Live Oak United Methodist Church - Clover Sites

Live Oak United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 709, Watson, LA 70786 (225) 664-4801

- liveoakumc@ Sunday Worship - 8:00 AM., 10:00 AM., 11:30 AM.

Sunday School - 9:00 AM & 10:00 AM Thursday Worship ? 7:00PM

Pastor...........................................................................Dr. Mark Crosby Sunday School, 9:00 & 10:00 A.M/

Associate Pastor.........................................................Rev. Dickie Davis Pastoral Care Director...............................................Rev. Tom Bergeron Asst. Pastoral Care.....................................................Rev. Rita Chiasson Special Ministries.......................................................Rev. Sam LoBello Youth/Missions Director...........................................Rev. David Orges Assoc. Minister/Worship Leader.............................Rev. Trent Barnett Music Director............................................................Melanie Rushing Asst. Music Director..................................................David Easley Education Director....................................................Terrie Crosby Administrative Asst...................................................Cathy Bermes Treasurer....................................................................Jim Otken Maintenance..............................................................David Drake Organist.......................................................................Carol Justice & Vickie Arbour Keyboard....................................................................Brittany Bruce, Sammi Rushing,

Sarah Rushing

February 2013

Monthly Newsletter

Live Oak United Methodist

Pastor's Desk

Every month at Live Oak we preach a new series of messages. In February (for the past 17 years) we have focused on Love, Marriage, and Family as the series for the month. This year we will continue the tradition. The reason we dedicate a month to Love, Marriage and Family, is because we live in a culture that is struggling with keeping marriages strong and stable. Many are not sure what is required to keep their marriage strong, and others are not sure how to solve the problems that are often presented in marriage.

We live in a culture where many believe they can control everything around them including their spouse. The truth is the only person we have control over is us. Once we understand this truth and apply it, we begin to see a difference in our relationships and a reduction in the level of frustration in our lives.

I hope you will join us this month for a series that will give you hope and insight (no matter what your family status may be) into what God's principles declare for our relationships.

{Please pray for the Valentine banquet. Pray it will generate funds for our youth, be a time of fellowship and fun, and give the seeker an avenue by which to give the church another try.}

God bless, I hope to see you Sunday. Mark C.

Mark Your Calendar

February 9th - Men's Prayer Breakfast

February 13th - Confirmation Class

February 14th, 15th & 16th February 17th, 22nd & 23rd Valentine's Banquet?Youth Fundraiser March 8th & March 9th - Men's Conference

Nuggets from the Bible

Ephesians 3:1-7

"For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles - if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I wrote before in a few words, by which when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not made know to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power."

Understanding the dispensations of the Bible helps greatly when we attempt to "rightly divide" (2 Tim. 2:15) the Word. The Greek meaning of the word is primarily signifying the management of a household or house hold affairs; the management or administration of property; also a stewardship.

God's household is the whole universe. He has chosen, for His own reasons to manage the earthly part of His household in different ways from Genesis to Revelation. Three things are implicit in this definition of dispensation:

1) A revelation of what God requires of man,

2) Man's response that is expected,

3) A time - period during which such a test is in force.

Continued on next page

Confirmation Class Begins- Wednesday February 13th Beginning at 5:30 p.m. for nine weeks, ages 6th grade and up (11 years old and up). Call the Church office to register your children.


Addiction Recovery Groups Thursdays at 7:00 PM

These are Christ centered groups helping people that experience a variety of different addictions. At REFUGE people will meet to share and learn together. A s a result they will have the opportunity to experience God's presence, comfort and strength.

Men and women meet together initially and then separate into gender-specific groups

And the second is like unto it, Thou

shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

? Romans 8:30

Nuggets from the Bible- Continued

This is God's economy - how He manages His household. Many Bible scholars recognize seven dispensations - that of innocence, conscience or moral responsibility, human government, promises, law, grace or the church, and the kingdom.

There are seven factors relative to an understanding of the various dispensations.

First, the dispensations are a progressive and connected revelation of God's dealings with man, given sometimes to a whole race or nation, and at other times to an individual.

Second, these different dispensations are not different ways of salvation. Man was to live in different ways but salvation has always been by God's grace through faith.

Third, before the cross, man was saved in prospect (looking ahead) to Christ's sacrifice, believing the revelations of God given during that time period. This obedience is always a stewardship of faith.

Fourth, on man's port the continuing requirement is obedience to the revelation of God given during that time period. This obedience is always a stewardship of faith.

Fifth, although the divine revelation unfolds progressively, the deposit of truth is cumulative from each dispensation except that of law -it ended at the cross.

Sixth, in every dispensation most of mankind has failed. There have been and will continue to be those who reject God and His Word.

Seventh. these different dispensations will culminate at the time eternity begins with a new heaven and earth, the Heavenly city (the new Jerusalem) and joys untold that we read about in Revelation 21 and 22.






Valentine Banquet : The Valentine banquet will be February 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, & 23rd. The banquet is the absolute best way for students to raise money to help pay for summer camp. Students are credited for the hours they work and the balance of their "youth account" can be used toward summer camps! (see below)

Youth Mission Trip : March 24th ? 29th (More details to be released at a later date)

Youth Senior Trip : Are you graduating this May? Are you incredibly excited to be finished with High School!? Are you looking for a seriously fun alternative to the same old played out senior trips? One that isn't filled with compromising your faith or your morals? We will be embarking on our 2nd annual TLR Senior Trip May 19th?23rd, and we would love to have you along!

Summer Camps : Camp is the ultimate way for you to get involved and plugged in to the Living Room Youth Group at LOUMC! Camp provides a break from the everyday craziness and drama that teenagers call life. Come find a spiritual oasis and invest in your relationship with God and friends as you take a break from life for a week. High School: Crossroads Summer Camp: Boiling Springs, NC: June 30th - July 5th : Cost per student - $350 Middle School: Camp Fuego: Bethany, LA: July 8th- 12th: Cost per student - $225

VBS Remix : July 28th- 30th. It says it all in the name. Remix is a spin on the traditional VBS experience. First off, Remix is open to students in grades 6-12 only! This event is designed with teenagers in mind and every detail caters to you! Second, you won't be singing your grandmas VBS songs... although we all love Father Abraham and his many sons. The worship will definitely be rockin'. The teaching will also address the most relevant issues facing teenagers today. This is a three-night event full of stage games, worship, teaching, break out groups, and hanging with friends that you won't soon forget!

...........Continued Next Page

LOUMC Living Room Youth Group - continued

Glow Party Lock In : July 31st. The best way to get ready to close out the summer is a night full of black light/glow-in-the dark activities! The lock in starts at 8:00pm and ends at 6:00am. Admission is $5.

Also, a great way to keep up with weekly youth activities such as Sunday night Bible studies, Sunday School, random hangouts, etc. via instant updates, you can like our LOUMC Youth facebook page.

For more detailed info, forms, and podcasts of Wednesday night services, visit us at

Tithes & Offerings

Thank you to all who continue to generously give to God's work here at Live Oak Methodist! Your use of the offertory envelopes in each pew provides us with important information to correctly process your donations. When using the `new' envelopes, please make sure to note your intentions of where you would like your donations to go. The new envelopes identify 4 main areas of need such as Budget, Building, Music, and Praise Band. There is an "Other" line which can be used to identify other areas for giving. We have over 30 special funds that address specific areas here at Live Oak Methodist. They are shown below.

AWANA Bell Choir Benevolence Bus Camp Scholarships CD Ministry Cemetery Children's Choir Children's Ministry College & Career Cuba Church Mission DMA Fall Festival Father-Daughter Dance Food Pantry Gloves Men's Ministry

Military / Veteran Missions Mother-Daughter Tea Nursery Pie Ministry Quilting (Piecemakers) Live Oak Angels (Red Hat) Refuge Seminary Scholarship Singles Ministry Sunday School Thrift Shop Vacation Bible School Valentine Banquet Women's Conference Women's Ministry Youth

Please pray and seek God's Will in your giving.

In His Service,

Jim Otken


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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