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Year Group: 5 Home Learning Week Beginning: 20.4.2020Hi Year 5! Welcome back, we both hope that you have all had a wonderful and restful Easter break. Below you will find the information for this week’s learning. Through the week if you have written, made or created something you are particularly proud of then we would love to see a photo of it! You can send up to 2 pieces of work per week to your class email address and Miss Twyman or Mr Riddoch will comment on it or send you a certificate for your brilliant work. or We will not be able to mark each piece of work you carry out in your books at home but expect you to self-assess using the given answers or top-ticks when necessary.ReadingRead for 20 minutes daily. Find 4 words that meaning you are unsure of, using a dictionary and thesaurus (this can be found online also) search for their definitions, antonyms and synonyms. THIS IS TO BE COMPLETED IN BLUE BOOKS, feel free to use the grid provided in the resources document. This week we will be teaming up with Year 6 to begin reading a new book via vlogs. The book is called ‘Cogheart’ by Peter Bunzl. Miss Mednick has uploaded two vlogs, one on the prologue and the other on Chapter 1. Please listen along and then complete the questions underneath. These can be done in your blue book and before the next session we will add the answers to the vlogs so that you can mark these yourself. Enjoy!Below is a link, which will take you to , where there is 1 piece of text, comprehension questions and answers. You are to try and complete this as one reading session within your week. This can be done in your blue book. you are struggling for books – try as there are EBooks available.EnglishSession 1 – Write a script for a news report or create a newspaper report on a light hearted topic of your choice (an event that has occurred in your house or use an event from a book you have read). Session 2 – Record your news report using your script on an app such as i-movie or use one of the newspaper report templates (on the resources document) to write up your newspaper report in neat. Session 3 – Instructional text - Recipe write up! It seems lots of you have been cooking up a storm whilst at home making some of the yummiest treats and even making faces with your food! In your final writing task this week we’d like you to write a recipe for the best thing you have eaten or created since we have started home learning. Don’t forget to use imperative (bossy) verbs, include ingredients and equipment lists, use present tense and second person, time adverbials, short concise sentences and you can include pictures. You can either write this task in your blue book or use a template from the purple mash 2dos list. MathsIXL – For this week we would like you to complete the following sections in IXL: D4, D5, D7, D15, E4, E5 Across the week you will also need to complete this arithmetic test, which you can find in the link below, some of you may want to do this as one lesson, others may break it up over the week. PLEASE COMPLETE ANSWERS IN BLUE BOOKS.This week please complete Maths Challenge Cards 5 and 6 – these are not related to IXL but they will challenge you as a problem solver! COMPLETE IN BLUE BOOK. Go on to and complete the Times table and dividers 2Dos. SpellingsSome children will have their own spellings sent out, if you have not received these then you will need to log into and complete spelling 2 do. Punctuation and GrammarGo on to and complete ADVERBS and COMMAS 2Do. Can you use this learning in your writing? Underline these things in your English writing to show us!Topic(History/Geography)Refer to ‘Topic Home learning Term 5 Week 1’ document.Go on to - Use your login to complete any 2Dos that have been set by your teacher (European capital cities, Europe countries, South American countries, African countries, North American Countries).When you have completed these activities can you create your own quiz on the topics of countries and capital cities? You might want to write your quiz out in your blue book or create a digital version on Powerpoint. Better still, there is a really straightforward quiz creator in purple mash which has been set as a 2do. Using the homework menu (attached below) ensure you have completed 3 pieces from the IPC homework ic (Art) This week we would like you to get active with your art! This activity originated from a gallery in America where they asked the public to have a go at this whilst everyone is spending time at home. The challenge is for you to select a famous painting and try to recreate it using objects and people in your own home. If you don’t have a favourite painting in mind, then use the link below to browse through some famous artists and their paintings. Then you are free to use items from around your house and the people too, to recreate that piece. If you can take a picture and send it to us along with a copy or the name of the original piece that would be fantastic! Remember to ask permission from your parents/carers before using objects and things. Have fun! see below for some ideas of what others have done Topic(Science)This term we are going to begin by looking at our new topic of space. This week you should watch the video clip and then there are two activities to complete. The first is a crossword (can be found in the resources document) based on the new vocabulary in the video. The second is to complete a comic strip (template to be found in the resources document) that summarises the main stages of the formation of the solar system. The comic strip should contain the new vocabulary you have used within the crossword. GermanChildren should practice the learned German vocabulary in Linguascope. To access these resources, please follow the steps below: 1. CONNECT: 2. LOG IN: valley1 Password: 20twenty?Please log in to Elementary Level and practice the following topics:1. Monate?2. Alter-25403492500Suggested Week 3 Timetable 20 mins20 mins45-60 mins20 mins1 hour +Monday Daily reading IXL and times tables practice Writing task- plan and draft news report/newspaper reportAdverb activity on purple mashTopic - 2dosTuesday Daily readingDividers gameReading comprehension on test baseSpellings on purple mash German Wednesday Daily readingIXL and times tables practiceWriting task- record news report on i-movie or write newspaper report in neatTake a break Topic - quiz Thursday Daily readingArithmetic paperReading vlog 1 on purple mash Comma activity on purple mashScienceFriday Daily readingIXL and times tables practiceWriting task- write your own favourite recipeReading vlog 2 on purple mash and answer questions (extra time needed)Art ................

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