Cruel Words Cheat Sheet



They shame and burn. Cruel, mean, belittling, degrading, condescending, mocking, searing words. Blisters to our emotional well-being. And if we allow them to creep into our subconscious and become our truth, they can completely steal our confidence and self-worth. Sensitive souls are particularly vulnerable to harsh and abrasive words. Because we may appear gentle and easy going, we're often viewed as easy targets for those who belittle others to feel empowered. And as deeply emotional beings, cruel words cut to our core and get internalized quickly. Feelings of shame also often prevent us from asking for the help and healing we need. When we allow cruel words to infiltrate our self-worth, our lives suffer. And the positive impact we're capable of creating in the world and in the lives of others quickly diminishes. To overcome the power of cruel words, you have to fight for yourself. You cannot just silently sit back and hope that their ugliness won't leave a stamp on your spirit. You must take action. I hope the following cheat sheet helps you to quickly overcome the sting of nasty words before those words seep into your subconscious and brew into your truth. With enough practice, you can even learn how to turn the cruel words you were subject to into something empowering. And always remember...

Words only hold the power you give to them.



Feel the Pain

How did the words make you feel? Trying to avoid your feelings will only bury them deeper in your subconscious. Feel what you feel. Know that it's okay to hurt. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Observe the Words

Put them on paper, so you can observe them from a distance. Notice how small and unworthy they are of space in your mind and heart. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Understand Why the Words Hurt

What feelings or stories did they trigger? Understanding the disempowering stories you tell yourself will help you to rewrite them into ones of empowerment. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Find Compassion for Your Attacker

Hurt people hurt others - they are inappropriately expressing their own deep pain. By hurting others they are trying to heal, protect, advance or avenge themselves in some way. This is hard to do but the more you understand your attacker's perspective, the less power that person holds over you. In what ways might your attacker be hurting? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Spin the Lie

Cruel words are never necessary or based in truth. As noted above, they reflect the speaker more than the recipient. The truth is you are invaluable - claim that and own it as your truth. Name all the reasons why the harsh words you heard are a complete and total lie. Rewrite the stories you've been telling yourself about your worth. If you have trouble, reach out for help and ask a loved one. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Practice Letting Go

You don't need to defend yourself to someone who intentionally tries to diminish your selfesteem. You don't need to prove your worth to anyone. Accept that people say and do hurtful things, we all experience it, the power you give those words and actions is in your hands. What would letting go look like for you? Envision it so you can live it. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Make a Promise

It's so easy to cause pain to others. It's so easy to let anger or insecurities get the better of us. And the truth is, we are all guilty of this. We can all do better. How can you use the harsh words you experienced to transform the impact you have on other people's lives? How can you lift others up, when they feel down? How can you give comfort when others are feeling unworthy, shamed or excluded? How can you help others to shine their own light a little bit brighter? Make a promise to be the light you've longed to see. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

The most empowering thing you can do when you've been torn down, is to find a way to build someone else up.

l hope this cheat sheet helps you overcome any cruel words that come your way. If you know anyone who might benefit from this, please share this link with them. I'd love to hear what you thought about this free guide and what your greatest struggles are with respect to being a sensitive soul. I'd be so grateful if you would fill out a quick survey here:

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It's only a few questions so it should just take a few minutes of your time. Thanks so much and I look forward to connecting more with you!

I'm Liz. I write to help sensitive souls feel stronger... and to inspire people to embrace the gentler sides of life. Stay in touch ~ facebook / instagram

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