March 13, 2020 Dear Crossroads Family

[Pages:1]March 13, 2020

Dear Crossroads Family:

In light of unprecedented events and the time in which we are living, I wanted to step away from my Sabbatical to share with each of you.

First, rest assured God is working! It is in the darkness that God's light shines brightest. While concern and fear surround us, we know God is in control and He cares.

In light of the concern of spreading the Coronavirus, concern for the most vulnerable in our church and community and in response to the request of our state government, effective this weekend, March 15th, and through the remainder of March we will not meet on campus, but rather we will host online services. We invite you to join us online at 9 or 10:45 am. You will experience a complete service just like every Sunday. The difference is you will experience it from the comfort of your home.

We encourage you to interact with us during the service by leaving a comment, a smile, a laugh, etc. You will have the opportunity to sing, to give, and to learn. Visit our Facebook page, the Crossroads app or our website, .

In the coming week, watch for information on how to experience church online with your community group. If you are not a member of a community group, this is a great time to become a part. Our staff is ready to assist you in finding a group and we promise to do so by Friday, March 20th. Contact us at housechurch@ or by calling 209-667-1100.

Our office remains open and we are here to serve. If you have a need or simply want to connect with someone, give us a call!

Ministry continues both locally and worldwide through Crossroads Church. While services are not happening on campus, ministry continues.

We are asking you to stay engaged by participating in services online, continuing to give your tithes and offerings, joining or staying committed to your community group and praying for our leadership and our community. You may give through our app, online through the website, or by stopping by the office during our normal work hours.

Psalm 121:1-8. "I look up to the mountains. Does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord Himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever."

God is in control and we have an unprecedented opportunity to minister in this time. Share your hope and relationship in Jesus with others. Connect more deeply to Him and to His body as we experience church in our homes and step into the needs of others.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office. Crossroads, I love you and pray for you daily!

In His Grasp,

Lee Towns

Senior Pastor- Crossroads Church


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