7th Grade On-Level Vocabulary Assignment – Tuck Everlasting

7th Grade On-Level Vocabulary Assignment – Tuck Everlasting

You will create a crossword puzzle on-line each week using definitions and quotes from the book. You will be ready on Friday to share your crossword puzzle with a friend. This assignment will count as two daily grades each week.

Remember: You must have a printed copy of the crossword puzzle you create for that week’s words. Be sure to mix up the definitions and quotes. We will not accept emailed or hand-written crossword puzzles. We will give you time in class during the week to work in the library, but the majority of work will be completed at home.

Week I – Prologue – Chapter 4 Quiz Friday March 11th

Quivers p. 3 to shake

Trod p. 5 to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.

Tranquil p. 5 peaceful, quiet, calm

Meager p. 6 a small amount

Gallows p. 6 device used for hanging criminals

Melancholy p. 9 suddenness or gloom

Petticoats p. 10 a woman’s slip or underskirt

Rueful p. 11 causing a feeling of regret

Bristly p. 13 grass or branch thick with bristles

Jaunty p. 17 abnormally yellowish in color

Self-deprecation p. 18 to express disapproval of one-self

Retorted p. 19 to reply in a sharp tone or irritated voice

Week II Chapters 5 – 8 Quiz Friday March 25th

Galling p. 23 nerve, audacity, annoyance

Burly p. 31 p. strong, heavy, stocky, strong

Perversely p. 33 contrary to what is right or good

Outrage p. 34 a gross offense to morality or decency

Distractedly 35 p. to turn away from focus

Scornful p. 42 insulting, abusive; to reject

Parson p. 43 a member of the clergy, especially a Protestant minister; pastor;

Elated p. 45 very happy or proud

Shimmered p. 45 shine or sparkling

Receded p. 45 to go or move away; retreat

Week III Chapters 9 – 16 Quiz Friday April 1st

Vanity p. 46 excessive pride in one's appearance

Solemnly p. 49 unsmiling; serious in nature

Indomitable p. 50 unable to be conquered or subdued

Kingfisher p. 52 bright-colored bird that feeds by diving for fish

Parlor p. 56 a sitting room or living room

Luxurious p. 56 magnificent, rich, or costly

Lingered p. 70 continued to stay; “hang around”

Barbarian p. 74 a cruel person or brute

Illiterate p. 74 one having little or no education or is unable to read

Constable p. 75 a public officer responsible for keeping the peace

Courteous p. 76 respectful and considerate

Cahoots p. 77 partnership or relationship agreed upon

Week IV Chapters 17 – Epilogue Quiz Friday April 8th

Stern p. 82 firm, strict, or uncompromising

Fleeting p. 91 briefly; of a short duration

Suspicious p. 93 questionable behavior; inclined to suspect

Ancient p. 95 very old

Unflinching p. 103 steadfast; unwavering

Murmurs p. 107 a low indistinct continuous sound; a mumble

Parched p. 112 to be very thirsty

Exultant p. 125 to rejoice greatly; jubilant

Obliging p. 125 ready to do favor for; helpful

Constricted p. 128 to make smaller by squeezing

Wistful p. 129 full of yearning or desire

Staunchly p. 130 firm, loyal

Revulsion p. 131 an abrupt, strong reaction; disgust

Inscription p. 137 something written or inscribed

Lab and testing Dates

A.R. Testing in lab April 11th and 12th

Final Review packet due Tuesday April 12th

Final Novel Test Wed/Thurs April 13th/14th


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