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A Stable System Clock Generator Using Reference Clock Sampling

Aatmesh Shrivastava and Alicia Klinefelter

ECE 6332 – Fall 2010

University of Virginia


In this project carried out the design of an on-chip accurate system clock using a frequency locked loop. The proposed design uses an off-chip crystal oscillator as its reference clock which can be turned off once the FLL is locked to the reference frequency. The proposed scheme saves power that gets dissipated in the generation of the clock by an order of magnitude. We also implemented a temperature compensating scheme which would not allow the frequency of the clock to drift.


Crystal oscillators [1], have long been used to generate reference clocks for almost all types of systems viz. microprocessors, microcontrollers, peripheral control interfaces (PIC) etc. The reference clock is usually multiplied many times using a phase locked loop (PLL) to generate a system clock. The ability of crystal oscillators to provide an extremely stable clock is the primary reason for its prevalence. However, a crystal oscillator consumes significant amounts of power to operate, which increases exponentially with frequency Figure 1 shows the power consumption of a crystal oscillator with respect to frequency.


Figure 1. Power with Respect to Frequency in a Crystal Oscillator.

In general, generating system clocks is a significant power overhead and various techniques to reduce this power have been studied in [2], [3]. This problem is accentuated further in applications such as wireless sensor nodes (WSNs) which are now operating on harvested energy [4]. Such systems operate at lower frequencies with much reduced power. Therefore much emphasis is placed on reducing power when designing clocking systems for wireless sensor nodes [5]. There is also an opportunity to trade-off clock stability with power.

We present a novel clocking scheme for low power systems such as WSN with a 200KHz clock as an example. The proposed scheme is implemented using a frequency locked loop (FLL) [6], analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and digital-to-analog converter (DAC) switch and a proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) current source. The system consumes less than 2uW of power and achieves a frequency stability of +/-250ppm which is better than [5] both in terms of energy with a stability comparable to a crystal oscillator.


Figure 2 shows the proposed clocking circuit. It operates in three phases.


Figure 2. Proposed Clocking Circuit.

Calibration Phase: This is the start-up phase of the circuit and becomes operational when the done signal coming from the ADC goes low, indicating the end of conversion. The clock then comes to the first frequency to voltage converter (FVC) which is implemented using a Djemouai FVC [6]. The source of clock can be a crystal oscillator or an RF receiver or any other source. The FVC-I produces a stable voltage proportional to the clock and this becomes an input to the amplifier. The amplifier then controls the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) which in turn feeds FVC-II in a negative feedback configuration. This configuration ensures that VCO’s output clock is of the same frequency as of input clock. The amplifier eventually settles to a stable output voltage for the VCO.

Conversion Phase: Once the amplifier settles its output voltage, it is fed to the ADC that converts it into a digital signal. This digital signal is then used to regenerate the signal at the DAC.

Retention Phase: When conversion is complete done goes high, and the VCO is fed by the DAC rather than amplifier. At this point the amplifier, FVCs, counter and ADC are disabled. The DAC controls the oscillation through the VCO. This is done to reduce the power consumption.

A PTAT is used to control the frequency drift due to temperature.


1 Frequency to Voltage converter

Figure 3 shows a Djemouai [6] frequency to voltage converter. It uses a current source and works on the principle of capacitive charge sharing.


Figure 3. Frequency-to-Voltage Converter.

During the period when the clock is low, capacitor C1 gets charged to voltage

VOUT=IsT/2*C=Is/2*f*C …(i)

When clock goes high, charge is shared between C1 and C2. Finally C1 is discharged to ground and this process repeats every cycle. C2 is eventually charged to the max voltage, VOUT , which is inversely proportional to the clock frequency given by (i). Figure 3 shows the circuit diagram of the FVC, its functioning and output.


In order to reduce the error between the VCO’s clock frequency and reference clock frequency a very high gain operation, an amplifier is needed for this system. Figure 4 shows the folded cascade operational amplifier which was used because it gives high gain and supports a wide common mode range. We achieve a DC-gain of 100dB with a phase margin of 80o. A proper value of Cp ensures the stability of the whole system.


Figure 4. Folded Cascode Opamp.

3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator

Figure 5 shows the schematic of the VCO used in the design using a current starved architecture. The oscillation frequency is controlled by the value of the current source that is determined by the gate to source voltage of transistor MN. This current is mirrored in MP. In this way the architecture eliminates the dependence of oscillation frequency on power supply and ensures that the rising edge and falling edge in the VCO’s delay element is controlled by the same current. This ensures a 50% duty cycle for the VCO, a condition necessary to obtain the correct output frequency. We use five delay elements in our VCO.


Figure 5. Voltage Controlled Oscillator.


The three most commonly used ADC architectures are flash (parallel), successive approximation (SAR), and sigma delta. Since one of the goals is to reduce power, the flash architecture was immediately discounted. The sigma-delta architecture was considered due to its high-accuracy and high bit resolution. Although low-power designs have been presented in [14], the digital filtering and oversampling required makes the design both complex and high-area. The SAR ADC is simpler in terms of components required and the overall accuracy of the system is determined by the accuracy of the DAC and the gain of the comparator.


Figure 6: SAR ADC Block Diagram.

1 SAR Logic

The SAR logic block runs the SAR algorithm for the system. This algorithm is used to slowly converge on analog input voltage. The ADC first assumes a voltage of half of the reference voltage (binary 100…000). The SAR logic forces this value to the DAC that turns it into an analog voltage. If the input voltage is greater than this voltage then the output at the comparator will be a “1”, else it will be a “0”. The SAR logic then works to set this bit to the output of the comparator and then make an assumption about the following bit. This new bit string with the newly determined bit and new assumption gets passed to the DAC for the next approximation. The algorithm completes after the LSB has been determined.


This architecture often requires a sample-hold circuit to ensure that the voltage is stable during the conversion cycle. One substitution that is often used for this is to use a charge-scaling capacitive DAC to replace this circuit [13]. This circuit requires a reset signal to discharge the capacitors before conversion and also has binary weight capacitors. As the resolution increases, the capacitor size increases exponentially and this can cause


Figure 7: Charge Scaling Architecture for 10-bit DAC.

3 Comparator

Since the comparator would be comparing the output of the DAC and the analog input voltage to make a bit decision, it was important to choose a design that high gain and accurate. One design that was small and intuitive was the design in Figure 3. This design uses two NMOS differential stage amplifiers and one PMOS differential stage amplifier (both with current mirror loads). Since both of these have different input common-mode ranges, different voltage values will not be amplified with the same gain. The first comparator determines which op-amp to use (P or N) and then allows the output of that op-amp to be the output of the comparator to ensure equal gain to any input signal in the range [0V, 1V]. This comparator operates with a reference voltage of 500mV.

4 Testing and Results

We tested the final ADC for a number of test cases: 0V, 381mV, 500mV, 712mV, and 1V. With ten bits it was easy to know what was expected at the output. In Figure 8 it can be seen how the system converges to the final value of 381mV.


Figure 8: ADC Converging Input Voltage for Input of 381mV.

The system begins estimating with the MSB and moving towards the estimation of the LSB. When the comparator output goes low, it indicates an over-estimation and the current bit is then set to 0. While the comparator stays high for a conversion stage, that bit stays at 1. The accuracy of the system is determined by the ability to accurately determine the least significant bits.

For a series of test voltages the ADC performed with no more than a 2mV error of the expected bit values. The results of testing can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Sample ADC Expected and Experimental Values.

|Analog Voltage |Expected Digital |Actual Digital |Actual Analog |

|0 V |0000000000 |0000000011 |2mV |

|381 mV |0110000111 |0110000111 |381 mV |

|500 mV |1000000000 |1000000000 |500mV |

|712 mV |1011011001 |1011010111 |710 mV |

|1 V |1111111111 |1111111111 |999mV |

6 Digital-to-Analog Conversion

Although we had already designed a DAC for the ADC, this DAC architecture was not ideal for converting the voltage stored in the registers once the source had been turned off. The charge scaling DAC has the problem of needing to be refreshed and reset often for use. We designed another DAC that uses a similar voltage division principle except using a resistive R-2R ladder network. At each stage of the DAC the bits that are asserted determine what fraction of the reference voltage appears at the output.


Figure 9. R-2R Ladder DAC Architecture.



Figure 10. a) Transient behavior b) steady state of VCO

Figure 10 a) shows the output in a system level simulation by hooking all the blocks together. It can be seen that output FVC-I quickly settles to its DC voltage while FVC-II takes some time before settles to it eventually settles to it DC voltage. Figure 10 b) shows the clock output of VCO and the reference clock, which are same.


The circuit is expected to operate in the retention phase most of the time. In this phase oscillation is controlled by the DAC output voltage which remains constant once it is calibrated. However we do not expect temperature to be constant during operation. Due to the variation in temperature, the output frequency of the VCO drifts away from its calibrated point. It is therefore necessary to compensate for this temperature variation.

The current drive of a MOS transistor typically reduces with temperature when operated in strong inversion. In order to compensate this behavior we use a current source which increases with temperature PTAT [7].


Figure 11. PTAT circuit and its output

Figure 11 shows the schematic of the circuit used in the design. The circuit is very simple and can operate at very low quiescent currents, which is the reason it was chosen. The output current of this circuit is given by (ii) [7].

IB=IB0*{1+γ∗(T-T0)} ………………………..(ii)

By summing this current with the MOS transistor current, which decreases with temperature, we obtain a zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) current source.


Figure 12. a) ZTC current, 7b) VCO output at 0, 50 and 100oC

Figure 12 shows the obtained ZTC current and clock output at different temperatures. The frequency of the clock changes by from 200 KHz to 201 KHz over a temperature variation of 0 to 100oC which is equal to +/-250ppm.


Temperature and power supply variation of the proposed scheme are addressed through design architecture and are explained in the preceding sections. However there are two more variations that can incorporate non-ideal behavior in the design. These are global process variation and local mismatch.

1 Global Variation

The global process variation mainly impacts the temperature compensation scheme of the design. The process can be strong or weak because the contribution of current from the PTAT in the ZTC current source would increase or decrease leading to the current in the VCO to increase or decrease with temperature. In order to address this issue we propose to calibrate the value of resistor RB in the PTAT in Figure 11 based on global process parameters.

2 Local Mismatch

The local mismatch will produce an offset and set an error in the VCO clock frequency when compared to the reference clock. It is not prudent to address the local mismatch issue at each block level [6]. We propose to cancel the effect of local mismatch by carefully programming the current source in FVC II Figure 2 and Figure 3. By changing the value of the current source we create an offset in opposite directions and cancel the offset created by local mismatch.


We presented a fully integrated clocking scheme for low-power application such as WSNs. The design was carried out in a 130nm bulk CMOS process. Design addresses process, temperature, voltage variation (PTV). It also takes into account the effect of local mismatch. The system achieves a frequency stability of +/-250 ppm and consumes ................

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