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High-profile security and data breaches have refocused

attention on security issues within the organization. Between 2014 and 2015, companies such as Home Depot,

Sony, Target, Blue Cross Blue Shield and the U.S. Office of

Personnel Management experienced record news breaking attacks, with executives and security personnel losing

their jobs as a result. The average total cost of a breach in

2014 was $1.33 million, and has risen to $1.57 million in

2015, according to the Ponemon Institute.

Expectedly, rising concern about IT security within organizations has transpired and forced decision makers to reevaluate their security perceptions and strategies. There

are three main concerns when dealing with IT security:

the growing quantity and intricacy of attacks, the challenge of managing the ever growing complexity of information security and the tall cost of data breaches.

Top Three Concerns

The growing quantity and intricacy of


The challenge of managing the ever

growing complexity of information


The tall cost of data breaches.

Table of Contents

Growing Quantity of Intricacy of Cyberattacks..........................................................................................................2

Security Breaches: 2014 & 2015.....................................................................................................................2

The Challenge of Complexity.........................................................................................................................................3

The Tall Cost of Breaches...............................................................................................................................................3

Effects on Organizations.................................................................................................................................................4

Attack Reprecussions..........................................................................................................................................4

Countering Threats...........................................................................................................................................................5

How Do I Implement IT Security?..................................................................................................................................5

The Crossroads Difference.............................................................................................................................................6

Multi-Dimensional Solutions.............................................................................................................................6

100% Accountability...........................................................................................................................................6

Flat Communication............................................................................................................................................6

Insightful Advice...................................................................................................................................................6


It¡¯s In The Numbers: IT Security, A Constant Threat

? Crossroads Technologies, Inc. 2016


Growing Quantity and Intricacy of Cyberattacks

A 2015 Strategic Security Survey, conducted by InformationWeek and Dark Reading, gathered information

from 435 IT decision makers working in North American organizations. Through their study, they determined that certain types of IT attacks seem to be increasing: 61% of those surveyed reported phishing

attacks within their organizations ¨C up from 2014¡¯s 59% ¨C and denial-of-service attacks increased from

26% to 38% in the same timeframe.

23% of respondents reported that their organizations had been compromised or breached as a result of

cyber-attacks last year alone. 15% also said that they fell victim to attacks that were directly targeted at

their organization. In a directly targeted breach, significant time and resources are invested by attackers.

These direct attacks can be considerably more difficult to detect, prevent and diminish, and have more

detrimental effects.

It¡¯s In The Numbers: IT Security, A Constant Threat

? Crossroads Technologies, Inc. 2016


The Challenge of Complexity

According to IT decision makers, securing corporate networks is becoming more challenging and complex:

when asked about their biggest information or network security challenges, 44% pointed to managing the

complexity of security as a top concern.

Not only do the volume and intricacy of attacks add to the complexity of IT security, human behavior also appears to play a main

role in the issue. Directly targeted attacks usually focus on staff,

which is commonly a weak point in corporate security defenses.

As a result, respondents rated end-user security-awareness training as the most vital security practice in the workplace. Human

behavior and, consequently, error, can be greatly reduced with

some administration and oversight. Education regarding topics

such as compliance, creating strong passwords, keeping devices

safe and being aware of cyber threats can drastically reduce the

possibility of internally caused breaches.

When asked about endpoint security concerns within their organizations, respondents were more concerned with the behavior of their employees than the level of security within devices

and systems. Representing 58% of the survey group, the main

concern with devices and systems involved connecting infected

personal or company devices to organizational networks. Other

common security threats amongst corporations included: users

falling victim to phishing and other scams, as well as the loss of

a device with sensitive or important information were also highly

agreed upon as being detrimental to internal security efforts.

The Tall Cost of Breaches

Costs resulting from data breaches or compromises are often insurmountable. Though monetary losses can cost millions of dollars, it is not only finances that suffer post-attack. Physical damage can occur in system or hardware destruction, as well as other

ways depending on the type of attack. Though this can be detrimental to an organization, non-physical damage can sometimes

leave far bigger wounds.


of those


said their


are becoming

more vulnerable because of

the increasing

intricacy of


When faced with major cyber-attacks, organizations are left defenseless, and sometimes scarred. Organizations can be consequently stuck with tainted reputations, loss of accountability and

trust, compromised confidentiality and legal liability. While these

factors may not have an immediate effect on an organization¡¯s

finances, they may later when it comes to gaining new business.

It¡¯s In The Numbers: IT Security, A Constant Threat

? Crossroads Technologies, Inc. 2016


Effects on Organizations

Of those surveyed, 39% were unable to put a definitive price on how much their security breach had cost

the organization. Of those who could, 32% said breaches had costed over $100,000, 12% said costs were

over $1 million, and 6% said costs had exceeded $5 million.

In order to prevent as much damage and expense as possible, organizations are taking action by increasing

security budgets. 46% of those surveyed expect their spending and defensive measures to increase this

year. Most companies are left with no other choice in the matter, with the alternative to spending involving

It¡¯s In The Numbers: IT Security, A Constant Threat

? Crossroads Technologies, Inc. 2016



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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