Psychology Notebook Project

Psychology Notebook Project

You will create a notebook containing the following types of information:

Required Activities:

1. Choose one of the following:

a. Read and outline chapters 17 and 18

b. Create a dictionary based on the key terms (all) for chapters 17 and 18. May not be copied from the text index. Must be in your own words.

2. Create five activity sheets which illustrate psychology terms, issues, etc.

*Note: the activity sheets must be different – you may only do one crossword, one word find, etc. All activities must include clues rather than a word list.

3. Read three newspaper/magazine/journal/website articles related to psychology issues. Write a review of each (appropriate length). Must include a printout of the articles you choose. I must approve all articles.

4. Book Report:

a. Read a young adult novel with a psychological problem or issue. These must be selected from the approved list.

b. Write a three page paper and include the following:

1. Briefly describe the plot and characters

2. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the author’s treatment of the issue.

3. Use the knowledge you’ve gained during the semester. You are not required to use any sources outside the textbook, notes, and class experiences.

c. Each student will present a 5-minute oral summary of his/her book to the class.

You will choose 3 additional activities from the following list:

1. Write a description of a potential activity for this class. Must include the activity in detail, how it will be graded, etc.

2. Create a board game (i.e. Concentration, Jeopardy) for a chapter of your choice

3. Design three jigsaw puzzles which demonstrate the perception issue like the “what do you see, the beautiful young woman or the old hag” picture.

4. Write a biographical profile on a psychologists/psychiatrists from the approved list. I must approve all selections to avoid too many students choosing the same one.

5. Write a profile of a psychological disorder that were discussed in class. I must approve all selections to avoid too many students choosing the same disorder.

6. Write a Life History – may be a personal history or someone else’s using the format I provide for you. You are to reflect on how the life has been shaped by the individual’s experiences.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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