The Diary of Anne Frank: Act I Test

The Diary of Anne Frank: Act I


Directions: Match each character to his or her description. There will be

one (1) description remaining.

|_____ 1. Mr. Dussel |A. It was his idea to go into hiding. |

|_____ 2. Miep Gies |B. Sixteen and shy; owns Mouschi. |

|_____ 3. Mr. Frank |C. Eighteen, beautiful and quiet. |

|_____ 4. Mrs. Frank |D. Anne plays ping-pong with her. |

|_____ 5. Anne |E. The dentist and last member to join. |

|_____ 6. Margot |F. One of the protectors and is engaged. |

|_____ 7. Peter |G. Tells Anne she must be dignified. |

| |H. Thirteen, curious and quick. |

Multiple Choice

Directions: Record the letter of your choice on the line provided.

_____ 8. What is Mr. Van Daan’s bad habit?

A. Drinking cognac

B. Smoking cigars

C. Smoking cigarettes

D. Arguing with Anne

_____ 9. What did Mr. Frank want to do with the papers Miep

finds in the beginning of the story?

A. Burn them.

B. Bury them.

C. Save them.

D. Read them.

_____ 10. The story uses which literary device in Scene 1?

A. flashback

B. foreshadowing

C. irony

D. climax

_____ 11. Which is true about Mr. Dussel?

A. He claims an allergy to strawberries and seafood.

B. He owns the building where everyone is hiding.

C. He is a medical doctor for a Dutch hospital.

D. He claims an allergy to fur-bearing animals.

_____ 12. Anne has a conflict with all of the following except:

A. Mr. Dussel

B. Mrs. Frank

C. Mr. Frank

D. Mrs. Van Daan

_____ 13. What causes panic during the Hanukkah celebration?

A. Someone has suddenly taken ill and needs medical help.

B. Someone is heard below the Secret Annex.

C. Miep and Mr. Kraler have been arrested.

D. Someone is heard below on the street.

_____ 14. What is the name of the city and country where the

Franks, Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel live?

A. Amsterdam, Holland

B. Amsterdam, Sweden

C. Amsterdam, Switzerland

D. Amsterdam, Germany

Free Answer

15. Indicate all the rules Mr. Frank explains to the group:

_____ They can use the w.c. whenever they need it.

_____ They must keep away from the windows.

_____ They must keep off their shoes in the daytime.

_____ They must remain silent from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

_____ They can phone Miep while she is working.

16. Number the following events according to the play:

_____ Mr. Dussel arrives in the Secret Annex.

______ Mr. Frank alone returns to the Secret Annex.

_____ Anne Frank begins writing in her diary.

_____ The Hanukkah celebration occurs.

17. Indicate all the gifts Anne gives:

|_____ Cigarettes |_____ A scarf |

|_____ Ear plugs |_____ A ribbon |

|_____ An I.O.U. |_____ A crossword puzzle book |

|_____ A doll |_____ A hat |

Graphic Organizers

Directions: Compare Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan.

|18. Mr. Frank |19. both |20. Mr. Van Daan |A. husband and father |

| | | |B. remains calm in a crisis |

| | | |C. is an embarrassment to Peter |

| | | |D. selfish and greedy |

| | | |E. Jewish |

| | | |F. argues frequently with others |

| | | |G. is Anne's main comfort |

| | | |H. does what's best for everyone |

| | | | |

|_________ |_________ |_________ | |

|_________ |_________ |_________ | |

|_________ | |_________ | |

Directions: Complete the cause and effect chart.

|Causes |---> |Effects |

|21. Miep shows Mr. Frank Anne's diary. |so |_________ |

|22. The hiding place is just above a warehouse where people |so |_________ |

|work each day. | | |

|23. The inhabitants learn that Mr. Dussel needs to hide. |so |_________ |

|24. Anne wakes up screaming from a nightmare. |so |_________ |

|25. The hiding families hear noise from below, Peter falls, and |so |_________ |

|the lampshade crashes to the floor. | | |

A They make room for Mr. Dussel to live with them.

B Her mother and father rush to comfort her.

C The thief hears the noise and runs away.

D The inhabitants have strict rules to follow during the day.

E Mr. Frank begins remembering the time in hiding.

26. In your opinion, which event is the most significant so far?

Explain with 2 - 3 sentences.

27. In your opinion, are Mr. Kraler and Miep Gies heroic?

Explain with 1 - 2 sentences.





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