Solutions Crossword

|Solutions Crossword |

|physical.htm |

|[pic] | |

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| |Across |

| |4 The solvent in sugar water. (5) |

| |6 A method of separating two liquids in a solution. (12)|

| |9 A solution that is unable to dissolve any more solute |

| |(it has dissolved the maximum solute that it can). (9) |

| |11 A method of separating a solid from a liquid |

| |solution. (11) |

| |12 A substance that is dissolved by another substance. |

| |(6) |

| |13 Uniformly mixed. (11) |

| |14 Water is sometimes called the ____________ solvent. |

| |(9) |

|Down | |

|1 The amount of a solute that can be dissolved in a solvent. (10) |[pic] |

|2 The solute in carbonated water. (6,7) | |

|3 The solubility of a gas in a liquid usually increases as the ____________ increases. (8) | |

|5 A common substance that does not dissolve well in water. (3) | |

|7 Solubility of a solid in a liquid usually increases as ____________ increases. (11) | |

|8 A substance that dissolves another substance. (7) | |

|10 A solid solution of a metal and another substance. (5) | |

|12 The solute in sugar water. (5) | |


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