Kinetic and Potential Energy - St. Michael Catholic School


Kinetic and Potential Energy

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29 Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

humans chemicalpotential changesform thermal light positive brighter potentialenergy storedchemical lightning faster watt transferred electricalpotential

gravitational fuel chemicalbonds kineticenergy exothermic falling dimmer converted electrical closed heat negative combustionreaction electricity sun lux


2. do n't stick yo ur fingers in any so ckets because __________ can co nduct electricity 4 . electricity flo ws thro ugh __________ circuits 5 . the Law o f Co nservatio n o f Energy states that energy is neither created no r destro yed, it simply _________________ 7 . a ____________ light means fewer electro ns are flo wing thro ugh a light bulb 8. a reactio n that gives o ff heat 10 . the energy sto red in an o bject o r substance 13. the energy sto red in the chemical bo nds o f chemical co mpo unds 15 . very co mmo n way o f co nverting sto red chemical energy into kinetic energy 16 . measure o f light o r illuminatio n 17 . electro ns mo ve to wards the ___________ end o f a battery 20 . thermal energy is the energy o f __________ 21. a __________ light means mo re electricity is flo wing thro ugh a light bulb 22. vinegar and baking so da are co mpo sed o f ato ms that are held to gether by ____________, which sto re chemical po tential energy 25 . the energy o f mo tio n 27 . the po tential energy that exists between two o bjects that exert a gravitatio nal pull o n each o ther 28. this type o f kinetic energy is the mo vement o f pho to ns 29 . __________ is a fo rm o f electrical energy and it is co nverted into light, heat, and so und energy


1. plants co nvert sun's energy into ____________ energy, which is passed do wn the fo o d chain 3. Earth's energy co mes fro m the ___________ 4 . in investigatio n #2, light energy was ___________ into thermal energy 6 . the energy that exists when co mparing a regio n o f high electrical charge to o ne o f lo w electrical charge 9 . this type o f kinetic energy is the mo vement o f mo lecules 11. when mo lecules mo ve ____________, they have greater kinetic energy 12. we can use so lar po wer, wind po wer, dams, and fo ssil fuels to pro duce _____________ 14 . in investigatio n #1, the ball __________ kinetic energy to the bear when it hit the bear 18. gravitatio nal po tential energy is asso ciated with ____________ o bjects 19 . this type o f kinetic energy is the mo vement o f electro ns 23. in a co mbustio n reactio n, ________ + O2 --> H2O + CO2 24 . electro ns are __________ 26 . measure o f electrical energy


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