Oklahoma City - TBN



Oklahoma City

Joy in Our Town Programs

Pastor Sam Walker (below),

outreach pastor at Crossroads

Church, visited with Joy in Our

Town host, Pastor Bates with

OKC Faith Church, about one out-

reach program that occurs each

Tuesday evening in a certain area

of the city that they take food and

clothing to the homeless. An

unique part of this ministry is that

the people can give a request for

Cole Phillips, Communications needed items and the following

Pastor, and Samantha Moser, the week the item can be picked up.

Gym Director with The Gate Also another outreach is to public

Church, visited with Joy in Our

schools, giving items such as

Town host Dolly Velasquez about paper supplies, snacks and drinks.

the new gym for the community. The teachers and principals are so

They offer several free services appreciative and it has helped the

such as women's dance exercise gospel come alive to them.

classes and kids' dance classes.

AlsoGate Church's CityReach ministry was also discussed. CityReach helps those in need through several outreaches, including providing coats to the homeless and a special Christmas outreach. CityReach was on hand in 2013, taking food and water to victims and responders, after a large tornado struck the city of Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City.


Monthly Report


A letter came from a prisoner in Oklahoma listing several programmers he enjoys watching and thanking TBN for the great programs and that he is learning a lot from them. PTL


Oklahoma Dream Center had a need for some food items to help feed the homeless and those who need a little extra. We had them on a Joy in Our Town program that airs next month.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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