'Children show scars like medals


All About DIRECT SALES television Network (DSTV)

The Direct Sales Television Network (DSTV), is the 1st TV network providing original content for the men and women in Direct Sales & Network Marketing. 

We launched Direct Sales Television for 2 reasons:

1) To give you a global platform to share your message, passion & expertise w/ others and,

2) To offer resources that make it possible for you to better your business and your life.

Becoming a DSTV partner provides:

• Commercials in specified categories

• Exposure throughout our entire network

• Interviews

• Speaking opportunities at events

• Cross-promotions during pre-marketing , on shows and post-marketing campaigns

• Customized social media campaigns

• Sponsor highlight on marketing website and television station

• Access to the proprietary database

• Engagement and promotion of your brand throughout the year  

Goals for Sponsors

Why Partner with DSTV?


Connect your brand to the $2.5 Trillion direct sales Business Market

• Direct Sales Television Network (DSTV) reaches an audience of 365,000 and will be streamed on Hulu, Comcast, ROKU, AppleTV and other Internet TV stations across the globe

• DSTV is the premiere Direct Sales and Network Marketing television channel with live, on-demand and streaming content

• Increase Your Extended Reach: Marketing through a wide range of traditional and digital media platforms will reach direct sales consumers

• Access to Audience through television, email marketing, social media, blogging, and press releases

• Gain Media Attention: Multimedia campaigns include television, radio, social media, email marketing, blogs, podcasts, video marketing, press releases and print

• Drive Sales and Traffic: Grow your customer base, and increase brand awareness and loyalty among our consumers

Direct Sales Television Network is a Unique Opportunity to

Make Your Brand Friendly to Network Marketers and Direct Sellers with Tremendous Purchasing Power


11450 US Hwy 380, Suite 130 #204 ª% Cross Roads, Texas 76227

Web: ª% Email: info@



• Educate viewers about your products and services

• Increase brand awar11450 US Hwy 380, Suite 130 #204 ▪ Cross Roads, Texas 76227

Web: ▪ Email: info@



Educate viewers about your products and services

Increase brand awareness and loyalty

• Grow your customer base

• Drive traffic and sales

Top 10 Reasons to Sponsor


1. DSTV is the premiere Direct Sales and Network Marketing television network with live, on-demand and streaming content that will connect your brand to our audience

2. Reach the $2.5 trillion market of direct sellers in business

3. Boost Brand Awareness and Loyalty through product placements, signage, company representatives, traditional and digital media

4. Live Events with pre-marketing, on-site opportunities and follow-up campaigns to promote your brand

5. Access to Audience through email marketing, social media, videos, blogging, and press releases

6. Engagement through multimedia campaign, including traditional and digital media

7. Expand Your Target Audience, gaining lifelong customers

8. Connection to an Audience with tremendous consumer needs with contests, events, speaking opportunities, traditional and digital media

9. On-air commercials, interviews and promotions for your brand

10. Award Presentation: Receive the “Making a Difference Award” with media and photo opportunities

Measurable Engagement

DSTV will work with sponsors to measure engagement and activation, to create customized campaigns, and to offer on-site opportunities at live events

Reach your market: Access the $2.5 trillion Direct Sales audience

Branding to network marketers with purchasing power

Exhibitor opportunities, signage, and your company representatives at live events

Speaking and Media Tour: Promotional opportunities include pre-marketing, on-site, and follow-up campaigns.

Interactive Contests and promotional events

Media and Extended Reach

Multi-media campaign includes television, radio, strategic alliances, videos and print

Extensive social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram

Email marketing will put your brand into thousands of inboxes

Blogs and podcasts

Traditional Marketing

Press releases and articles

Newspaper and magazine promotions

Cross-promotion involving schools and students

Online and Digital Marketing

Video marketing campaign

Digital press releases

Internet articles

Mobile marketing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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