The Crucible: American Lit/Comp


The Crucible: American Lit/Comp

September 4- 14 DUE DATE: To be announced.


C Layer (50 points possible).

You will be verbally assessed for each activity in this layer that you choose to complete. Complete at least one activity from each of the C level areas below. You must complete this layer before moving on to the next.


1. Choose 15 words from the play that you do not know. Look up their definitions and create flash cards. Learn them.

2. Create a crossword using 15 words from the play. Be sure to include a word bank.

3. Create a song that correctly incorporates a total of 10 vocabulary words from the play. Their definitions should be clear from context.


1. Create a one page summary of The Crucible. Be sure to use complete sentences and include transitional words and phrases.

2. Complete a Cause and Effect Organizer. On a plain sheet of paper, draw three columns and label them as follows: Cause of, Event, and Effect of. Record 10 events with respective causes and effects.

3. Cite 5 examples from the McCarthy Era that demonstrate the negative effects of blacklisting.


What are elements you ask?


• List of Characters

• Conflict

• Short Plot Summary (Synopsis)

• Themes

• Mood

• Background Information - Biography

• Literary/Historical Information

1. Create a poster incorporating 7 literary elements that relate to the play. Be sure each element is listed and you understand what they are and how they work in the play.

2. Create a song about The Crucible incorporating 5 literary elements. Perform it for the class; turn in lyrics to teacher.

B Layer (30 points possible). Choose one of the activities below.

1. Create a comic strip for one of the acts in The Crucible. Show foreshadowing or irony.

2. Create a board game that focuses on the plot, elements, and vocabulary of The Crucible. Include clear directions for how to play, as well as everything needed to do so.

3. Write a two-page scene based on a section of The Crucible, but set somewhere else, like an urban ghetto or a mental ward. Be true to the plot, but make sure the characters fit the setting.

A Layer (20 points possible)

Find two reliable sources on the topic, and create a bibliography for each one. Then summarize the main points of each source. Next draft your opinion on the issue citing your research for support. Your opinion should be in paragraph form, include citations, and be a minimum of 200 words. Proofread, edit and type your final draft. Turn in the following: Final (typed) draft with citations. Be sure to acknowledge the opposing viewpoint!!!

Choose one question to answer for your research:

1. Is witchcraft real?

2. Why did people tolerate atrocities committed during the Salem Witch Trials?

3. Why and how does hysteria develop?

We will have ample time in the library for you to research. Please use my website for an excellent reference tool on bibliographies


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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