Night – Vocabulary Words in Context

Night – Vocabulary Words in Context

Directions: Use the definition bank to choose the appropriate definition for each underlined word. (Page numbers are from the Bantam edition of the book.)

|Definition Bank |

|(adj) fatherly |

|(adj) like an infectious disease; harmful; deadly |

|(adj) more than can be counted; a great many |

|(adj) of hell; hellish |

1. We stayed sitting down in the middle of the road, as the others had done the day before yesterday. There was the same infernal heat. The same thirst. (16)

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2. They were tired of hitting her. The heat, the thirst, the pestilential stench, the suffocating lack of air – these were as nothing compared to with these screams that tore us to shreds. (24)

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3. “How old are you?” he asked, in an attempt at a paternal tone of voice. (29)

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4. As it was late and there was great upheaval – innumerable Jews had passed themselves off as non-Jews… (108)

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________

|Definition Bank |

|(adv) in spasms; in bursts; convulsively |

|(adv) viciously or mercilessly |

|(adv) never slackening; persistently |

|(v) violently steal from; loot |

|(v) got rid of; killed |

|(v) assigned lodging |

5. The [German] officers were billeted in private houses, even in the homes of Jews. (7)

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6. The town seemed deserted. Yet our friends of yesterday were probably waiting behind their shutters for the moment when they could pillage our houses. (19)

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7. The baton moved unremittingly, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. (29)

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8. This was Franek’s chance to torment my father and to thrash him savagely every day. (53)

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9. Then my father made a rattling noise and it was my name: “Eliezer.” I could see that he was still breathing – spasmodically. (106)

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________

10. We learned on the way that the camp resistance organization had decided not to abandon the Jews and was going to prevent their being liquidated. (108)

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________

|Definition Bank |

|(n) sky; heavens |

|(n) people officially ordered to leave a place |

|(n) flattering or encouraging remarks |

|(n) clear thinking; clarity |

|(n) feeling that something will happen; advance warning |

11. Crammed into cattle trains by Hungarian police, they wept bitterly. We stood on the platform and wept too. The train disappeared on the horizon…The deportees were soon forgotten. (4)

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12. The back yard became like the hall outside an operating room. We were only waiting for the door to open – to see the opening of the firmament itself. (10)

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13. “I’ve got a premonition of evil,” said my mother. “This afternoon I noticed some new faces in the ghetto – two German officers, from the Gestapo, I believe. Since we’ve been here, not a single officer has ever shown himself…” (10)

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14. In one ultimate moment of lucidity, it seemed to me that we were damned souls wandering in the half-world, souls condemned to wander through space till the generations of man came to an end, seeking their redemption, seeking oblivion – without hope of finding it. (34)

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15. They let themselves be kissed and tickled, exploding with laughter. They were all laughing and joking and shouting blandishments at one another for a good part of the way. (43)

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________

|Definition Bank |

|(n) face; visage |

|(n) disease or something else one person catches from another |

|(n) severe test |

|(n) storm |

|(n) acts taking away the necessities of life; great losses |

16. “Blessed be the Name of the Eternal!” Thousands of voices repeated the benediction; thousands of men prostrated themselves like trees before a tempest. (64)

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17. I raised my eyes to look at my father’s face leaning over mine, to try to discover a smile or something resembling one upon the aged, dried-up countenance. Nothing. Not the shadow of an expression. (65)

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18. The essential thing was to be as far away as possible from the block, from the crucible of death, from the center of hell. (70)

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19. [Rabbi Eliahou] was a very good man, well loved by everyone in the camp…Despite the trials and privations, his face still shone with his inner purity. (86)

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20. Soon everyone was crying out. Wailing, groaning, cries of distress hurled into the wind and the snow. The contagion spread to the other carriages. (97)

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________


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