Chapter 18: Industrial Giant

1. Who was Booker T. Washington?

(a) a normal farmer

(b) the President of the United States

(c) A black leader who believed in using what the blacks were given to make a good life

(d) a radical Green Party leader

2. After building the railroads in the west, what group of immigrants was banned from voting and immigration into the country for 10 years?

(a) Germans

(b) Mexicans

(c) Irish

(d) Chinese

3. What was NOT true about the Homestead Act of 1862?

(a) it limit landholdings to 160 acres

(b) the cost of moving was not worth it

(c) it made partial peace with the Indians

(d) it inspired the Timber and Stone act of 1878

4. Which one of the following is NOT related to the final loss of Indian culture?

(a) white schools built on reservations

(b) a large flood in 1882 that wiped out many reservations

(c) citizenship granted to those who abandon tribal life

(d) whites attempting to 'civilize' Indians

5. Which of the following was NOT a major political issue after the war?

(a) Veteran's Pensions

(b) British Control

(c) Currency Reform

(d) Tariff Control

6. True or False: Nontreaty tribes fought back using guerrilla tactics, but had to surrender after a while due to starvation and military force

(a) True

(b) False

7. This man aided in the industrialization of America by inventing the cotton gin and interchangeable parts.

a. Thomas Edison

b. Eli Whitney

c. George Eastman

8. After the Civil War, railroads across the nation were improved by:

a. Using steel instead of iron to build the tracks

b. The standard gauge being approved

c. Improved break systems

d. All of the above

9. Immigrants quickly poured into America during the industrialization period. What were the major races that aided in the construction of railroads across the nation?

a. Chinese or “Coolies”

b. Irish or “Paddies”

c. African Slaves

d. A&B

e. A,B & C

10. What was Price Fixing in relation to the railroad industry?

a. All companies agreeing to charge the same price for the same service

b. Keeping the price of steel consistent with inflation

c. States regulating the price of steel and railroad production

11. Unions were created in the workplace against which of the following?

a. Poor working conditions

b. Unsanitary work places

c. Child labor

d. All of the above

12. Railroads improved American culture by which of the following?

a. Making cross country transportation and communication more accessible

b. Improving trade and commence

c. Improving environmental awareness

d. A&B

e. A,B & C

13. Which of the following was NOT a common worker condition in the period after Reconstruction?

    A. Longer work hours

    B. Increased pace and danger

    C. Increased use of machinery

    D. Decreased contact between employer and employee

    E. All were common conditions for workers

14. Which of the following was NOT a main reason for increased immigration from the 1860’s to the 1890’s?

    A. Industrial expansion

    B. Development of steamships

    C. European improvements in transportation

    D. Muslim expansion

    E. Religious Persecution

15. Which pair matches the social group to their position on immigrants?

    A. Social Darwinists – alarmed by large waves of immigration

    B. Industrialists – broadly anti-foreign

    C. Workers – warmly accepting of new immigrants

    D. Labor leaders - full support of immigration

    E. None of the above

16. Problems with urban infrastructure included

    a) Housing

    b) Crime

    c) Public health

    d) Transportation

    e) All of the above

17. A church movement called _____ began to focus on improving living conditions rather than salvation.

    a) Social Darwinism

    b) Communism

    c) Social Gospel

    d) Nationalism

    e) None of the above

18. The most important workers in the settlement houses were

    a) Wealthy men

    b) Women

    c) Children

    d) Laborers

    e) All of the above

19. Much of the influx to the cities was caused by

    a) Former farmers who became factory workers

    b) Southerners

    c) "New" immigrants  

    d) A and C only

    e) None of the above

20. William Marcy Tweed was famous for which of the following?

a) Becoming wealthy as a bootlegger

b) Extracting money from New York City as a political boss

c) Becoming a powerful boss in the Irish mafia

d) Running William McKinley’s 1896 presidential campaign

21. Which of the following was NOT a major goal of the Populist Party?

a) Bimetallism in coinage

b) Universal women’s suffrage

c) More restrictive immigration laws

d) A “subtreasury” plan for farmers

22. The lines: “Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic. But destroy our farms and grass will grow in the streets of every city,” and “If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost,” are most likely from:

a) William Jennings Bryan’s Cross of Gold speech

b) William McKinley’s Cross of Gold speech

c) Theodore Roosevelt’s 1st Inaugural Address

d) William McKinley’s 2nd Front Porch Address

23. The winner of the 1896 presidential election was:

a) Not reelected in 1900

b) A republican proponent of the gold standard

c) A democrat who also appeared on the populist ticket

d) Assassinated by Charles Guiteau

24. Which of the following was a progressive philosophy?

a) Promoting “trusts” between companies

b) Supporting a strictly bimetallist economy

c) Protecting consumers’ rights

d) Minimizing the role of government, both in business and in social welfare

25. How did Theodore Roosevelt react to 1902’s United Mine Workers’ Strike?

a) He sent in federal troops to break up the strikers

b) He threatened to use troops to reopen the mine, forcing a compromise between the mines and the miners

c) In accordance with his progressive politics, he refused to interfere with the mines’ business

d) He declared the mines in question national parks


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