Who was one of the people who saw Jesus in Jerusalem in ...

Crossword Puzzle Questions Based on Timeline

The first semester exam will cover a lot more material than what is contained in this assignment. This assignment, however, is a good place to get started with your exam review since it will help you see the chronological arrangement of the major events in Jesus’ life and ministry. Please note that only the crossword puzzle will be graded so be sure to copy your answers into the puzzle. You do not need to turn these questions in for a grade, but you must submit a completed crossword puzzle in order to receive credit for this assignment.


Use the “Timeline of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ” to find the answers to the questions listed below. You are required to complete the questions in the order that they are listed below. This assignment needs to be completed on your own without the help of a partner.

41 down: Who was one of the people who saw Jesus in Jerusalem in the year 6-4 B.C.?

8 across: About how old is Jesus when we come to the end of reading Luke 2?

30 down: How old is Jesus by the end of the Mark 1 and the by the end of John 1?

16 down: True or False: A large part of each of the four gospels focuses on Jesus’ childhood.

44 across: What was the name of the river where Jesus was baptized?

29 down: True or False: We do not know how old Jesus was when He was baptized.

37 across: Where was Jesus when He was tempted?

2 down: Who does Jesus talk to in John 3?

7 down: In what region of Palestine was Jesus in John 4?

12 across: This timeline calls Jesus’ second year of ministry the year of ___________________.

34 down: What is the title of the sermon that Jesus preaches in Capernaum in A.D. 28?

35 across: To whose house does Jesus go to in Luke 7?

28 down: Jesus teaches by using _________________ in Matthew 13.

40 across: Not long after calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee, the daughter of _______________ is raised from the dead.

27 across: Who was killed in A.D. 28?

1 down: This timeline calls Jesus’ third year of ministry the year of ________________.

20 down: In John chapter _______________ Jesus says “I am the Bread of Life”.

24 down: What is the name of the region where Jesus tells His disciples that He will soon die?

30 across: What significant event takes place in this same region? The _________________.

14 down: Jesus goes to Jerusalem to attend the Feast of __________________.

32 across: True or False: Jesus is referred to as Living Water in John 7.

18 down: Jesus says “I am the Light of the World” in John 8. He then puts light into the eyes and heart of a blind man in John chapter ________________.

5 across: In John 10 Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd”. Jesus uses another “I AM” statement in John 11 when He raises ________________ from the dead.

25 down: In the year A.D. _________________ Jesus says, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

13 down: Who lacked only one thing, but this one thing caused him to lack everything?

23 across: What is the name of the man who is healed in Jericho?

39 down: Who in Jericho made haste, came down, and received Jesus joyfully?

4 down: In what village is Jesus before the start of the week of His deepest sufferings and His death?

36 across: Each of the four gospels has about a third of its chapters focusing on the events that took place in last week of Jesus’ sufferings. This week is usually called the _________________.

33 down: The triumphal entry into Jerusalem took place on what day of the week?

42 across: On Monday of the Passion Week, for the second time, Jesus cleanses the ______________.

17 across: Who anoints Jesus on Tuesday?

38 across: Where does the anointing take place?

21 across: One of the disciples thought that the anointing of Jesus was a waste. On Wednesday, this disciple makes a _____________ against Jesus.

31 across: On Thursday evening (Note: this time was actually the start of the Jewish Friday; Jesus died on the day of the Passover) the disciples ate the Passover meal. This meal is often referred to as the ________________.

3 down: In chapters 14-16 of the Gospel of John, Jesus _____________ His disciples.

22 down: The weight and burden of sin pressed Jesus down to ground so that He fell on His face and in extreme anguish of soul He cried “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.” Here it was that He began to drink deeply of the cup of God’s wrath so that in agony of spirit His sweat was as great drops of blood. This place was ________________.

15 down: After the arrest and the trial in the palace of the High Priest, Jesus is brought for trial to the place called _________________ where He is shamefully mocked, His back is severely scourged, and He is crowned with thorns. He is declared to be innocent and yet He is sentenced to die for the sin of His people.

9 down: The name of the place where the Passover Lamb was slain also starts with the letter “G”. Here the Son of God descended into hell and experienced indescribable torments of body and soul. Here His soul endured the eternal hell that was deserved by each of His children. Here God was forsaken of God, the sun refused to shine, and the Prince of Life entered into the cold, darkness of death. This place was called ________________, the place of a skull.

19 across: On that afternoon of Good Friday, before the Jewish Sabbath began, Jesus was buried in the tomb of _______________.

26 down: On the Resurrection morning, who visits Jesus’ tomb and was the first to see Jesus?

10 down: Where were the two men going in Luke 24?

43 across: On what day of the week does Jesus appear to His disciples?

11 across: The ascension of Jesus took place on the Mount of Olives _______________ days after Easter (the Sunday of Jesus’ resurrection).

6 across: The ascension of Jesus is recorded in three of the Gospels but also in Acts chapter _______________.


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