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UPDATE #60Contact info: church@ or mbrandt@6/3/2020652-6141“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”“I was glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of the Lord.”Grace to Receive the Word “Blessed Lord, You have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them that, by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”Gathering for worship (Let us know you are coming by calling 652-6141 or by clicking on this link:) save-a-seat/afa897b0-07fd-4b1a-8b76-c76de0582f08New Communion distribution procedure. We will again have Communion at all services this weekend. However, we are making a change to the way communicants will receive the elements. We are asking everyone who intends to commune at the service to PLEASE PICK UP YOUR COMMUNION PACKET AS YOU ENTER FOR WORSHIP. At the conclusion of the service, and at the direction of the pastor, we will all commune together in our pews. We will ask you to carefully hold on to your empty packaging and place it in the receptacles as you leave worship.Parking lot Communion will be available at the 6:30, 8:00, and 10:45 services this weekend. Look for the tent at the northwest parking lot drive at church and on the drive at Connect. Beginning on the weekend of June 14, we will alternate services with parking lot Communion, using the same pattern we used before COVID 19 for Communion during worship services:First and third Sunday of the month – Parking lot Communion at 8:00 & 9:30Second and fourth Sunday of the month – Parking lot Communion at 6:30 & 10:45.Chapel of Hope Communion services will resume on Monday, June 15th. We will have strict limits on the number of people we can safely seat in the Chapel and are adding a 1:30 service for the summer. Depending on attendance, we will make other adjustments as necessary.Daily broadcast and devotion at 10:00 will continue at least until the middle of June. We are working on ways to continue Channel 191 and on-line Bible study/devotions on a regular basis. More to come on that.Administrative Pastor CallAt 7:00 p.m. on June 4th, we will conduct a web-cast “town hall” meeting to provide more info and to address questions or comments that have been submitted.The virtual Town Hall Meeting can be accessed from the St. Lorenz app and web site as you would do for any Connect service. Ministry Council’s desire is to keep this an “in-house” discussion and has determined that, for that reason, the Town Hall meeting will not be broadcast on Channel 191. A recording of the meeting will be made and a link will be available for those who aren’t able to tune in for the live broadcast. Instructions for accessing the meeting on-line:At , click on the “Media” tab at the top of the page. Then, click on “Connect Services.” PLEASE DON’T BE CONFUSED BY THE NEW LOOK OF OUR WEB SITE. If you have searched for “,” you are at the right place.From the St. Lorenz app, click “Media” at the bottom of the page and then click on “Watch Live Connect.” The St. Lorenz app may be downloaded from your smart phone’s app store or by sending a text to 77977 with “Stlorenz” typed in the message box.A referendum vote using both electronic and hard-copy ballots will be taken. Deadline for casting your vote will be 5:00 p.m. on June 10th. Patriotic Praise on July 5th will be held in an alternate way. More to follow.May we help you? Call 652-6141 or write church@ We have 24 “runners” who will happily run errands for you. Prayer assistance is also readily available. We have 50 people who are eager to pray for you. Email nanzee1@ or call or text 818-497-3843. We can also forward requests sent to the church office.Stephen Ministers can provide a listening ear and much more. Contact the church office.CrossRoads Counseling Ministries can be reached at 652-0764 to access telephone sessions or video sessions.Ways to give at St. Lorenz. You may:Mail your offering to 140 Churchgrove RoadSign up for e-giving on our app or the web sitePlace your offering in the mail slot at The Rock (South Side Entrance) ................

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