Woodland Township, New Jersey

WOODLAND TOWNSHIP COMMITTEEREGULAR MEETINGSeptember 23, 2020Mayor DeGroff called the regular meeting of the Woodland Township Committee to order. Clerk Brown read the Open Public Meetings Act StatementRECORD OF ATTENDANCEMayor DeGroff – present Committeeman Herndon – presentCommitteeman Daniels – presentProfessionalsMr. Leisse, Township Engineer – presentMr. Crook, Township Solicitor – presentMs. Rosmando, CFO – presentMs. Seeland, CTC – presentChief Viscardi, Fire Chief/OEM - absentMs. Brown, Township Clerk/Administrator - present Had members of the public state their names so we knew who attended the meeting.APPROVAL OF MINUTESApproval of Workshop Meeting - August 26, 2020Approval of Executive Session - August 26, 2020Approval of Regular Meeting - August 26, 2020Approval of Special Meeting - February 5, 2020Approval of Executive Session-February 5, 2020Moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve minutes for August 26th. Vote: DeGroff-Yes, Herndon-Yes, Daniels-YesMoved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve minutes for February 5, 2020 Vote: DeGroff-Yes, Herndon-Yes, Daniels-Yes COORESPONDENCE NoneSUBMISSION OF BILLS AND CLAIMS $313,300.77 a.Current Fund -$ 304,251.87b.Payroll Account -$8091.15Escrow Account -$957.75Capital Account $ -0-Unemployment Account $-0-Moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve all bills and claims in the amount of $313,300.77. Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yesAPPLICATIONS - NoneORDINANCES - NoneOPEN MEETING TO THE PUBLIC (For consent agenda items only)Mayor DeGroff requested a motion to open the meeting to the public for comments on consent agenda items. It was moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels.Clerk noted 2 additional resolutions added to agenda – 2020-61 & 2020-62Teri Sheerin asked about 2020-59 were there any increase in salaries? Clerk stated 2% increase across board except committee. Committee did not receive an increase.With no further questions or comments, a motion was moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to close the public comment portion. CONSENT AGENDA – RESOLUTIONS(NOTE: consent agenda items are routine and will be enacted with a single motion; any items requiring expenditure are supported by a Certificate of Availability of Funds; and item can be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately at the request of any Committee Member)RESOLUTION 2020-57Certification of the Annual AuditRESOLUTION 2020-58Canceling Taxes due to Approved Surviving Spouse Sr. Cit. Ded.RESOLUTION 2020-59Setting 2020 Salaries for Municipal EmployeesRESOLUTION 2020-60Approving the 2019 Corrective Action PlanRESOLUTION 2020-61Approving Liquor License (Mayo’s)RESOLUTION 2020-62Approving Liquor License (Joe Bell’s)Moved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to approve Resolutions 2020-57 to 2020-62 Votes: DeGroff-yes, Herndon-yes, Daniels-yes OLD BUSINESS – NoneNEW BUSINESS - NoneREPORTSTax Collector –August collections -$727,700.29Tax bills are being mailed 9/30 includes transfer station stickers and recycling brochuresTax sale is 9/30 at 11:00 amClerk-August Miscellaneous Collections - $7,825.05Next Regular Meeting - October 28, 2020 - 6:00 workshop; 7:00 RegularOPRA Report for August – attachedCommented that regarding tax bills – informed public that there would be no local purpose tax this year. After submitting budget to state, realized county adjusted rate by .02 cents. Average home of $252,000 will have a local increase of $10.00. Just a timing mistake. Would have cost considerable monies and time to recertify the budget. Had nothing to do with Committee’s approval of budget. Plan was always not to have any increase.Tax Assessor - no reportCFO - no reportEngineer - See reportMayor asked about the beavers. Appears they are back. Clerk stated that trapper had applied for extension, not sure if he got one. Mayor asked Clerk to follow up and see what can be doneSolicitor - no reportOEM - No report submittedChief – No report submittedCOMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Dale Mull – Prince St – Commented on several trees leaning due to storm. Mayor stated we are looking into tree service to get trees removed. Darlene Hatfield – Savoy Blvd – questioned Mr. Worrell’s blocking of the fire break. Still open and people are racing the circle with quads. Jane Donoghue – Old Tuckerton Rd – discussed hiring Mr. Burns to handle GRC complaint. Stated she didn’t know complaint was still open. Claims she corresponded with GRC several times. Appointed Mr. Burns June 23 but has bills prior to that. Has issues with the way minutes are handled. Wants minutes read prior to being voted on. Teri Sheerin – Old Tuckerton Rd – what are the February 5th minutes regarding? Why the delay in approving? Clerk explained it was just an oversight – very simple meeting with public works to introduce Mr. Daniels and discuss procedures. Asked about GRC complaints – why Mr. Burns billing for extra OPRA’? – why Mr. Burns instead of Mr. Crook? Would the township do a cradle to grave for legal billing? Will Mr. Crook be handling OPRA’s going forward? Felt Mr. Burn’s bill dragged out. Wants to know why the client confidentiality? Public funds pay legal bills. Can physical bills be attached to bills list? Why isn’t cell tower being discussed – out of township committee’s hand – onto the land use board meeting at this point. Debbie Bowker – Route 563 – is there a limit to how many people can get on the call?Jim Kelly – Route 563 - new in town. How does one get information regarding the cell tower since no comments are being made tonight? Mayor explained that the Land Use Board meeting discussed. COMMITTEE COMMENTS:Derrick Daniels – No commentMark Herndon – No commentMayor DeGroff – No commentADJOURNMENTMoved by Committeeman Herndon, 2nd by Committeeman Daniels to adjourn meeting at 7:43 pm. Respectfully submitted,Maryalice Brown, RMCTownship Clerk/Administrator ................

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