Crossword Clues


1. Metaphor: A direct comparison using is or was

2. Simile: A comparison using like or as

3. Hyperbole: “My heart broke into a million pieces” – A great exaggeration

4. Allusion: Reference to a historical or literary work of the past.

5. Alliteration: repetition of consonant sounds, the big brown bear bumped the baby deer

6. Personification: giving human attributes to non-human things

7. Connotation: The deeper meaning associated with a word: ie: Girls are giggly, Ladies are refined.

8. Repetition: repeating words, phrases or ideas.

9. Onomatopoeia: words that imitate sound (think Batman)

10. Denotation: The dictionary meaning of a word: Heart is a valve that pumps blood – it doesn’t mean love, or passion or life!

11. Assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds anywhere in a word: Ivan reacted to an attack.

12. Dramatic Irony: A death row pardon two minutes too late; in a horror movie when we know the killer is downstairs but the cheerleader decides to unwittingly go down there anyway. When we know something that the character does not.

13. Situational Irony: When the opposite of what is expected, occurs; Alex wins the lottery then gets hit by a bus.

14. Verbal Irony: saying something and meaning the opposite

15. Theme: central message of a poem

16. Imagery: word that appeal to the senses. .

17. Rhyme: repetition of similar sounds at the end of lines in a poem, also Dr. Seuss’s favorite device

18: Contrast: Putting two different things together for effect: ie. Fire and Ice

19. Symbol: An object represents something else: Freedom = butterfly; Skull and crossbones = death or Pirates.

20. Pun: a play on words

21. Sarcasm: sneering remark

22. Stanza: a group of lines in a poem

23. Speaker: Person telling the poem

24. Free-verse: poem with no rhythm or rhyme

25. Speaker: person telling the poem

26. Tone: poet’s attitude towards the subject in the poem

27. Understatement: purposely stating something is less than it is

28. Mood: feeling reader is supposed to get from poem

29. Snow

30. Changes

31. Umbrella

32. Bridge Over Troubled Water

33. Wake up Call

34. Keep on Rockin in the free world

35. Fire and Ice

36. Hotel California

37. August Rush

38. Martian sends a postcard Home

39. Wind Cries Mary

Poetry Review Extravaganza!

Instructions: Select words from the list below and put them onto your Poetry Bingo Sheet” and write them in the boxes on the other side (order does not matter)

We will play a few games of “Bingo” in order to review for your poetry test. For the first game, mark a “1” in your sheet when your clue is called. This will indicate that you have won a square in game “1.” When Game 2 begins you will begin to place a “2” on the squares you win (or feel free to invent your own system). A winner is a person who receives one full line. There is no “free” space.

Choose your words from the list below and good luck!

1. Alliteration 11.Simile 21. Understatement

2. Contrast 12. Metaphor 22. Personification

3. Speaker 13. Onomatopoeia 23. Situational Irony

4. Mood 14. Free-verse 24. Dramatic Irony

5. Tone 15. Stanza 25. Verbal Irony

6. Speaker 16. Sarcasm 26. 99 Red Balloons

7. Repetition 17. Pun 27. Southern Man

8. Imagery 18. Symbol 28. Sweet Home Alabama

9. Allusion 19. Rhyme 29. Born in the USA

10. Hyperbole 20. Theme 30. Symphony of Destruction

31. POW

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