Woodland Township, New Jersey

WOODLAND TOWNSHIP COMMITTEEREGULAR MEETINGMay 27, 2020Mayor DeGroff called the regular meeting of the Woodland Township Committee to order. Clerk Brown read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement and a special notice was advertised especially for this meeting due to it being held via conference call. RECORD OF ATTENDANCEMayor DeGroff – present Committeeman Herndon – presentCommitteeman Daniels – presentProfessionalsMr. Leisse, Township Engineer – presentMr. Crook, Township Solicitor – presentMs. Rosmando, CFO – presentMs. Seeland, CTC – presentChief Viscardi, Fire Chief/OEM - presentMs. Brown, Township Clerk/Administrator - present Had members of the public state their names so we knew who attended the meeting.APPROVAL OF MINUTESApproval of Regular Meeting – April 22, 2020Approval of Special Meeting – April 29, 2020Moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve the Regular Meeting of April 22, 2020, as well as the Special Meeting of April 29, 2020. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yesCOORESPONDENCE SUBMISSION OF BILLS AND CLAIMS $471,826.20Current Fund - $ 463,390.66Payroll Account - $ 8254.04Escrow Account - $ 181.50 Capital Account - $ -0-Unemployment Account $ -0-Moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve all bills and claims in the amount of $471,826.20. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yesAPPLICATIONS - NoneORDINANCES 2020-2Establishing a No Parking Zone on Rt. 532 Ms. Brown introduced Ordinance 2020-2, Establishing a No Parking Zone on Rt. 532 . Upon receiving no questions from the public, Ms. Brown called for a motion on Ordinance 2020-2 upon first reading. The motion was made by Committeeman Herndon and 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve Ordinance 2020-2 upon first reading and to authorize the clerk to do all things legally necessary for 1st reading. Votes: DeGroff-Yes, Herndon-Yes, Daniels-Yes2020-3 Amendment of Ordinance 1998-4, 1998-11 & 2001-8Ms. Brown introduced Ordinance 2020-3, Amendment of Ordinance 1998-4, 1998-11 & 2001-8 . Upon receiving no questions from the public, Ms. Brown called for a motion on Ordinance 2020-3 upon first reading. The motion was made by Committeeman Herndon and 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve Ordinance 2020-3 upon first reading and to authorize the clerk to do all things legally necessary for 1st reading. Votes: DeGroff-Yes, Herndon-Yes, Daniels-Yes2020-4 Street Vacation of Giles AvenueMs. Brown introduced Ordinance 2020-4, Street Vacation of Giles Avenue. Upon receiving no questions from the public, Ms. Brown called for a motion on Ordinance 2020-4 upon first reading. The motion was made by Committeeman Herndon and 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve Ordinance 2020-4 upon first reading and to authorize the clerk to do all things legally necessary for 1st reading. Votes: DeGroff-Yes, Herndon-Yes, Daniels-YesOPEN MEETING TO THE PUBLIC (For consent agenda items only)Mayor DeGroff requested a motion to open the meeting to the public for comments on consent agenda items. It was moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels.With no questions or comments, a motion was moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to close the public comment portion. CONSENT AGENDA – RESOLUTIONS(NOTE: consent agenda items are routine and will be enacted with a single motion; any items requiring expenditure are supported by a Certificate of Availability of Funds; and item can be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately at the request of any Committee Member)RESOLUTION 2020-38AUTHORIZING CTC TO PROCESS 3RD QTR EST. BILLSRESOLUTION 2020-39AUTHORIZING CTC TO REFUND OVERPAYMENT (1002/4)RESOLUTION 2020-40AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF DUP. TAX. SALE CERTMoved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve Resolutions 2020-38 to 2020-40. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yesMoved by Mayor DeGroff, 2nd by Committeeman Herndon to approve Resolution 2020-38 with the rate being placed at 102%. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yesOLD BUSINESS NoneNEW BUSINESS – NoneREPORTSTax Collector –April collections – $174,984.71 Are doing estimated bills. Estimated bill is a letter sized bill with 1 stub as opposed to the normal legal-size, 4 stub bill. Will post sample bill in the post office.b. Clerk – 3rd qtr taxes will be due August 1st with grace period to August 10th. April Miscellaneous Collections -$4507.95Next Regular Meeting – unusual date – Tuesday, June 23, 2020 – 6:00 workshop; 7:00 Regularc. Tax Assessor – no report d. CFO – introduction of budget is being held off – waiting on state aidstill running on a temporary budgete. Engineer – See report f. Solicitor – no reportg. OEM – June 1 – November 30 – Hurricane SeasonPaving on Rt. 563 going wellLot of information going on with COVIDKeeping track on paperwork to submit for FEMA reimbursementh. Chief – 41 calls this month; 233 YTDFederal grants applications have been submitted for new truckWorking in Chatsworth Station on repairsCOMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Darlene Hatfield, Savoy Blvd – What is being done about the debris left on 13th Street. Solicitor Crook stated that Mr. Worrell is trying to get contractors to do the work – been held up due to COVID pandemic. Under the understanding that Mr. Worrell is working on getting a contractor. Solicitor Crook recommended giving Mr. Worrell 30 days to move on this or the township will take enforcement action. Moved by Mayor DeGroff to give Mr. Worrell until June 30th to remove the debris and piles, 2nd by Committeeman Herndon. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yes Ken Bowker, Route 563 – questioned why the Memorial Day wreath was not placed at the Veteran Memorial. And would like to have flags replaced. Clerk explained that the flags got torn when they were lower to half mast at the Governor’s orders (at this point Clerk’s electric went out and she wasn’t on the call). Solicitor Crook suggested the wreath wasn’t placed out due to no one being the building due to the pandemic. Ms. Winks stated that if someone called too remind the employees it would have been put out. Mr. Bowker stated he didn’t feel it was his job to remind anyone.Teri Sheerin – questioned the electric bills and why they weren’t reduced when no one is in the building. Are the bills being estimated? Where on the ledger does it show the rental revenue for the courts? (At this point, Clerk came back on) Ms. Sheerin repeated her questions. Clerk explained that the main portion of the bill is for street lighting that we have no control over. Regarding the building bill it has dropped slightly, but actually almost everything is still running except overhead lights – heat, computer, water softener, burglar alarm, video security system – everything is still running. Everyday at least 1 person is still in the building – either Ms. Winks, Ms. Seeland or myself is in. Ms. Sheerin also asked about the Fante’s bill – Chief Viscardi explained there was an incident with a turkey running into the side of the ambulance blowing out window, damaging the door and ripping off the mirror. Ms. Sheerin asked if it was submitted to the insurance and what is our deductible. Clerk Brown explained we have a $1000 deductible and CFO Rosmando explained we received $1300 in reimbursement. Ms. Sheerin also asked about the court revenue and what is it represented in the ledger? Clerk Brown explained it is on the miscellaneous revenue report the Clerk submits. CFO explained that we have not received March and April yet. There is no clause that states they don’t have to pay if the courtroom isn’t being used. COMMITTEE COMMENTS:Derrick DanielsThank Shawn and his team at New Lisbon and around town Started mowing around town – keeping up with the Township bldg. and Transfer Station. Clerk mentioned the township has also taken on mowing the school field, so the school isn’t paying for mowingUsing a larger amount of dumpster spaceFinishing cleaning up Public Works yardMark Herndon Thanked Shawn and crew for everything they are doingMayor DeGroff Thanked Shawn for everything they are doing. County numbers are on the decrease – keep your social distancing. Spoke with Gov. office about NLDC expressed our concerns about what’s going on up there – Gov. office assured us that PPE is being provided to workers and that all residents & staff are being tested. Negative responses are being retested. Numbers seem to show things are getting better. Call volume has slowed down. Apologized for not getting wreath up at memorialGetting an unbelievable amount of trash – not sure if people are home & cleaning or outsiders are coming in. Asked Mr. Leisse to get cost to have gate that can be opened by card so that only residents can access transfer station.Clerk - Reminder that Primary Election Day will be July 7th and will be held at the Elementary School. We didn’t feel we had the ability to handle social distancing here in municipal hall.ADJOURNMENTMoved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to adjourn meeting at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted,Maryalice Brown, RMCTownship Clerk/Administrator ................

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