Miss New York 2008, Leigh-Taylor Smith, visits Crossroads Juvenile Center to talk with residents and encourage volunteerism.

Miss New York Leigh-Taylor Smith Visits Youth at Crossroads Juvenile Center to Encourage Volunteerism

On Saturday, November 15, 2008, "Miss New York" 2008, Leigh-Taylor Smith visited youth at Crossroads Juvenile Center in Brooklyn to discuss the importance of community service and to encourage it among the residents. Nearly 70 boys and girls from Crossroads and 15 girls from Horizon Juvenile Center who were transported to Brooklyn participated in the event. The visit was organized by Assistant Commissioner for Public Affairs Scott Trent and Director of Program Services Sonia Galarza as part of the Agency's commitment to promoting awareness among residents of their options after discharge.

Ms. Smith is a 22-year old graduate of the University of Virginia. Leigh-Taylor now makes her home in Manhattan where she works as an assistant designer for Scott Sanders LLC, an interior design firm.

While being an accomplished singer and actor, with an impressive theatrical resume, Ms. Leigh-Taylor Smith's greatest passion is promoting volunteering that changes lives. Following her year of service as Miss New York 2008, she will use her scholarship winnings to pursue a Masters Degree in Interior Design at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, and anticipates becoming the owner of her own interior design firm. Ms. Leigh-Taylor Smith traveled to Africa in 2005 to teach children and adults about HIV/AIDS, and returned there in 2006 to volunteer for the Salvation Army. She helped establish a church in Belize City, Belize, has tutored children, donated 36 inches of her hair to Locks of Love, and with her team raised $58,000 for the 2008 AIDS Walk in New York.

After an introduction by Assistant Commissioner Trent, Ms. Smith took the podium and spoke about her experience and the reasons she had chosen to visit residents at Crossroads. After her remarks, she was interviewed "in the round," talking with residents and answering questions in a relaxed and friendly setting. Three separate groups of boys and two groups of girls met with Ms. Smith in the Crossroads Gymnasium. Miss New York met with the youth for an hour and a half, discussing her latest projects, including her upcoming competition in the Miss America Pageant, and how she approaches her work as an interior designer.

Ms. Smith detailed the challenges and triumphs she has experienced during her time as Miss New York. She also offered insights and tips for those youth thinking of volunteering their services to their community, along with answering many interesting questions.

Residents were especially curious about Ms. Smith's travels around the globe in her role as Miss New York. She spoke about a very busy schedule that is a requirement of the title, but came back to the importance of promoting service to one's community as a way of positively affecting the lives of others. Given the interest in Crossroads' special visitor, Ms. Smith was gracious enough to stay after the event to converse in depth with residents and sign autographed pictures.

"Miss New York Leigh-Taylor Smith is a great role model for young people. We're very happy she was able to visit Crossroads and interact with residents," Deputy Director of Programs Andre Mullings said. "The Crossroads Team worked hard to make this day special and rewarding for residents."


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