Financial Matters Newsletter - Constant Contact

Financial Matters Newsletter

Contact Info | 800.243.5334 |


Financial Matters is an easy-to-understand print newsletter designed with you and Allstate customers in mind. It offers content on financial issues relevant to new and long-term customers. By physically being delivered to customer's homes, Financial Matters helps you stay top-of-mind for life changing events and establishes you as the go-to financial professional. This offer is for an annual subscription, which includes six editions of the newsletter throughout the year.


Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 50 newsletters per issue)

Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 100 newsletters per issue)

Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 250 newsletters per issue)

Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 500 newsletters per issue)

Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 750 newsletters per issue)

Financial Matters (2017 subscription, 1,000 newsletters per issue)

Agent Blueprint Price

What Can I Expect?

Offering Details: Agencies will have the Financial Matters bi-monthly print newsletter automatically mailed six times per year to multiline customers age 25-65 who do not have life insurance or other financial products with Allstate.

This turnkey offer provides: o Automatic delivery of your book of business audit to Financial Matters o Postal delivery of Financial Matters 4-page, full-color, English-edition newsletter; content focuses on life insurance and financial solutions (FINRA reviewed and Allstate endorsed) o A personalized front cover with your contact information, photo and your financial specialist partner (optional). o View a sample print newsletter

IMPORTANT: Financial Matters gives you the opportunity to showcase your financial specialist partner on the front cover. Simply add your financial specialist's agent number into your Marketing Blueprint profile and their information will be included on all of the newsletters sent to customers.

Financial Matters Newsletter

Shipment Information: Financial Matters newsletters are mailed on or around: o February 15 (March/April edition) o April 15 (May/June edition) o June 15 (July/August edition) o August 15 (September/October edition) o October 15 (November/December edition) o December 15 (January/February edition)

Newsletters typically arrive 7-10 days after mailing.

Benefits to my Agency

Position yourself and your financial specialist as the go-to financial professional when customers have questions or navigate major life events.

Deepen customer relationships by providing actionable, educational content that helps them further their financial goals.

Best Practices

You can expand the reach of this program by ordering additional copies of the newsletter for your office, or to give out at seminars.

Consider sending out a Spanish-language version of the newsletter, if appropriate. Send the newsletters to your own customized list of contacts. Using the article summaries you will

receive in advance of each issue, you can order additional copies of just one issue. Note: These additional services come at a fee separate from Blueprint, but are Executive Advantage-

eligible. Call (800) 243-5334 for details and additional orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know which customers receive the newsletter each month? After each edition is mailed, the list of customers that have received it will be uploaded to My Lists on the Marketing Blueprint site.

Can I change which customers receive the newsletter? No. The Blueprint offering automatically generates your list of customers based on multiline customers ages 25-65 with no life insurance or other financial products with Allstate. However, Financial Matters does offer additional customization options outside of the Blueprint program offering if you would like more control over your lists: the option to send a Spanish-language version of the newsletter or to order additional copies of the newsletter for your office. For more information on these separate offerings, which may come with an additional fee, contact Financial Matters at or 800.243.5334.

What happens if I have more customers than the number of newsletters I have purchased? Based on the audit criteria, a randomly generated list of customers will be pulled to meet the number of newsletters you have purchased for each edition. This list will stay relatively the same throughout the year so customers who do receive the newsletter receive it on a regular basis.

Can I include my financial specialist? Yes. Make sure to add the financial specialist Agent ID to your profile and their information will be automatically added to the Financial Matters newsletter.

Financial Review Calls

Contact Info | Service@ | 813.880.9066 Option 3 | Live Chat -


These calls are an opportunity for agents to increase the number of Life and Retirement cross-sell opportunities and strengthen customer retention through a proven live calling program. H2insight will reach out to customers in your book of business who do not currently have financial services products to identify sales opportunities. You can then follow up with the customer to schedule a financial insurance review.


Blueprint Negotiated Agent Blueprint











What Can I Expect?

On every Financial Review / Cross-sell live call we will: H2insight manually dials all customers which allows us to call cell phone numbers (This increases the number of customers we are able to reach.) Make 2 attempts to reach each customer live Thank the customer on the Agency's behalf Identify sales opportunities by asking several detailed questions on Life and Retirement Provide real-time notification (via email) of all customer responses and identify customers needing immediate attention Predispose all customers to the Allstate Customer Experience Survey Leave a customized message if unable to reach the customer Provide raw data to the Agency with customer information, all answers and comments

When our client service team reaches out to you prior to the first calls being made in January, you will have 2 options:

H2insight is able to reach out to all to all customer imported for your calling program over a 3 month period or your calls can be made over the course of 12 months. Your client service Account Executive will explain your options in more detail in December.

Financial Review Calls

Benefits to my Agency

H2insight utilizes highly skilled customer experience agents to make all of your calls manually. This call is proven effective at increasing the number of life application opportunities and is designed to help you reach your agency's goals.

National Results

35% of customers answer our call 41% of customers were left message 57% need life insurance outside of their work offering 46% have an IRA or 401K through a previous employer 27% are NOT happy with amount they are saving for retirement

Best Practices

On every call that requires a follow up we ask the customer for the best time for your Agency to

follow up with them. The best time is ALWAYS and immediate follow up as soon as your receive your real-time notification from H2insight. This gives the customer a WOW! experience.

Additional Resources

Financial Cross-Sell Call Video: Testimonials Page:

Life & Retirement Customer Seminar Packages

Contact Info | MarketingBlueprint@


Customer seminars are a great way to educate customers on important financial topics and open the door to much a deeper conversation about their financial needs. At a time when many Americans are concerned that they have not saved enough to retire, now is a particularly good time to host events to help educate customers on important retirement topics. Through this offering, you will receive everything you and your financial specialist partner need to plan and host a successful retirement customer seminar event based on the topic(s) you select.


Agent Blueprint Price





Life & Retirement Customer Seminar Packages

What Can I Expect?

Offering Details: When you sign up for a seminar package, you will receive all the tools, resources and materials you and your financial specialist partner need to host a successful event, including: o Event planning guide and checklist: This simple guide and checklist will tell you everything you need to know and do, including when to do it, to plan a successful event. o Best practices from your peers: A collection of seminar tips and tricks from agency owners, financial specialists and field sales leaders that have successfully leveraged customer seminars to boost Life & Retirement sales. o The presentation with speaker's notes: Based on the topic you select, we'll send you the corresponding presentation complete with detailed speaker's notes to help you lead a highly engaging and educational event. o Invitation resources: Everything you need to invite customers and prospects to your event, including instructions for how to order newly revamped and fully customizable printed invitations, eAgent templates and call scripts for help conducting follow up, social media content for posting on your social networks, recommended audits to help you identify the right customers based on the topic, and instructions for ordering reminder or save the date postcards. o Event day packages: You will receive a set of 25 seminar handouts for event attendees. The handouts will include topic-appropriate marketing materials and evaluation forms. We'll also send you sign in sheets for use on event day and thank you cards for use in follow up with customers.

Shipment Information: You will receive everything for this program in January. Everything except the event day packages will be emailed to you from the Marketing Blueprint team and the event day packages will be mailed to your office. If you signed up for a seminar from AXA, a wholesaler or other representative from the company will be in touch to provide you with materials and event support. If you signed up for a seminar from Prudential or Voya, you will initially receive information from Marketing Blueprint, but may receive follow up from their wholesalers.

PLEASE NOTE: Signing up for this package provides you will all of the tools and resources to help you plan an event on your own. It does not include any additional monetary support or provide you with a guaranteed time for hosting the event. How, when and where you host the event is entirely up to you.

Benefits to my Agency

Deepen customer relationships by opening the door to much more extensive needs conversations. Further position yourself and your financial specialist as trusted advisors.

Best Practices

Making personal contact with customers and prospects to invite them to the event goes a lot further

than a mailer or email. Consider making personal phone calls, inviting guests in person when they come to your office or taking additional steps to make the invitation process personal to each invitee.

Additional Resources

For additional customer seminars not included in this offer (including Social Security topics), additional marketing materials or education opportunities, visit iSell.

Life & Retirement Emails

Contact Info | MarketingBlueprint@


Only 31% of Allstate customers know we offer life insurance and only 7% know we offer retirement services. That's why it's so important for you to take every opportunity to get the message out to customers and position yourself as their trusted advisor for more than just auto and property insurance. By signing up for the Life & Retirement emails, you have an opportunity throughout the year to raise awareness of your financial services offerings ? all programmed to send the right message to the right customer at the right time. You can further strengthen your effort by signing up for the Life Insurance Cross-Sell direct mail and email program, available through Blueprint and drops in September.


Agent Blueprint Price


Includes: A financial markets and news update sent to

your customers via email every quarter and an advance


preview of the update for you complete with talking

points to help you handle a detailed conversation on the

timely news topics.

Please note: You have the opportunity to order more than one type of email.

What Can I Expect?

Retirement Readiness Email: Sent in March, this email is sent to customers ages 27-70 that are monoline auto, home or life, or are multiline customers with no financial. Based on their age, customers are sent one of four emails.

College Savings Email: Sent in May, this email is sent to customers ages 25-50 that have children. Long Term Care Email: Sent in June, this email is sent to customers ages 50-70. Financial Markets Insights: Quarterly Email Program: By signing up for this program, you will have

the opportunity to help educate customers on current financial markets movement and important financial news. This will help you stay top of mind with customers when they have financial questions and position you as a trusted resource. The program includes:

o An email sent to customers every quarter that contains up to four financial market or other financial news insights. The email will be sent to customers that are multiline home and auto, monoline life/financial, have presence of PUP or are monoline landlord. Two versions will be sent, one to customers ages 27-45 and another to customers 46-65.

o The information in the emails will be timely, educational, relevant to middle market customers and written in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. The emails encourage customers to talk to you if they have questions.

Life & Retirement Emails

o A preparation kit emailed to you one week before each customer email is sent out. The kit will include a sample of the emails that are being sent to customers, additional information on the topics included and talking points to help you have a detailed conversation.

o Shipment Information: Emails will be sent to customers on your behalf near the start of each new quarter. One week before the email is sent, you will receive an advance preview.

Important: Through these programs, you have an opportunity to position you and your financial specialist together on the emails that are sent to customers. To include your financial specialist partner, you must add their agent number to your Marketing Blueprint profile.

Benefits to my Agency

Deepen customer relationships by helping them be better prepared for the future. Open the door to much more extensive financial needs conversations. Further position yourself and your financial specialist as trusted advisors and as a source for

knowledgeable information. Raise awareness among customers about the level of financial expertise in your agency.

Best Practices

Emails are a great first point of contact, but won't make the phones ring off the hook. Be sure to follow these programs up with a personal phone call to the customers that received it. Signing up for the Life & Retirement Call Night Package will give you talk paths and more to help you follow up.

Take advantage of the advance preview and talking points that will be provided to you with this package to make proactive calls to customers to help answer their questions and secure follow up appointments.

Additional Resources

To complete the year of messages around Life & Retirement, sign up for the Life Insurance Cross-Sell direct mail and email program, available through Blueprint, that drops in September.

The Customer Solutions Group includes experts on life insurance, retirement, investments, savings and advanced planning. Should you have questions or want help with a customer case, contact the Customer Solutions Group at (800) 856-0934.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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