Georgia College and Career Academy Fast Facts and Directory

Georgia College and Career Academy

Fast Facts and Directory

2017 Edition

Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle

TCSG Commissioner Matt Arthur

Welcome Messages

Since I began my career in public service, finding new and innovative ways to educate Georgia's students has been my principal focus. That is why I am proud to support those districts and communities that come together in support of College and Career Academies. This kind of opportunity provides a great venue for students to receive the hands-on training and real-world skills that will lead to success in the workforce. It is this kind of education that also leads to a successful transition to college and a well-paying job. I am proud of the great work our College and Career Academies are doing to prepare our next generation of leaders, and I will continue to do everything I can to support these great institutions.

Georgia's national and international reputation as a thriving hub for business is only maintained if our businesses and industries have access to an educated, talented, and motivated workforce. Georgia's College and Career Academies address that need by offering high school students exciting opportunities to advance their education through unique partnerships among local school systems, the state's technical colleges, and partners in business and industry. By providing a streamlined connection between high school and college educations, the College and Career Academies create a path to student success in fields that are in high demand by business and industry. This approach leads to increased opportunities for students to find rewarding careers, and for business to find the skilled workforce it needs.

Superintendent Richard Wood

For students to succeed in high school and beyond, they have to be able to see how their education is opening up doors for the future ? and Georgia's College and Career Academies are providing just that. Students need strong Career, Technical and Agricultural Education courses; exposure to career options through Career Pathways, internships, and practicums; and hands-on learning that provides a deeper understanding of their chosen career. The Georgia Department of Education is grateful for its partnerships with Georgia's College and Career Academies Network, which help prepare students to be ready to learn, ready to live, and ready to lead after high school and provide a prepared workforce for business and industry in our state.

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What are College and Career Academies?

A Georgia College and Career Academy (GCCA) is a specialized charter school established as a charter school or pursuant to a contract for a strategic waivers school system or charter system, which formalizes a partnership that demonstrates a collaboration between business, industry, and community stakeholders to advance work force development between one or more local boards of education, a private individual, a private organization, or a state or local entity in cooperation with one or more postsecondary institutions.

Certification Program

In May 2011, the Georgia General Assembly passed and enacted Senate Bill 161, requiring the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Office of College and Career Transitions to establish a process to allow for College and Career Academy certification.

Senate Bill 348, which was passed and enacted in May 2016 defines "certification" as a formal process established by the Office of College and Career Transitions, and approved by the board. In order to receive official certification, College and Career Academies must successfully demonstrate appropriate levels of student achievement, community sustainability, workforce development, and school level governance.

The Certification process is designed to provide a high quality external validation of the implementation of Georgia College and Career Academy programs and pathways across Georgia. Providing substantive feedback for continuous improvement from a broad spectrum of trained professionals, the certification process allows for the continuous growth and innovative development of all of our College and Career Academies.

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Georgia College & Career Academies State Map

Representing the first ten years of grant implementation

A Total State Investment of $122 Million

FY08 - $15M

FY14 - $10M

FY09 - $15M

FY15 - $10M

FY10 - $15M

FY16 - $10M

FY11 - $9M

FY17 - $9M

FY12 - $10M

FY18 - $9M

FY13 - $10M

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Fast Facts and Directory 2017

Directory Table of Contents

Academy for Advanced Studies................................................................................... 6 Athens Community & Career Academy....................................................................... 7 Atlanta College & Career Academy ............................................................................. 8 Baldwin College & Career Academy............................................................................ 9 Bartow College & Career Academy............................................................................ 10 Broad River College & Career Academy.................................................................... 11 Cairo High School & College & Career Academy....................................................... 12 Carroll County College & Career Academy................................................................ 13 Central Education Center.......................................................................................... 14 Calhoun City College & Career Academy................................................................... 15 Chatahoochee Valley College & Career Academy .................................................... 16 Commodore Conyers College & Career Academy .................................................... 17 Decatur Career Academy........................................................................................... 18 Douglas County College & Career Institute............................................................... 19 Effingham College & Career Academy....................................................................... 20 Floyd County College & Career Academy.................................................................. 21 Golden Isles Career Academy.................................................................................... 22 Gordon County College & Career Academy.............................................................. 23 Griffin Area College & Career Academy..................................................................... 24 Hapeville Charter Career Academy........................................................................... 25 Hart College & Career Academy................................................................................ 26 Heart of Georgia College & Career Academy............................................................. 27 Houston County Career Academy............................................................................. 28 Hutchings College & Career Academy....................................................................... 29 Lamar County College & Career Academy................................................................ 30 Lanier Charter Career Academy................................................................................ 31 Liberty College & Career Academy............................................................................ 32 Morgan County College & Career Academy .............................................................. 33 Newton College & Career Academy........................................................................... 34 Northwest Georgia College & Career Academy........................................................ 35 Polk County College & Career Academy.................................................................... 36 Putnam County College & Career Academy.............................................................. 37 Rockdale Career Academy......................................................................................... 38 Sims Academy of Innovation & Technology.............................................................. 39 Southeastern Early College & Career Academy........................................................ 40 ThINC College & Career Academy.............................................................................. 41 Tift College & Career Academy.................................................................................. 42 Warren County Career Academy............................................................................... 43 Wiregrass Regional College & Career Academy........................................................ 44 Worth County College & Career Academy................................................................. 45

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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