"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes", Isaiah 54:2 NIV


St. Andrew’s Scots Church, Malta is a unique Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Church of Scotland .uk and the Methodist Church of Great Britain .uk. We are a single congregation church with a second worship centre in Gozo.

A Methodist Church has existed in Valletta since 1824, when the Rev. John Keeling founded the first non-Roman Catholic Church in Malta. A Presbyterian church has existed on our site since 1843 and our present building was completed in 1857 through the efforts of a Presbyterian minister, The Rev. Dr. George Wisely during a time of strong British military presence.

Today our ministers come alternately from the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church; our congregation comes from around the world; our services in this historic building are modern, simple, lively, and focused on the Word of God; and our mission work reaches out to vulnerable families, immigrants and refugees in Malta in various ways and to HIV/AIDS communities in Zambia.

We play a full part in the activities of both the Church of Scotland International Presbytery and the Methodist District (South-East England). Our congregations come from many different traditions with regular worshippers from over 20 countries (before counting tourists!) and whilst we have a core of both Church of Scotland and Methodist members we also have members from the United Reformed Church, Episcopalian Church, Dutch and South African Reformed Churches, Anglican, Evangelical Churches, Roman Catholic and the Lutheran Church.

The church building also hosts the Andreas Gemeinde of the German Lutheran Church on the top floor of St Andrew’s House.

Our church offers a distinctive ministry and mission in Malta and the sister island Gozo. It is Malta’s international Christian church; it’s a focused mission church; it’s thoroughly interdenominational in its membership but offers worship which is in the Reformed tradition.


We refer interested persons to our website: , with content generated by the minister and others, for a description of our congregation, our worship, and our mission. Here you will also find an online copy of our magazine ‘Crossroads’ which, under its new editor, is being shaped in a different way and has developed over the last year with interviews, articles etc.


WELCOME ... To St Andrew’s Scots Church, serving Jesus on this crossroads island, and situated in the heart of Valletta.

Everyone is welcome to join in our worship and everything we do here. We hope you enjoy your visit – to this site and of course to our church!

Our unique banner incorporates the scallop symbol of the

international Methodist Church, the burning bush symbol

of the Church of Scotland, the Maltese Cross, and the

Cross of St. Andrew showing that we’re part of the Church

of Scotland’s Presbytery of Europe and of the South East

District of the Methodist Church

Our services… Our services are open to all who love

Jesus; they are in English, and they are in the

Reformed tradition. Sunday worship is at 10.30am,

and is always followed by a time for fellowship,

friendship and refreshment.

Children are welcome at all our services.

Communion is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every

month, and this is also open to all, including children.

Facebook… Become a Facebook Friend of St. Andrew’s, here’s where you’ll find us: saintandrews.scotschurch. Managed by one of our Elders this is where you’ll find all the latest news, pictures, and stories – and make new friends from around the world!

Regular activities congregationally led…

Midweek Fellowship: A Bible study & discussion group for men and women, every Wednesday of each month, at 6.30pm in the Hall. Visitors are always welcome.

Bible Study: Thursday at 10am – except for summer months – in the Church Hall.


Our vision is, quite simply, to continue to develop and grow our ministry and mission, both in the ways that have been opened to us in recent years, and in new ways as they present themselves – to do all this under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to do it under the theme of “To love as Jesus loves, through our …”

• Congregational life

• Pastoral care

• Worship

• Mission (Ministries support)

• Social Outreach (Service)

• Fellowship partnerships

• Evangelism.


The Minister is the Moderator of the Kirk Session (Church Council) which has 5 elders, currently

3 women and 2 men. Elders serve for 5 years or 10 years according to our constitution, so there is a regular injection of fresh talent. Each member of the Kirk Session has a distinct role – such as Missions; Communications; Pastoral Care co-ordination; Treasury; Property; Facebook; Safeguarding; etc. We have an open, consensus-style approach to meetings. The Session is also the financial court, according to the constitution of St Andrew’s Scots Church.

This is a 21st century church, very much focused on ministry and mission in a changing religious and political environment. It’s a church experiencing astonishing answers to prayer and seeking to take the gospel – the life and teaching of Jesus – into new areas of opportunity.

A Prayer Chain initiative, launched in March 2013, has proved very successful in bringing people and prayers together – and is a good example of one of our members feeling empowered to offer and develop such an initiative.

Gozo – for the past two

years we have established regular services on

Gozo, our neighbour island, on every 3rd and

5th Sunday of a month.

There are a number of regular worshippers and

we are delighted to have a sister congregation in


Close relationships between Malta and Gozo is

important for us.


Our main pastoral care is currently carried out by the Elders with each taking on the role of a pastoral leader for a number of households – this has become the primary route through which our pastoral care is offered, and through whom the minister would learn of pastoral situations which required her involvement.


The minister is the “on-call” chaplain for non-Roman Catholic patients at Malta’s Mater Dei Hospital and works with the hospital’s in-house chaplaincy team. This has resulted in her offering pastoral care, on a few occasions, to Jewish and other patients.

Baptisms: Our Baptism Register also includes baptisms conducted by the pastor of the Andreas Gemeinde congregation. In recent years there have been a number of baptisms.

Weddings: All marriages in Malta are civil marriages – the minister of St Andrew’s Scots Church (like priests also) is not a governmentally registered celebrant. The only marriages recorded in our register are therefore full marriages, where a civil registrar is present. Additionally, weddings are often carried out in outside venues.

Funerals: These will take the form of a memorial or thanksgiving service when a body is repatriated for a funeral in another country. Burials are typically in one of the three church owned graves. On occasion, the minister has conducted burials at sea.

Remembrance: Remembrance ministry is significant in Malta in two ways. Firstly, from the days of WW2; the minister in particular has a representative role in a number of special services each year, ranging from Anzac Day and Canada Day, through the remembrance services for Operation Pedestal, RAF, Royal Navy and Army.


Our worship style is relatively informal. Music includes organ and keyboard the main hymnbook is CH4, but we regularly include other items. We make use of a new digital projection system throughout the services – for hymns and readings, but also for news items and prayer focus. We involve members in as many ways as we can – readings, prayers, offering collection, door greeting, etc.

A typical service will include four or five hymns or songs, prayers for ourselves and others, Bible readings (usually by members of the congregation), ‘first thoughts’, and a sermon from our minister or guest preacher. This will usually be about 15 minutes and will be based on the Word of God. The whole service lasts for around an hour – a bit shorter in summer, and a bit longer when we celebrate Communion.


Our long-term mission commitments have been:

The Foodbank: This was opened in Summer 2015. When an individual, couple or family find themselves in crisis, arising from situations like benefit delays, low income, homelessness, sickness or housing issues, it can take some time for Care professionals in Malta to find a long-term solution to help them regain some control of their lives. This is where The Foodbank steps in with its team of over 20 volunteers. Up to 100 families are helped on a weekly basis from our distribution centres. We are currently in the process of being awarded NGO status.

Dar Tereza Spinelli: a halfway house in Valletta for homeless and abandoned women, many of whom may also be victims of domestic violence. Dar Tereza depends on our weekly donations for its daily food and household supplies. As well as weekly donations of household supplies there are times when we help with funding for small building projects and furnishings. Monies saved by Dar Tereza not having to pay for such necessities are then directed towards counselling services. Our congregation is encouraged to include something extra for Dar Tereza in their weekly shop.

Sister Catherine Farrugia in Tugwashanye, Zambia is supported directly by our congregation in her invaluable work among hundreds of children, young people and families impacted by poverty and HIV/AIDS related illnesses. Sr. Catherine is actively involved in helping the poor, the hungry and the sick. In her community she trains others to cope with daily life. As well as receiving medicine, the poor people need to be well-nourished if the medicine they receive is to do them any good. Our financial contributions go towards medicine and food as well as funding tertiary education.

Malta Microfinance: This is a financial institution owned by St Andrews, licensed and regulated by Malta Financial Services Authority. The company lends money to people in crisis situations. In particular Maltese women and also refugees to enable them to transform their lives. The scheme has included loans for education, business, rent and personal loans to help people through a temporary crisis. The Minister is required to be on the Board of MMF.

Blue Door English: This initiative has been running for nearly ten years. We have a team of volunteers who teach up to 70 students per week the English language. We have a paid Coordinator who organizes the curriculum and students are mostly migrants and refugees. There are also classes for mothers with babies which provides a valuable service as well as a safe social environment. We are currently applying for funding to allow this very important initiative to continue.

In addition, we also support the Annual Mission Project of the International Presbytery of the Church of Scotland.


We open our church each year throughout the night of the Notte Bianca Festival in Valletta as a regular, featured part of the Festival programme. This brings in many hundreds of visitors – mostly Maltese – to whom our volunteers explain our church, our beliefs, and our faith.


Presbytery: We have good relationships with the International Presbytery (which we hosted in October 2017). A member of the Kirk Session is our Presbytery Elder who fully participates in Presbytery activities and responsibilities.

Methodist Church: the minister attends at least two Methodist SE District events each year – usually a Synod, and a Superintendents’ Residential. We have hosted the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Church of Great Britain in the past.

Sponsors’ Council: This unique arrangement benefits both the congregation and its parent churches, in terms of constructive oversight.

Ecumenical Relationships: Our church plays a prominent role in these and its minister is the current chairman of Christians Together in Malta (the Malta Ecumenical Council;) We play a full part in its activities, including ecumenical services in January (Christian Unity) and May/June (Pentecost), and in promoting ecumenical initiatives.

Meetings are hosted by our church and we have been pleased to welcome Malta’s Archbishop Paul Cremona to a service in St Andrew’s Scots Church.

Other Agencies: We work very closely with these in our mission work, particularly the Jesuit Refugee Service, with whom we also coordinate the annual Refugee Remembrance Service in June to mark World Refugee Day; the Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, and of course the Church of Scotland Guild and the World Mission Council, and the Methodist South East District Prayer Co-ordinator and Grants Committee.


Mini-cards: we continue to benefit from participating in Malta’s mini-card scheme, through which we are advertised in hotels and other locations at a very good rate; we were the first church in Malta to do this, and we often find people coming as a direct result. This, and our church website and other communication needs, are managed by an Elder.

Junior Church

The church’s ministry to children and young people is an area of concern. Junior Church and creche stopped due to a lack of children. We now need to find a way to have more children in regular attendance. There is similarly a lack of young people in the age bracket 15 to 40.


The Manse: We previously rented a Manse but are currently looking to purchase a manse property which will fit the criteria of both the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church. The upkeep and utilities (electricity and water as well as cable TV, broadband and landline telephone) are all met by the congregation.

A Honda Jazz Car (1198cc, blue 5 door hatchback) which the church insures, taxes and services, is provided; the minister meets the cost of all petrol, parking and CVA (Valletta congestion charge).

Education: Government school education is free and in the Maltese language. Private schools, which are used by a large proportion of both local and expatriate families, offer education in English and are of a high standard with curricula similar to the UK system. Costs are very reasonable compared to the U.K. The church is willing to assist with a proportion of the school fees if applicable.

Health Care: Local health care clinics are free of charge to persons registered with the NHS. Visits to a GP incur a nominal charge and doctors are prepared to make house calls for a reasonable charge. A new hospital has recently been opened catering for all medical requirements.

Private hospitalization and consultation is also available. There are many excellent private hospitals available in Malta.


Unique in its being, setting and congregations, St Andrew's Scots Church affords many opportunities for exciting innovation in the coming years, - opportunities for consolidating this distinctly representational, mission focused church, whilst continuing with more varied styles of worship; greater outreach and evangelism; widening our approach to pastoral care; extending our networks and nurturing and empowering the congregation, so that mutual support and team work are strengthened and embedded as part of the life of those who worship in this ‘gathered’ church community.

Thus the Minister will be expected to be

A team leader, but also a team builder, inspiring, encouraging and enabling others to take responsibility for different areas of this congregation’s life and work in the name of Christ;

A confident representative of the reformed tradition in dealings with ecumenical partners from other denominations;

Non-dogmatic in their approach to liturgy, embracing all who wish to worship and serve with us while remaining true to our shared background and roots;

An exemplary pastoral carer serving both the congregation and the wider community.


St. Andrews Scots Church


1. The Church of Scotland charge of Malta: St Andrew’s in the Presbytery of Europe and a church of the Malta Circuit of the South East District of The Methodist Church were united on 21st July 1975, following an exchange of letters which formed the basis of union. Building on the development of the united congregation since that time, from the 1st September 2006, or some other date to be agreed by the Presbytery of Europe and the South East District, the congregation shall be designated as a Single Congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP). It will be a sanctioned charge of The Church of Scotland within The Presbytery of Europe and a Methodist church of the Malta Circuit of the South East District of The Methodist Church.


2. The name of the LEP shall be St Andrews Scots Church.


3. It shall (1) serve both residents and visitors and (2) maintain active support for charitable work in Malta and overseas.


4. The Presbytery of Europe of The Church of Scotland and the South East District of The Methodist Church shall establish a Sponsors’ Council which will give support and exercise oversight of the united congregation. (See Annex A)


5. St Andrews Scots Church shall be governed by a body to be known as the Kirk Session which will deal with all matters of church governance both spiritual and temporal. This Kirk Session shall be understood to be the Kirk Session for the purpose of The Church of Scotland and the Circuit Meeting and Church Council for the purpose of the Methodist Church.

6. The Kirk Session shall consist of the Moderator and at least two elders. It shall appoint a clerk to keep a record of the business.

7. The Kirk Session shall meet at intervals of no more than three months. In ordinary circumstances at least two weeks’ notice shall be given of a Kirk Session meeting.

8. The minister of St Andrews Scots Church shall be ex officio Moderator of the Kirk Session.

9. The Moderator may appoint a suitably trained Elder to substitute for him/her at Kirk Session meetings in the event of unavoidable absence.

10. The Moderator and any Elder substituting for the Moderator shall have a deliberative vote at meetings of the Kirk Session and, in the event of a tied vote, a casting vote.


11. Potential Elders shall be proposed to the congregation by the Kirk Session on two consecutive Sundays. In the absence of any substantiated objection to the life or doctrine of the nominees, the nominees shall be deemed to be elected and shall be set apart by prayer in the context of public worship. Such setting apart shall be understood by The Church of Scotland as ordination and those set apart in this way shall be regarded for Church of Scotland purposes as Elders for life.

12. Previously ordained Elders may be invited by the Kirk Session to serve on the Kirk Session. Elders so invited shall be proposed to the congregation in the same manner as those proposed for ordination.

13. Elders shall share with the Minister responsibility for the spiritual and pastoral welfare of the members of St Andrews Scots Church.

14. Elders appointed to the Kirk Session shall serve for a period of five years. At the end of their term they shall be eligible for re-election on the proposal of the Kirk Session for a further period of five years. They shall not thereafter be eligible for re-election to the Kirk Session until a minimum period of two years has elapsed.

15. An Elder may seek permission from the Kirk Session at any time to demit his or her seat. An Elder shall be deemed to have demitted his or her seat at the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches the age of seventy five years, and is not thereafter eligible for re-election.


16. A congregational meeting shall be held at least once per year as soon as possible after the end of the preceding calendar year to consider all aspects of church life and to adopt the audited accounts for the preceding year. The meeting shall be chaired by the Minister or in the case of the Minister’s unavoidable absence by a suitably trained Elder. Such a meeting may be held from time to time as a result of a decision to confer with congregation by the authorised bodies in either denomination. It may be called by the Interim Moderator in respect of the regulations for the election, settlement and transfer of ministers. Meetings shall be called in accordance with the regulations of the two denominations. All members shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote. Non members may attend and may be invited to speak but shall not vote. A minimum of two weeks’ notice shall be given to the congregation.


17. St Andrews Scots Church shall be staffed by a Minister of either The Church of Scotland or The Methodist Church. There shall normally be an alternating ministry between the two denominations.

18. The Minister shall be appointed and introduced under procedures to be devised by the Sponsors’ Council and conforming to denominational procedures.

19. A Church of Scotland minister appointed to St Andrews Scots Church shall seek Authorised Minister status from The Methodist Conference. A Methodist minister shall be appointed to St Andrews Scots Church in terms of General Assembly legislation covering the charge of Malta, having full membership of the Presbytery of Europe and with all the rights, privileges and duties associated therewith, and in particular shall be authorised to moderate the Kirk Session .

20. Ministerial discipline shall be in accordance with the procedures of the denomination of origin of the minister.

21. Ministers shall receive the stipend and listed expenses appropriate to their own denomination. That denomination shall be responsible for the arrangements for payment.

22. Ministers shall be appointed for an initial period of five years. Each appointment may be renewed for one further period of up to five years subject to a review to be held before the end of the fourth year. Such review shall be carried out under a procedure to be devised and operated by the Sponsors’ Council in conjunction with the Kirk Session and conforming to denominational procedures.

23. Ministers serving St Andrews Scots Church shall agree to uphold the doctrine and practice of both participating denominations and shall undertake to seek to foster good relationships with both participating denominations.

24. The Kirk Session shall provide a suitable manse for the Minister.


25. Baptism shall be administered according to the rite and/or practice of either of the participating denominations or according to a rite approved by the participating denominations through the Sponsors’ Council. Baptism shall normally be set in the context of public worship.

26. Members shall accept the faith and practice of both participating denominations regarding baptism and confirmation including dedication and thanksgiving for the birth of a child and re-affirmation of baptismal faith.

27. There shall be one common register of baptisms.

28. Preparation for (a) confirmation and (b) admission to membership of the congregation shall be undertaken by the Minister with full regard to the specific denominational teaching and instruction required by both participating denominations.

29. A service of confirmation and reception into church membership shall normally be administered at an act of public worship according to the rite of either of the participating denominations or according to a rite authorised by the Sponsors’ Council.

30. Those received into membership through an act of Confirmation are thereby members of both the participating denominations as well as joint members of St Andrews Scots Church.

31. The Kirk Session shall maintain a common Membership Roll as well as denominational rolls and joint members by virtue of joint confirmation. 

32. Members of St Andrews Scots Church shall be those who have been placed on the Membership Roll by the Kirk Session by virtue of

(1) a confession of faith made before the congregation or

(2) a disjunction certificate or letter requesting transfer of membership presented by them from a recognized Church of Scotland or Methodist Church source or

(3) a resolution of the Kirk Session

33. The Kirk Session shall review the Membership Roll and denominational rolls annually.

34. Membership discipline shall be in accordance with denominational procedures.


35. St Andrews Scots Church shall respect the faith and practice of its member denominations.

36. Worship shall safeguard and present the doctrines, practices, traditions and developing traditions of each participating denomination and be conducted in accordance with denominational practices and/or using rites adopted by the Sponsors’ Council.

37. Ordained ministers shall preside at Holy Communion as permitted by denominational legislation.

38. In arranging services encouragement shall be given to the participation of Readers/Local Preachers and others authorised as leaders of worship.


39. All property except the buildings themselves shall be deemed to be held in common by the St Andrews Scots Church congregation. The buildings shall remain the property of The Church of Scotland. St Andrews Scots Church Kirk Session shall be responsible for the maintenance of all property.


41. The Treasurer shall receive and account to the Kirk Session and to the annual Congregational Meeting for all monies donated to or otherwise received by St Andrews Scots Church. Copies of the audited annual accounts as adopted at a congregational meeting shall be submitted to the Sponsors’ Council and to the appropriate Presbytery and District treasurers. Financial support for St Andrews Scots Church from the participating denominations shall be in accordance with a formula to be adopted by agreement between the Kirk Session and the participating denominations. St Andrews Scots Church shall be responsible for all expenses of ministry and administration including the financial obligations to central and other funds of the participating denominations as agreed through consultation between the two denominations.


42. St Andrews Scots Church shall be open to any further ecumenical explorations within Malta.


43. The Sponsors’ Council shall ensure that St Andrews Scots Church shall be reviewed at least every five years with regard to its life and purpose. Representatives of both participating denominations shall be involved in these reviews.


44. Any proposed amendment to this constitution shall require three months’ notice to be given to the Kirk Session, and to the Sponsors’ Council who shall inform the participating denominations. No amendment shall be valid until it has been approved by

a. the Kirk Session and

b. not less than three quarters of those present and voting at a special Congregational Meeting at which the quorum shall be 51% of the membership and

c. the Sponsors’ Council for itself and on behalf of the participating denominations.


47. St Andrews Scots Church shall be terminated by the participating denominations and the Sponsors’ Council in consultation with the Kirk Session with six months notice or such shorter period as may be agreed by all parties.


Proposed Constitution of the Sponsors’ Council for St Andrews, Malta

Church of Scotland – Methodist Church

Constitution. The participating churches through their ruling authorities shall appoint a supportive body for the Christian work and witness being undertaken ecumenically by the congregation of St Andrews Scots Church, Malta. This supportive body shall be called “The Sponsors’ Council”.

Status. Without prejudice to the powers and rights of the constituted authorities within the participating churches, the Sponsors’ Council shall be recognised by those authorities as a supportive and consultative body, to act as mediator in the event of conflict of interest among the denominations, and offering support and encouragement to the minister and Kirk Session.

Specific Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the Sponsors’ Council shall be:

(a) To meet at least once a year with the minister and Kirk Session to monitor, support and encourage the congregation.

(b) To negotiate the allocation/assessment for ministry and mission to be met by the congregation in response to information supplied by the central church administrations.

(c) To initiate a review of St Andrews Scots Church every five years or at an interval to be agreed by the participating denominations.

(d) To raise with the denominations matters of concern and co-ordinate action taken.

(e) To moderate the demands of the individual denominations on the congregation.

(f) To ensure that the interests and concerns of the participating denominations are appropriately reflected in the life of the congregation.

Membership. The Sponsors’ Council shall consist of four members appointed as follows:

two from the Church of Scotland Presbytery of Europe,

two from the South East District of the Methodist Church

The Ecumenical Officer of the Church of Scotland and the Connexional Ecumenical Officer of the Methodist Church shall be kept informed and shall act as consultants to the Council.

Office-bearers. The Sponsors’ Council shall elect its own convener and secretary.

Expenses. Each of the participating churches shall be responsible for the personal and travelling expenses of its representatives when attending meetings of the Sponsors’ Council, but other expenses of the Sponsors’ Council shall be shared equally by the participating denominations.

Appendix B FINANCE

Reporting: The Treasurer reports regularly on financial matters to the Kirk Session and at the Annual Congregational Meeting. In particular, she provides a quarterly comparison of actual income and expenditure against the budget, produces the annual accounts and budget and arranges for these to be audited, and speaks to the accounts at the annual congregational meeting.

Accounts: A set of the 2018 church accounts is attached.

Income: The church’s main income relates to the rental of properties owned by the church. For two of these we receive a commercial rental. Wisely House is currently being rented out to a Legal firm at the rate of €60K per annum with rising increments.

Crypt: 2012 saw the return of the crypt to the church after some 50 or more years during which it was rented out as a storeroom This has been fully refurbished mostly using our mission funds and is used for our ministry to the migrants with Malta Microfinance and Blue Door English as well as some local NGO’s.


The church building is the property of the Church of Scotland General Trustee. The sanctuary seats about 150 people in traditional pews. Over the past five years we have carried out major renovations to our main properties so that they are now in a good state of repair.

The Church All exterior walls have been repainted and the roof has been made watertight. The interior of the Church has also been repainted. Ramps giving the disabled access to the Main Hall and a straight stair-lift have been fitted. A curved stair-lift has been fitted giving access to the lower Halls as well as a lift which gives access from street level.

St. Andrew’s House (Church Halls) The exterior of this building has been completed repainted and the roof made watertight. A new kitchen has been installed complete with cooker, water heater, large refrigerator and an industrial dishwasher. A new storage area has been created between the kitchen and storeroom.

Future work

We have quotes in hand to install photovoltaic panels on the church roof and also air conditioning within the church hall to enable a more comfortable temperature in the hot summer months.

Other Properties Wisely House is currently rented out to tenants. The Church also has a shop in Melita Street, Valletta, which is rented out. At the Addolorata Cemetery, Paola, the church owns 3 graves and an ossuary.




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