|RAeS Headquarters, Hamilton Place, London | |

|27th July 2011 at 13:30 | |

| | |

| | |

|Present: | |

| | |

|Ms Nicole Svatek (NS) Chairman | |

|Capt. Charlie Cantan (CC) | |

|Capt. Mike Freeman (MF) | |

|Ms. Sarah Skelton (SS) | |

|Michael Stanway (MS) Acting Chairman | |

| | |

|In Attendance: | |

| | |

|Barry Neal (BN) Chairman HFG | |

| | |

|Agenda | |

| | |

|Apologies for absence | |

|2. Briefing by Chairman CRMSG | |

|3. Review minutes last meeting | |

|4. Conferences | |

|5. Video shop/streaming and content | |

|6. HFG progress on Helios | |

|7. Future Direction of CRMSG | |

|8. Suitable Subjects for CRMSG Work | |

|9. A.O.B. | |

| | |

|Item 1. |ACTION |

|Apologies for absence were received from David Cockburn, Pieter Hemsley and Rick Newson. | |

| | |

|Item 2. | |

|Briefing by Chairman CRMSG | |

| | |

|The Chairman explained that, due to personal circumstances, it had not been possible for her to devote enough time to CRMSG | |

|matters. Consequently, the Group had lost momentum over the last several months. Thanks was expressed to MS for acting as | |

|Chairman over this period and keeping the Group active. However, the Chairman did not feel that it would be possible, in the | |

|foreseeable future, to be able to chair the Group satisfactorily and, reluctantly, she would resign her post as Chairman of the | |

|CRMSG with immediate effect. | |

| | |

|The Chairman handed control of the meeting back to the Acting Chairman and there followed a discussion on the process necessary to | |

|elect a new Chairman. It was suggested that, as there were sufficient members present, a motion could be voted on to elect the | |

|current Acting Chairman to the post as he was willing take on the role. However, it was agreed that presenting the Group with a | |

|fait accompli may not be the best course. It was decided that the Acting Chairman would continue in the role for the present. The| |

|Chairman would invite nominations for the post of Chairman from the Group members. If there was more than one candidate then an | |

|email ballot would take place, to be completed by the end of August 2011. The HFG Chairman reminded the Group that nominees should| |

|be a member of the Society. | |

| | |

|The Acting Chairman thanked the Chairman for the excellent work she had undertaken over the 6 or more years she had chaired the | |

|Group. He expressed the wish of all members of the Group that she continued as a member and contributed her expertise at meetings | |

|whenever she was able. | |

| | |

|Actions: | |

| | |

|The Acting Chairman would continue in post until a formal election process was completed. | |

|The Chairman would initiate a formal process to elect a new Chairman for the Group. | |

| | |

|Item 3. | |

|Review of last minutes | |

| | |

|The last meeting was held in January 2011. There were few members at the meeting and no actions were taken; therefore, no minutes | |

|were produced. Prior meetings had been well in the past and actions from those meetings had been overtaken by events. | |

| | |

|Item 4. |MS |

|Conferences |NS |

| | |

|The Flight Crew Training Conference on 27th & 28th September is entitled “An International Approach to Flight Crew Training | |

|Standards”. It will be attended by the current Chairman, as the CRMSG representative to the FCT Group. One of the main speakers | |

|on day 2 will be Sarah Skelton. Discussions regarding the content of this presentation took place and are to be continued outside | |

|of the meeting. It was noted that the Chairman CRMSG was also a member of the FCT Group. | |

| | |

|Regarding CRMSG sponsored conferences, two suggestions were put forward. The first had a working title of “Fatigue Risk | |

|Management”. Suggested content included Current Research, Regulatory Aspects, Long Haul v Short Haul differences and similarities,| |

|Time Zone effects (Medical input?), Fatigue Awareness understanding and training, Role of SMS in Fatigue Management. | |

| | |

|With the Olympic Games in 2012, and the Society’s requirement for all types of conference to be cleared before advertising, it was | |

|suggested that a date in early October 2012 would be the earliest that could be expected. CC indicated that the Virgin facility in| |

|Crawley (seating approx 120) was available for these type of events; this offer was warmly accepted. However, if larger numbers | |

|were expected then the BA facility, or Hamilton Place, could be utilised. | |

| | |

|It was agreed that this was a subject which could provide suitable material for a worthwhile conference. | |

| | |

|MF was concerned about the wider aspects of CRM training, and suggested that this could make a good platform for a conference. CRM| |

|training, over the years, had become ‘stale’ and should major on Teamwork, and include feedback on Personality and Behaviour. It | |

|was angled towards the classic airline crew/operation model which did not take account of the differing requirements of the GA | |

|community – from private jet operations to PPL level. Furthermore, it was suggested that the training of the first ‘trainers’ was | |

|not as robust as it could have been and this had resulted in the present position regarding CRM training. | |

| | |

|Consideration was given as to how the Group could take forward these concerns. In the longer term, a conference could be arranged.| |

|However, in the short term it was suggested that small seminars, or evening focus groups, could provide the Group with useful input| |

|from GA organizations regarding their perception of the content of current CRM training and any changes necessary. It was further | |

|suggested that group members might give training at flying school level which would have the double benefit of also increasing the | |

|skills of the instructor. However, this could not be given under the RAeS banner. Further work needed to be undertaken to | |

|indentify the best way of progressing this work and it would be included as an agenda item at future meetings. | |

| | |

|Comment was made that neither this group nor the HFG had received any information on recent initiatives by the CRMAP. It | |

|transpired that the Chairman had advised that group she would no longer be representing the HFG. The Chairman HFG agreed to write | |

|the the CRMAP advising them that the new Chairman CRMSG would attend future meetings. | |

| | |

|Actions: | |

| || |

|Work should be initiated to arrange a conference for early October 2012 focussing on Fatigue Risk Management. || |

| || |

|Suggestions were needed on how best to inform the Group on changes to CRM training which would benefit GA operators. This would | |

|become an agenda item. | |

| | |

|Chairman HFG agreed to write to CRMAP advising them of the new HFG representative. | |

| | |

| | |

|Item 5. | |

|Video shop/streaming and download accessibility | |

| | |

|Some videos had been loaded and the system was running. However, it was not known how many of the videos had been converted and | |

|uploaded. Furthermore, no response had been received from Cranfield regarding the services of a student to catalogue the video | |

|content. Another cataloguing source might be a student from London City University through Jane Neal-Smith, a previous CRMSG | |

|Chairman. BN agreed to continue to pursue Cranfield, and MS would approach the London City. Until the cataloguing was completed, | |

|and the controlled access to the videos had been arranged, it would not be possible to advertise their availability. With the | |

|Group’s video “expert” not able to attend the meeting it was not possible to discuss any other work still required to finalise this| |

|project. | |

| | |

| | |

|Action: | |

| | |

|Chairman HFG to continue to seek a student from Cranfield to catalogue videos | |

| | |

|Acting Chairman CRMSG to approach London City University to seek cataloguing assistance. | |

| | |

|Post Meeting Note from RH: Complete videos would be distributed by DVD.  The online streaming component would only for samples of a|All |

|few minutes' duration. Streaming complete videos was time-consuming and bandwidth hogging.  YouTube did not support more than 10 | |

|or 15 minute videos for that reason.  There were also IP address minefields. It would be more straightforward to post online | |

|samples and take orders for physical DVDs (These would come with no-copy NDA notices and a tag for security) |All |

| | |

|Item 6. |BN |

|HFG progress on Helios | |

| | |

|The HFG Chairman reported that no further progress had been made in publishing the Helios paper. He was continuing to work with | |

|the Society to ensure that all necessary procedures were carried out to allow publishing as early as possible. | |

| | |

|Item 7. | |

|Future Direction of CRMSG | |

| | |

|Following the earlier discussions on Conferences, it was agreed that Items 7 and 8 could be discussed as one item. | |

| | |

|It was felt by some members that the Group was not fully representative of the Industry. Despite previous attempts to gain members| |

|from other areas of aviation, membership had been stagnant for some time. CC knew of a Traffic Officer who might be willing to | |

|join the Group. However, this still left some areas, eg Training Schools and Ramp Ops, unrepresented. The Group was reminded that| |

|standing groups only remained formed whilst there was a task to perform and should disband once that task was completed. However, | |

|it was strongly felt by all the members that disbanding the CRMSG would leave a large gap in the CRM/HF oversight of the flight | |

|crew area. | |

| | |

|The discussion then moved onto the need to redefine the Group by way of a name change, or to amalgamate with the CCSG. It was | |

|decided that, although there should be no differentiation between ‘front’ and ‘rear’ crew, the CCSG had specific needs which would | |

|not be best served by amalgamating. A number of suggestions for a name change were put forwards, although it was felt that a |BN |

|simple change of name would not necessarily redefine the Group. The discussions at Item 4 had shown that there was still a | |

|worthwhile task for the Group, but that CRM might be too constraining a title. It was finally agreed that, henceforth, the Group | |

|would be titled HFG OPS & TRG. |MS |

| | |

|Having successfully redefined the Group, and identified suitable areas of work the discussion turned again to group membership. It|| |

|was first agreed that all current members would be invited to remain as part of the HFG Ops & Trg if they so wished. To ensure || |

|that the Group better represented the industry, a representative from a Flying Training establishment should be sought. Also, || |

|greater representation from the Cabin Crew area, and ground staff, would ensure that the Group’s thoughts were not ‘cockpit || |

|centric’. All members were urged to seek out volunteers from those areas of aviation currently not represented within the Group. | |

| | |

|Finally, it was agreed that the Acting Chairman would write to the Chairman HFG laying out the decisions made above regarding the | |

|future of this group. | |

| | |

|Action: | |

| |BN |

|The Group was to be renamed the HFG Ops & Trg. | |

| | |

|All current members would remain members of the Group if they so wished. | |

| | |

|A wider membership base for the Group should be sought. | |

| | |

|The Chairman would inform the Chairman HFG of the decisions made at this meeting. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Item 8. | |

|Suitable Subjects for CRMSG Work | |

| | |

|See Item 7. | |

| | |

|Item 8 | |

|A.O.B. | |

| | |

|There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 16:00. | |

| | |

| | |


| | |

|15th, 16th or 17th November 2011 at Hamilton Place. (Please let Chairman have preferences) | |

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|Michael Stanway | |

|Acting Chairman | |

|3rd August 2011 | |

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|gm8nsz@ | |

|07796 134992 | |

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