“Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?

Who may live on your holy mountain?”

Psalm 15:1

Welcome to Bethel Christian Reformed Church on Sunday, November 8, 2020. This is the day the Lord has made! If you are hearing impaired, contact one of the ushers and they will direct you to a personal listening device. Please contact an usher if you have visual problems and need a large print Bible, hymnal, or bulletin.

Bethel Family

At this time Cory Moreau will not have regularly scheduled office hours. If you need to get in contact with her please email waupunbethelcrc@ or call and leave a voice message at 920-324-4962 or 920-296-2521. Bulletin announcements continue to be due at Noon on Wednesdays. Thank you.

Jacob Groenewold’s new address:

PVT2 Groenewold, Jacob

A Co, 3-10 IN BN, 3rd PLT

13062 /w, 7th Street

Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473

On the back of the envelope write “Death Dealers” on the flap.

Please note the new collection boxes in the back of church--one is for the general fund and the other is for the second offering. We will be using these for the foreseeable future.

Bethel Activities and Ministries

Bethel’s 2020 Christmas Program – Planning has started and we need your help! Please check your church mailbox/email inbox/Bethel’s facebook page for more information and respond by Sunday, November 8th.

Please continue to collect money in your Peter Fish – they will be collected November 22nd. This year the collection will be split between 50% World Renew, 25% REACH and 25% Beautiful Response. It’s not too late to download a World Hunger Sunday devotional. If you’re looking for a way to engage hunger with your family, there are children’s devotionals and activities at worldhunger. Over 1 billion people around the world are hungry. God gives us food for the body and food for the spirit. He has a place for all of us at His table. Download your World Hunger Campaign devotionals today and spend some time thinking about why and how we welcome others to God’s table.

Sunday School Teachers needed! Once we do meet back face to face we will be in need of a few Sunday School teachers. If you would be willing to help out please let Becky Vander Werff know. Most teachers share the duties. Grades that still need teachers are: Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade.

Community Activities and Ministries

Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-

296-1448Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Turkey Trot – Thursday, November 26th – come out and join our 5K Turkey Trot! What a great way to start your Thanksgiving Day and enjoy a little exercise with friends and family beginning at 8:00am. Register in advance (or the day of the event) at RCS or follow the link online from The 5K begins and ends at Randolph Christian School. Since this entire event happens outside, we can physically distance and keep ourselves protected during this time of COVID pandemic while still enjoying this annual event!

Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Volunteer Needed – We are signed up to ring the bell for Salvation Army at Martens Farm & Home on December 4th and 5th. Time slots are 2 hours each as follows both days: 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm. Please contact Cory Moreau at waupunbethelcrc@ or 920324-4962 to sign up for a slot. Thank you in advance!

Brandon Community Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday, November 17 from 1:00-6:00pm at Bethel Church, 305 W. Main St. in Brandon. For appointments call Judith Henker at 920-346-2966

Disciple-Making Training: ONE Waupun will be offering Disciple-Making Training weekly from the end of September until the middle of November (8 sessions) at W7185 State Hwy 49, Waupun. This training will take place at 6:00am on Tuesday mornings, 6:00am on Wednesday mornings and then again at 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings so you can choose the time that works best for you. If you would like to take advantage of this training or have questions about it, contact Steve Soodsma (steve.soodsma@920-979-7095) or Mike Vander Berg (mvb2serve@920-382-5559). Please prayerfully consider being a part of this group. This will be a great opportunity to invest your time into something with eternal significance.

November 8, 2020

9:30 a.m. Worship Service


*Songs of Praise led by the Praise Team

Ten Thousand Reasons

*God's Greeting

Songs of Praise led by the Praise Team

O, How I Love Jesus

A Perfect Heart

Congregational and Offertory Prayer

Offering: 1) General Fund

2) The Union

Song of Preparation #432

For the Beauty of the Earth


Selected Scriptures


Foolproof: Spouseability

*Song of Response #545

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace


*Closing Song (see screen)

We Are an Offering



*Those who are able, please stand


Thank you!519pounds. Job well done!mas day represents Jesus, the Light of the World. The star represents the Star of bethlehPray For:

Those mourning the loss of loved ones…

~ Please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning.

Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness…

~Please pray for Linda Navis’ father as he deals with the after effects of COVID-19.

~Please continue to pray for Anna Prochnow, and her family, as she continues to receive ongoing care.

~Please pray for Rose Westra, who is recovering from a procedure on her esophagus. May God bless her and give her strength.

Those suffering from chronic illnesses…

~ Sawyer Lange

~ Kristin Sauer

~Those who we have prayed for in weeks past who continue to deal with weakness and slow recoveries.

Those unable to attend worship services…

~ Donna Smith – Prairie Ridge

~ Harold Mulder – Christian Home

~ Bill Kastein - Crossroads Care Center of FDL

~ Henry Heeringa - Golden Living Center

~ Leah Kemink - Brandon

U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad…

~ Noelle Groenewold, daughter of Jayne Groenewold, currently home and serving one weekend/month.

~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Betty Kemink, currently stationed at Virginia Beach, VA.

To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list, please contact Ruthie Brower at 920-324-4962 or waupunbethelcrc@. Office Hours are: Tuesday & Wednesday from 1:00-5:00 pm. Please have all bulletin announcements in by Noon on Wednesday to ensure they are included in the bulletin.


Helping with Worship and

Fellowship this morning

Ushers: Ben Smith, Mark Vander Werff

& Steve Hoekstra

Audio: Kurt Vlietstra & Kyle Heuver

Organist: Betty Kemink

Happening this week:

Helping with Worship/Fellowship on November 15, 2020

Offering: Education Ministries

Ushers: Roger Karsten, Jared Homan & Eric Ter Beest

PP/Audio: Dave & Logan Wobschall

Organist: Sandy Alsum


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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