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Section 3: Program Implementation

Objective 3.1: Distinguish between low-level and high-level programming languages.

Content Machine language, Assembly language, Pascal, C, etc.

Low-level languages

These are languages that are machine dependent. Different brands of computers use different program codes. The program code written for a particular brand of CPU will not run on another brand of CPU as the codes are written with the internal operations and architecture of a particular CPU in mind. Examples of low-level languages are Machine language and Assembly language.

High-level languages

These are languages that are machine independent. They are not specifically written for any one brand of computer. The program code written on a particular machine is not limited to execution on that machine only but can also run on other similar machines. Examples of high-level languages are Pascal, BASIC, C, etc.

Objective 3.2: Distinguish among the different generations of programming languages.

Content Characteristics of first through to fifth generation languages

First Generation Languages (1GL)

These are low-level languages. They are called machine language and are written using 1’s and 0’s i.e. binary code. It is the only program code that the CPU understands and can obey or execute directly without the need to translate it.

E.g. of code 1101 1101 1011 1011

Characteristics of 1GLs

• It is the fastest to execute because it is already in the language that the computer understands.

• It is difficult to decipher

• It is easy to make mistakes in the sequence of 1’s and 0’s

• It is time consuming or tedious to write

• It is machine dependent

• Programming becomes more difficult as the complexity of the program increases

Second Generation (2GL)

These are also low-level languages. They are called Assembly language and are written using mnemonic codes- short codes that suggest their meaning and are therefore easier to remember. These codes represent operations, addresses that relate to main memory and storage registers of the computer.

E.g. of code LDA A, 20

ADD A, 10



Characteristics of 2GLs

• It is easier to write than machine language

• It is machine dependent

• It is easy to decipher

Third Generation Languages (3GL)

These are high-level languages. This generation of languages was designed so that it is even easier for humans to understand. They are procedural languages which use simple instructions, written in English, to tell the computer step by step how to solve a problem. A compiler is used to convert the English–like statements to machine language.

Characteristics of 3GLs

• It uses English words and symbols, and is even easier to write

• It is machine independent

Examples of 3GLs are Pascal, BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), C, C++, FORTRAN (Formulator Translator), COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) and Java.

Fourth Generation (4GL)

These are also high-level languages. Unlike 3GLs, these are non-procedural languages which let you perform computer operations without having to specify all the steps involved. They have built-in methods that can achieve certain goals. 4GLs must be selected to fit a particular application, whereas 3GLs tend to be more general purpose. They are usually applied in the following types of jobs:

▪ Database creation and programming

▪ Report generation

▪ GUI creation

Some examples of 4GLs are Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi, and SQL.

Fifth Generation (5GL)

These are high-level languages. This generation is essentially 4GLs with a knowledge base. They are designed to build programs that help the computer solve specific problems based on constraints and conditions. They are applied in expert systems, artificial intelligence research and natural language systems. Examples of 5GLs are Prolog, OPS5 and Mercury.

Objective 3.3: List the sequence of steps associated with implementing a program.

Content Create source code, compile, linking, executing, maintain program

Steps in Implementing a Program:

• Create source code

• Compile source code

• Link the modules

• Run/execute program

• Maintain program

1. Creating the source code involves:

The translation of the algorithm into a programming language

• This process is done manually on paper

• The resulting Pascal program is entered into the computer using a suitable text editor

• The source code is then stored in a file with the appropriate extension (.pas)

• At the completion of this process, a complete Pascal program is ready for compilation.

2. Compiling the source code involves:

• The process of translating the source code into object code.

• Object code is the machine language equivalent of the source code.

• During the compilation process the syntax of the source code is checked to ensure conformity with the rules of the language.

• If syntax errors are found, these are reported. Syntax errors result in incomplete compilation. The errors must be corrected and the program must be re-compiled. This process is repeated until the code is free of syntax errors.

• The primary purpose of the compiler is to translate the source code into object code.

3. Linking the Modules

• This is where special operations code is added to the object code.

• A compiled object program is not executable by itself. It needs to be combined with other system modules to form an executable image that can be loaded into memory.

• The process of linking the module is done by a link editor or link-loader.

• The resulting executable module is then loaded into memory where it can then be executed.

4. Program Execution

• This is when the instructions in a program get carried out.

• The program is dispatch to the CPU and the control unit interprets each instruction and pass it to the appropriate unit for execution

• During execution, if any run –time errors are detected, the program will terminate prematurely.

5. Maintaining the program involves:

• Making periodic modifications to the program when the requirements change. For example, if the hourly rate for an employee changes, due to pay increase, then such a program would have to be modified to reflect the change in the hourly rate.

A program written in any programming language is called the source code. The source code has to be translated into machine code before it can be executed. A translator is needed for this purpose. The machine code is saved as an executable file. The executable program file is called the object code.

A diagram Outlining the Compilation Process

There are two types of computer translators:

1. Interpreters

2. Compilers

Difference Between an Interpreter and a Compiler

An interpreter translates and executes one instruction at a time as it is encountered.


• It translates one instruction at a time, therefore it uses a minimum amount of the computer’s memory

• It is also helpful in the debugging process, as the interpreter can relate error messages to the instruction being executed.


• The interpreter takes longer to run a program as time is spent interpreting the source code every time the program needs to be run.


A compiler translates the entire program (source code) to machine code, and then the machine code is executed. The translated codes are known as object codes.


• It can be executed faster than when using an interpreter, as the object codes are saved and can be run at any time


• As the entire program is translated to object code, it uses much more of the computer’s memory.

Objective 3.4: Explain commonly used terms and concepts in programming.

Content Loading, testing, debugging, syntax errors, logic errors, run-time errors, dry run, test data.

Commonly Used Terms and Concepts in Programming

• Loading – is reading a program from the hard disk into main memory (RAM)

• Testing - a completed program must be tested for errors to prevent crashing or stalling. The programmer must make sure the program works for any correct input data that the user gives it. The testing phase is to detect any problems in the program. Dry runs and computer testing could reduce the chance of error, before releasing the program to its final users.

• Dry runs/Manual testing - a manual traversal of the logic of a program. After the development of a program the programmer should examine the code to see how it would run.

A dry run is carried out when the action of an algorithm is examined with a set of input values.

A trace table is a useful tool for a dry run, to check how the program would behave.

• Test Data – a wide range of data should be used to test a program. This data should include normal data values and extreme values e.g. large, small and negative numbers. Using this wide range would help detect which values might cause a program to fail.

• Debugging – is the process of correcting or removing errors from a program before it is put into operation.

• Program Errors – A program error is a mistake/error in a program and is also known as a bug.

During program development, three types of errors may be encountered as followed:

1. Logic errors

2. Syntax errors

3. Run-time errors

1. Logic errors – arise when the sequence of the instructions is not correct and there are flawed comparisons and selection statements.

For example, let’s suppose we wanted to print the names of all girls who are under the age of 18 and we wrote the following program:



If (gender = F) and (age 18) THEN


; status:= ‘adult’;

; admit:= TRUE;


Repeat or Looping Statements

These use the FOR, WHILE and REPEAT..UNTIL constructs. These constructs allow us to repeat certain parts of a program a number of times without having to write them several times. For each of these constructs it is necessary to keep a count of how many times the instructions are repeated. The counting or iterations involves increasing the value of a counter variable by a fixed number every time the instructions are repeated.


The group of statements/instructions to be repeated is called a loop. There are two (2) types:

1. A finite loop – where the number of times a repetition is to be made is known.

2. An infinite loop – where the instructions are repeated an unspecified number of times.

To exit a loop a sentinel, terminal or end-of-data value is used. A sentinel value is a lookout value such that if the data being entered ever becomes equal to the sentinel value, the computer exits the loop. This value can be entered by the user or the computer can be programmed so that a certain condition can be met to trigger the end of the loop.

WHILE loop

This construct is used when you do not know beforehand how many times a statement within a block needs to be repeated. In this loop the computer executes the instruction to be repeated for as long as a given condition is TRUE. It checks the conditions first and will loop while the condition is true and ends when it is false.



Counting in a WHILE loop

To keep a count in a WHILE loop the following syntax is used:

When a count is being kept, the counter variable MUST be initialized (set) to a starting value, usually zero (0), before the instructions are executed.

Syntax to initialize a variable:

E.g. This program uses a counter to write “Hello” five (5) times

FOR loop

This construct is used when the number of times a set of instructions has to be repeated is known.



If more than one statement has to be repeated, a BEGIN & END must be use to mark the beginning and end of the block of code.



The FOR loop can be used to count in descending order. To do so, the reserved word DOWNTO is used instead of TO



N.B. It is possible to increment or increase the counter variable by more than 1 for each repetition. To do so, the reserved word STEP is used.



Repeat .. Until Loop

This construct is similar to the WHILE loop, in that, it can be used when you do not know beforehand how many times a statement within a block needs to be repeated. The difference between the WHILE and the REPEAT..UNTIL is that, the computer executes the instruction(s) to be repeated for as long as a given condition remains FALSE and ends when it becomes TRUE. Because of this, the instruction(s) to be repeated is/are always executed at least once. Therefore, be very careful when using it.


N.B. The reserved words REPEAT and UNTIL replaces the BEGIN and END used in the other loops.



Write a program to allow a user to enter numbers. When his total crosses 100 display “over the limit”.

Objective 3.9: Manipulate data in a list.


Arrays are used to store values of the same type as one variable e.g. the names of 100 countries. If we did not have arrays we would have to create a 100 variables to store each name. This is very tiring, cumbersome to manipulate and time consuming.

An array is a single variable with multiple locations. Each location stores one element/value. To refer/access an element a subscript is used. For example, country[5]. 5 is the subscript and country[5] allows the program to refer to the country name stored in that location.

Declaring an array

Just like regular variables and constants, an array must be declared before it is used.

Syntax: var : array[1..] of ;

e.g. var country : array[1..100] of string;

Referring to a value in an array



E.g. country[1] refers to the 1st value

country[2] refers to the 2nd value

country[3] refers to the 3rd value



country[99] refers to the 99th value

country[100] refers to the 100th value

N.B. it is an error to refer to a subscript that is out of the range e.g. country[105]

A subscript can be a constant e.g. 6, a variable e.g. max, or an expression n + 1

Storing values in an array

If a value has to be set to a specific location in an array, the following methods can be used:

Method #1


[] := ;

E.g. country[1] := ‘Trinidad and Tobago’;

country[2] := ‘St. Kitts’;



Country[100] := ‘Guyana’;

This method is very time consuming, therefore it is better to use the following method:

Method #2

This method uses a variable for the subscript and a FOR loop to increment the value of the variable.


For := 1 to Do

Read ([< counterVariable >]);

E.g. For count:= 1 to 100 Do

Read (country[count]);

Writing from an array

To write a value store in a specific location the following syntax is used:



E.g. Writeln (country[6]);

If you need to print all values in an array use the following syntax:

For := 1 to Do

writeln([< counterVariable >]);


For count:= 1 to 100 Do

writeln (country[count]);

Problem: Write a program to print the name of a day, given the number of the day.


Program nameOfDay;

Uses wincrt;

Var day: array[1..7] of string;

Num: integer;


Day[1] := ‘Sunday’;

Day[2] := ‘Monday’;

Day[3] := ‘Tuesday’;

Day[4] := ‘Wednesday’;

Day[5] := ‘Thursday’;

Day[6] := ‘Friday’;

Day[7] := ‘Saturday’;

Write(‘Enter a day from 1 to 7: ‘);


Writeln(‘Today is ‘, Day[num];



Traversing an array

Traversing an array involves accessing all elements in the array from first to last, one by one. This is accomplished using the FOR loop.


For( := 1 to )Do


E.g. For (index: = 1 to 6) Do

write (num [index]* num [index]);

Searching an array (linear search)

Searching an array involves traversing the array until you find the location of the element you require and retrieving it.

A linear search requires that each element of the array is compared with the given item to be searched for, one by one.

E.g. index: = 0;

found: = ‘no’;


index: = index + 1;

If (names [index] = ‘Roger’) then

found: = ‘yes’;

until (found = ‘yes’);

Objective 3.10: Perform checks and tests on programs to verify correctness.

Testing and Debugging Techniques

Once a program is developed or written, the next step is to check that it is doing what it was designed to do, and is doing so correctly. There are two types of testing:

• Manual testing/dry running: executing the program manually by using input values for variables and recording what takes place after each instruction is executed.

• Computer testing: using the computer to run the program with suitable test data (correct and incorrect) to deal with all possible kinds of conditions. The results generated by the computer are then compared with the expected solutions. If the expected and actual results do not match, then the program has a logic error.

Objective 3.11: Write documented programs.

Documenting a Program

Documentation is the written guidelines that help program users to operate the program.

Once Comments in Pascal

Single line comments can be put in opening and closing brackets with opening and closing asterisk e.g.

(* This is a single line comment. *)


(* EndFor*)

Multiple line comments are enclosed in opening and closing curly brackets e.g.

{These are multiple

line comments.

N.B. Always remember to close comments.}[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]



Object Codes

Source Code

Declaration of constants

Declaration of variables

Program header

program ;

const = ;

var : ;



Program body


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