National Debate Developmental Conference (NDDC)

National Debate Developmental Conference (NDDC)

June 5-7, 2009 - Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

Sponsored by: American Forensics Association (AFA); National Debate Tournament (NDT); Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA); American Debate Association (ADA); and Wake Forest University

Conference Director: Allan D. Louden, Wake Forest University

Administrative Assistants, Odile Hobeka & Will Sears, Wake Forest University

Honorary Conference Director: George W. Ziegelmueller

Steering Committee: Timothy O’Donnell, University of Mary Washington (co-chair); Gordon Stables, University of Southern California (co-chair); Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh

Sue Peterson, California State University, Chico; Jeffrey Jarman, Wichita State University

Distinguished Advisory Committee: Robin Rowland, University of Kansas; Thomas Hollihan, University of Southern California; David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

This conference marks the third national development conference for intercollegiate debate in the last half century. Previously, representatives of the collegiate debate community have convened in Sedalia, Colorado in 1974 and at Northwestern University in 1984.

The conference is a forum for active coaches, directors, and community leaders who are examining contemporary issues related to intercollegiate policy debate and the coaching profession. One of the primary goals of the conference is to draft and publish a book addressing the “State of Intercollegiate Debate.”


Friday June 5

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm - Registration at Sundance Plaza Hotel Lobby- Information packet provided.

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm - Keynote Speech Conference Opener in Hotel Piedmont Room-Plenary Sessions with Conference Charge and Opening Speaker: William M. Keith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Author of Democracy as Discussion (2007) - “A New Golden Age: Intercollegiate Debate in the 21st Century”

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm - Hosted Reception at Sundance Plaza Hotel -Hot hors d’oeuvres and an open bar at the outside swimming lounge area.

Saturday June 6

9:00 am-7:00 pm - Organizational Working Groups - Groups will meet separately in one of the nine selected meeting rooms

Lunch on Your Own – See the local restaurant listing provided in your information packet. Refreshments Available - Coffee, beverage, and cookies station conveniently located outside conference rooms from – 1pm – 5pm.

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm - Dinner at Putter’s Patio & Grill – The conference has sold out Putter’s for an evening of delicious North Carolinian grill-out entrees. 3 minute walk from the hotel.

Sunday June 7

9:00am-Noon - Organizational Working Groups – Groups will meet in the same corresponding conference rooms as Saturday.

Noon-2:00 pm - Lunch on Your Own. Refreshments Available outside conference room 1pm- 5pm

2:00 pm-6:30 pm - Presentations by Working Groups – Each group will have a time to present finding, resolutions, invite debate, etc. Presentations will take place in the Piedmont/Blueridge Peak Conference area.

7:30 pm-9:00 pm - Wrap-Up Buffet and Reception – Meet at the common room (Sunspree, Vivians, Bistro &Sierra I, II, & III).

Working Groups

Professional Development, Research, and Advancement

Tenure and Promotion Working

Chair: Robin Rowland, University of Kansas

Members: Jarrod Atchison, Trinity University

Derek Buescher, University of Puget Sound

Ryan Galloway, Samford University

Matt Gerber, Baylor University

Tom Hollihan, University of Southern California (Remote)

Steve Hunt, Lewis and Clark College (Remote)

Jeff Jarman, Wichita State University

Kelly McDonald, Arizona State University (Remote)

Kelly Young, Wayne State University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to examine the relationship between the coaching profession and tenure and promotion. The working group should begin by examining the status of tenure stream debate coaches throughout the academy and design a set of recommendations and standards for a variety of institutions.

Scholarship and Research Working Group

Chair: Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh

Members: Pete Bsumek, James Madison University

Michael Jensen, National Academy of Sciences (Advisory member)

Chris Lundburg, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Matt Stannard, University of Wyoming (Remote)

Jeff Richards, Sammamish HS, Bellevue, WA

Ben Voth, Southern Methodist University

Researcher: Michael Mangus, University of Pittsburgh

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to foster research and scholarship by examining the culture and prevailing norms among debate professionals toward research and scholarship, identify opportunities for innovation in scholarship, examine existing outlets and imagine new possibilities for research and scholarship about debate and/or by debaters.

Development and Advancement in the Coaching Profession

Chair: David Hingstman, University of Iowa

Members: David Cram Helwich, University of Minnesota

Mike Davis, James Madison University

Taylor Hahn, Wake Forest University

Scott Harris, University of Kansas

Brian Lain, University of North Texas

Jake Thompson, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Researchers: Shruti Chaganti - James Madison University

Sean Lowry - James Madison University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to examine and inventory the variety of professional debate coaching positions represented at institutions across the country. This inventory should include: type of position, salary range, benefits, work load, and support for professional development. The working group is charged with drafting a set of suggested standards and benchmarks for institutions that employ debate coaches.

Innovation, Practice, and the State of the Art

Innovations in Debate Working Group

Chair: Karla Leeper, Baylor University

Members: Blake Abbott, University of Georgia

Kelly Congdon, University of Richmond

Aaron Hardy, Whitman College (Remote)

Sarah Partlow Lefevre, Idaho State University

Derek Richardson, Open-Source Software Developer

Sara Spring, University of Iowa

Scott Varda, Baylor University

Researcher: Josh Gonzales, Wake Forest University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to explore the possibilities for innovation in debating styles, formats, and practices including the introduction and use of new media technologies in intercollegiate debate practice; Will look at debate's place in 21st Century Academy.

Best Practices Working Group

Chair: Rich Edwards, Baylor University

Members: Brent Brossmann, John Carroll University

Adrienne Brovero, University of Mary Washington

Jon Bruschke, CSU-Fullerton

Mike Davis, James Madison University

John Fritch, University of Northern Iowa

Mike Hall, Liberty University

Gary Larson, Wheaton College  

Bill Newnam, Emory University (remote)

Will Repko, Michigan State University

Ross Smith, Wake Forest University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to explore and identify best practices related to tournament debating. The charge of this working group involves assessing such issues as: Tournament schedules, Debate program management, Debate program administration, judge preference.

Community and Organization Building

Governance and Working Group

Chair: Gordon Stables, University of Southern California

Members: Andrew Barnes, Georgia State University

Dan Cronn-Mills, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Terri Easley, Johnson County Community College (KS)

Vik Keenan, Baruch Debate, City University of New York

Eric Morris, Missouri State University

ML Sandoz, Vanderbilt University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to 1) examine the relationships between the various organizations supporting a debate education in the United States, 2) examine issues of jurisdiction governing policy debate, 3) examine issues of calendar and scheduling

Charting Post-Debate Networks Working Group

Chair: Scott Segal, Bracewell & Giuliani L.L.P., Washington DC

Members: Dave Arnett, University of California, Berkeley

Brad Hall, Al Gore's Office (Remote)

Mike Hester, State University of West Georgia

Sarah Holbrook, State University of West Georgia

Geoff Lundeen, State University of Wes Georgia

Sue Peterson, California State University, Chico (Remote)

Christopher Sedelmyer, Vanderbilt University

John Stubbs, Romulus Global Issues Management (DC)

Andrea Reed, Wake Forest University

Elizabeth Wiley, George Washington University

Josh Zive, Bracewell & Giuliani, Washington DC (remote)

Aims and Tasks: What becomes of debaters? The goal of this group is to conduct a survey of career paths, build alumni networks, and sketch plans and possibilities for linking the debate community with others outside of the academy.

The Rationale and Agenda for Policy Debate in the 21st Century

Rationale For Policy Debate Working Group

Chair: Tim O'Donnell, University of Mary Washington

Members: Neil Butt, Wayne State University

Stephan Bauschard, Lakeland School District, NY

Joe Bellon, Georgia State University

Warren Decker, George Mason University

John Katsulas, Boston College

Bill Keith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Danielle Verney O'Gorman, United States Naval Academy

Researchers: Sarah Spring, University of Iowa

Joe Packer, University of Pittsburgh

Aims and Tasks: The goal of this working group is to conduct a review of the literature on the value of debate, articulate links between the activity and higher education, collect testimonials and research projects designed to assess and evaluate the activity, and craft a comprehensive and persuasive rationale for policy debate in the 21st Century.

Controversies in Debate Pedagogy Working Group

Chair: Ed Panetta, University of Georgia

Members: Sherry Hall, Harvard University

Dan Fitzmier, Northwestern University

Kevin Kuswa, University of Richmond

Ed Lee, Emory University

David Steinberg, Univ. of Miami (FL)

Fred Sternhagen, Concordia College (MN)

Researchers: Will Mosley-Jensen, University of Georgia

John Turner, Dartmouth College (remote)

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to identify and examine trends and competing models in argumentation and debate pedagogy and practice.

Participation - Alternative Models Working Group

Chair: Allan Louden, Wake Forest University

Members: Teddy Albiniak, University of Southern California

Will Baker, New York University (remote)

Chris Baron, Baltimore Urban Debate League

Daryl Burch, Towson University

Nicole Williams Barnes, National Debate Project, Atlanta, Georgia State University

John W. Davis Debate Solutions, Baltimore

Beth Skinner, Towson University

Alfred Snider, University of Vermont (Remote)

Ron Von Burg, Christopher Newport University

Melissa Wade, Emory University (Remote)

Carol Winkler, Georgia State University (remote)

Researchers: Anjlia Vats, Washington Debate Coalition/ALOUD/Univ. of Puget Sound

Anthony Jardina, National Association of Urban Debate League (Chicago)

Lawrence Grandpre, Towson State University

Aims and Tasks: The purpose of this working group is to identify and examine alternative models in debate participation: for example: NAUDL, IDEA, ALOUD, Nat Debate Project, HBCUs, DOJ crime projects, Debate across the Curriculum


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