

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Changing Opportunity Status

Opportunity List

Sales Management.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product

Working with Dashboards

Describe the role of the core record types


Create a New Dashboard in the

used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales

Unit Groups



Adding and Maintaining Products

Sharing DASHBOARDS, Charts and

Discuss when and how to use the

Creating, Maintaining and Using Price Lists

Advanced Find Queries

Competitors and Sales Literature record

Currency Management


Creating a Price List

Lab : Managing Sales Opportunities

Create and work with new and existing

Running Built-in Reports



Exporting Sales Information to Excel

Describe the relationship between

Working with Charts and Dashboards

After completing this module, students will customer records and sales records.

Working with System Charts from the

be able to:

Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

Opportunity List


and the roles of these records.

Working with Dashboards

List the business scenarios that might

Understand how to work with Sales

Create a New Dashboard in the Workplace

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Sharing DASHBOARDS, Charts and

Sales Management.

Explore the steps to create and maintain

Advanced Find Queries

Describe the role of the core record types


used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales

On a conceptual level, describe

After completing this module, students will Management.

Opportunity records.

be able to:

Discuss when and how to use the

Create, work with, close, and reopen


Competitors and Sales Literature record

Opportunity records.

List the business scenarios that might


Describe the different statuses of an

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Create and work with new and existing




Use the assign functionality in Microsoft

Describe the role of the core record types

Describe the relationship between

Dynamics to assign opportunities to other

used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales

customer records and sales records.



Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

Manage opportunities from system views.

Discuss when and how to use the

and the roles of these records.

Identify the features and benefits of the

Competitors and Sales Literature record

Understand how to work with Sales

product catalog.


Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Create and maintain unit groups for the

Create and work with new and existing

Explore the steps to create and maintain

product catalog.



Add products to the product catalog, and

Describe the relationship between customer On a conceptual level, describe

describe the use of kit products and

records and sales records.

Opportunity records.

substitute products.

Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

Create, work with, close, and reopen

Create price lists and configure them as

and the roles of these records.

Opportunity records.

appropriate for different customers,

M80546 44 88 18 00

Understand how to work with Sales

Describe the different statuses of an

marketing campaigns, and special offers.

Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


Demonstrate how to add line items to an

Explore the steps to create and maintain

Use the assign functionality in Microsoft



Dynamics to assign opportunities to other

Demonstrate how to generate quotes from

On a conceptual level, describe Opportunity users.

an opportunity.


Manage opportunities from system views.

Describe how to work with different

Create, work with, close, and reopen

Identify the features and benefits of the


Opportunity records.

product catalog.

Create and edit quotes, orders, and

Describe the different statuses of an

Create and maintain unit groups for the

invoices in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


product catalog.

Describe the process of converting a quote

Use the assign functionality in Microsoft

Add products to the product catalog, and

to an order.

Dynamics to assign opportunities to other

describe the use of kit products and

Create and manage sales goals for


substitute products.

individuals, teams, and the organization.

Manage opportunities from system views.

Create price lists and configure them as

Configure fiscal periods.

Identify the features and benefits of the

appropriate for different customers,

Define Parent and Child Goal Records.

product catalog.

marketing campaigns, and special offers.

Work with individual Goal records.

Create and maintain unit groups for the

Demonstrate how to add line items to an

Create rollup queries.

product catalog.


Retrieve important sales information with

Add products to the product catalog, and

Demonstrate how to generate quotes

Lists, Views, and Charts.

describe the use of kit products and

from an opportunity.

Review potential opportunities, forecast

substitute products.

Describe how to work with different

revenue, and analyze sales productivity

Create price lists and configure them as


with Sales Reports.

appropriate for different customers,

Create and edit quotes, orders, and

Export the results of an Advanced Find or

marketing campaigns, and special offers.

invoices in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

view a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet

Demonstrate how to add line items to an

Describe the process of converting a

using the Export to Excel feature.


quote to an order.

Create and manage sales goals for

Demonstrate how to generate quotes from

Create and manage sales goals for

individuals, teams, and the organization.

an opportunity.

individuals, teams, and the organization.

Create and share personal charts and

Describe how to work with different

Configure fiscal periods.

system charts.


Define Parent and Child Goal Records.

Work with and create dashboards.

Create and edit quotes, orders, and invoices Work with individual Goal records.

in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Create rollup queries.

Module 6: Metrics and Goals

Describe the process of converting a quote

Retrieve important sales information with line

to an order.

Lists, Views, and Charts.

Create and manage sales goals for

Review potential opportunities, forecast

Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses two record

individuals, teams, and the organization.

revenue, and analyze sales productivity

types known as Goal Metrics and Goals.

Configure fiscal periods.

with Sales Reports.

These record types combine to provide a

Define Parent and Child Goal Records.

Export the results of an Advanced Find or powerful, flexible set of goal management

Work with individual Goal records.

view a Microsoft Office Excel

features. Goal management allows

Create rollup queries.

spreadsheet using the Export to Excel

organizations to track individual, team, and

Retrieve important sales information with


organizational progress toward specific goals.

Lists, Views, and Charts.

Create and manage sales goals for


Review potential opportunities, forecast

individuals, teams, and the organization.

revenue, and analyze sales productivity with Create and share personal charts and


Sales Reports.

system charts.


Export the results of an Advanced Find or

Work with and create dashboards.

Lead to Opportunity Process Form and

view a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet

Process Ribbon

using the Export to Excel feature.

Module 4: Working with the Product

Convert Activity Records to Leads

Create and manage sales goals for


Qualifying and Disqualifying Leads

individuals, teams, and the organization.


Create, Maintain, and Use Sales Literature

Create and share personal charts and

Create, Maintain, and Use Competitors

system charts.

This course describes the role of the product Adding Line Items (Opportunity Products)

Work with and create dashboards.

catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the

to Opportunities

benefits of using it. It shows the tasks that are Quote Management

Module 2: Lead Management

required to configure a product catalog,

Working with Orders


including setting up and maintaining unit

Working with Invoices

groups, products, and price lists. It also

Configuring Goal Metrics

This module introduces the tracking and

describes and demonstrates the important

Configuring Fiscal Periods

management features of the Sales module in role of the product catalog and price lists in

Creating and Assigning Goal Records

Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It is rare that two the sales process.

Creating and Recalculating Parent and

organizations follow the same sales process, line

Child Goal Records

even if the organizations are within the same

Creating a Rollup Query

industry. For this reason, Microsoft Dynamics Lessons

CRM does not dictate a rigid process. Instead it line

Lab : Goal Management for

provides a framework around which an

Customer Scenarios

Individuals?Implement a Goal Metric

organization can build a custom sales process. Basic Record Types


M80546 44 88 18 00


Create Opportunities and Work with

Opportunity Form

After completing this module, students will

This module describes the components of the Changing Opportunity Status

be able to:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales process. It also The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product


details the entities or record types Microsoft


List the business scenarios that might

Dynamics CRM uses to track sales from

Unit Groups

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM

potential to close. With this information,

Adding and Maintaining Products

Sales Management.

organizations can determine which aspects of Creating, Maintaining and Using Price

Describe the role of the core record types

the sales process framework are appropriate


used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales

for them.

Currency Management



Creating a Price List

Discuss when and how to use the

Running Built-in Reports

Competitors and Sales Literature record


Exporting Sales Information to Excel



Working with Charts and Dashboards

Create and work with new and existing

Lead to Opportunity Process Form and

Working with System Charts from the


Process Ribbon

Opportunity List

Describe the relationship between

Convert Activity Records to Leads

Working with Dashboards

customer records and sales records.

Qualifying and Disqualifying Leads

Create a New Dashboard in the

Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

Create, Maintain, and Use Sales Literature


and the roles of these records.

Create, Maintain, and Use Competitors

Sharing DASHBOARDS, Charts and

Understand how to work with Sales

Adding Line Items (Opportunity Products) to Advanced Find Queries

Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


Explore the steps to create and maintain

Quote Management

Lab : Managing Price List Items


Working with Orders


On a conceptual level, describe

Working with Invoices

Create a Test Opportunity Record, and

Opportunity records.

Configuring Goal Metrics

Add a Price List

Create, work with, close, and reopen

Configuring Fiscal Periods

Opportunity records.

Creating and Assigning Goal Records

Lab : Managing the Product Catalog

Describe the different statuses of an

Creating and Recalculating Parent and Child line


Goal Records

Create Currency

Use the assign functionality in Microsoft

Creating a Rollup Query

Create a Unit Group associated with the

Dynamics to assign opportunities to other



Lab : Create and Disqualify a Lead

Create a Product

Manage opportunities from system views.


Create a Price List and Price List Item

Identify the features and benefits of the

Create a New Lead Record

Tied to the Currency.

product catalog.

Disqualify the Lead Record.

Create and maintain unit groups for the

After completing this module, students will product catalog.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Add products to the product catalog, and

be able to:


describe the use of kit products and


List the business scenarios that might

substitute products.

List the business scenarios that might

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Create price lists and configure them as

benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Sales Management.

appropriate for different customers,


Describe the role of the core record types

marketing campaigns, and special offers.

Describe the role of the core record types

used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales

Demonstrate how to add line items to an

used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales




Discuss when and how to use the

Demonstrate how to generate quotes from

Discuss when and how to use the

Competitors and Sales Literature record

an opportunity.

Competitors and Sales Literature record


Describe how to work with different


Create and work with new and existing


Create and work with new and existing


Create and edit quotes, orders, and


Describe the relationship between

invoices in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Describe the relationship between customer customer records and sales records.

Describe the process of converting a quote

records and sales records.

Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

to an order.

Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

and the roles of these records.

Create and manage sales goals for

and the roles of these records.

Understand how to work with Sales

individuals, teams, and the organization.

Understand how to work with Sales

Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Configure fiscal periods.

Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Explore the steps to create and maintain

Define Parent and Child Goal Records.

Explore the steps to create and maintain


Work with individual Goal records.


On a conceptual level, describe

Create rollup queries.

On a conceptual level, describe Opportunity Opportunity records.

Retrieve important sales information with


Create, work with, close, and reopen

Lists, Views, and Charts.

Create, work with, close, and reopen

Opportunity records.

Review potential opportunities, forecast

Opportunity records.

Describe the different statuses of an

revenue, and analyze sales productivity

Describe the different statuses of an


with Sales Reports.


Use the assign functionality in Microsoft

Export the results of an Advanced Find or

Use the assign functionality in Microsoft

Dynamics to assign opportunities to other

view a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet

M80546 44 88 18 00

Dynamics to assign opportunities to other users. Manage opportunities from system views. Identify the features and benefits of the product catalog. Create and maintain unit groups for the product catalog. Add products to the product catalog, and describe the use of kit products and substitute products. Create price lists and configure them as appropriate for different customers, marketing campaigns, and special offers. Demonstrate how to add line items to an opportunity. Demonstrate how to generate quotes from an opportunity. Describe how to work with different currencies. Create and edit quotes, orders, and invoices in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Describe the process of converting a quote to an order. Create and manage sales goals for individuals, teams, and the organization. Configure fiscal periods. Define Parent and Child Goal Records. Work with individual Goal records. Create rollup queries. Retrieve important sales information with Lists, Views, and Charts. Review potential opportunities, forecast revenue, and analyze sales productivity with Sales Reports. Export the results of an Advanced Find or view a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet using the Export to Excel feature. Create and manage sales goals for individuals, teams, and the organization. Create and share personal charts and system charts. Work with and create dashboards.

Module 3: Working with Opportunity Records line

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, qualified leads, such as those that have estimated revenue associated with them, become opportunities. When a prospect or customer expresses qualified interest in buying the business' products or services, that prospect or customer is considered an opportunity. line

users. Manage opportunities from system views. Identify the features and benefits of the product catalog. Create and maintain unit groups for the product catalog. Add products to the product catalog, and describe the use of kit products and substitute products. Create price lists and configure them as appropriate for different customers, marketing campaigns, and special offers. Demonstrate how to add line items to an opportunity. Demonstrate how to generate quotes from an opportunity. Describe how to work with different currencies. Create and edit quotes, orders, and invoices in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Describe the process of converting a quote to an order. Create and manage sales goals for individuals, teams, and the organization. Configure fiscal periods. Define Parent and Child Goal Records. Work with individual Goal records. Create rollup queries. Retrieve important sales information with Lists, Views, and Charts. Review potential opportunities, forecast revenue, and analyze sales productivity with Sales Reports. Export the results of an Advanced Find or view a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet using the Export to Excel feature. Create and manage sales goals for individuals, teams, and the organization. Create and share personal charts and system charts. Work with and create dashboards.

Module 5: Sales Order Processing line

Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides tools that capture important sales information and uncover new business opportunities. Although quotes, orders, and invoices are important to the sales process and provide a complete view of the customer, implementing a sales process allows users to initiate, track, and close sales consistently and efficiently. line

The product catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps companies build a central repository for managing products, services, charges, and fees. The tasks required to set up a product catalog include setting up and maintaining unit groups, products, and price lists. Microsoft Dynamics CRM also supports discount lists, which help companies provide customers with incentives to buy more products.

using the Export to Excel feature. Create and manage sales goals for individuals, teams, and the organization. Create and share personal charts and system charts. Work with and create dashboards.

Module 7: Sales Analysis line

This module explains the tools that Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides to analyze and report on sales-related information. line

Lessons line

Customer Scenarios Basic Record Types Create Opportunities and Work with Opportunity Form Changing Opportunity Status The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Product Catalog Unit Groups Adding and Maintaining Products Creating, Maintaining and Using Price Lists Currency Management Creating a Price List Running Built-in Reports Exporting Sales Information to Excel Working with Charts and Dashboards Working with System Charts from the Opportunity List Working with Dashboards Create a New Dashboard in the Workplace Sharing DASHBOARDS, Charts and Advanced Find Queries

Lab : Create a New Personal, Sales Dashboard line

Create an advanced find query Create a chart. Create a dashboard, and add the advanced find query and chart to it. Share the dashboard.

After completing this module, students will be able to: line

List the business scenarios that might benefit from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Management. Describe the role of the core record types used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Management. Discuss when and how to use the Competitors and Sales Literature record types. Create and work with new and existing customers. Describe the relationship between customer records and sales records. Examine the Lead to Opportunity process

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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