Project 1-x: Temperature conversion

Projects for

Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP

2nd Edition

The projects in this document let you apply the programming skills that you learn in Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP by creating a Product Maintenance application that lets users add, update, and delete the product records that are available to the application.

An introduction to the projects 2

How the projects relate to the book chapters 2

How to develop the projects 2

The projects 2

Project 1: Product Maintenance 3

Project 2: Product Maintenance without scripting 9

Project 3: Product Maintenance with a database 10

Project 4: Product Maintenance with SSL and authentication 11

Project 5: Product Maintenance within the Music Store web site 13

An introduction to the projects

This introduction describes how the projects relate to the chapters in the book, and it provides some general information about how to develop these projects.

How the projects relate to the book chapters

Once you finish chapter 8, you’ll have all the skills you need to complete the first project, which is a simple version of the Product Maintenance application. Then, when you finish the later chapters, you can enhance the Product Maintenance application by applying the skills presented in those chapters. When you finish chapter 12, for example, you’ll have all the skills you need to create the second project.

Project number Prerequisite chapters

Project 1 Chapters 1-8

Project 2 Chapters 1-12

Project 3 Chapters 1-14

Project 4 Chapters 1-14, 16, and 17

Project 5 Chapters 1-14, 16, 17, 19, and 21-24

How to develop the projects

The description of each project includes images that show how the pages should appear in a browser, a general description of the operation of the project’s pages, and some general specifications for how the project should be coded. This information is detailed enough for you to complete the project. However, you will need to determine any unspecified details on your own. For example, you will need to create your own names for the servlet and JSP files that you create, you will need to determine what error messages to display when the user enters invalid data, and so on.

Unless you’re instructed otherwise, you can implement each project using any programming techniques you wish. In some cases, however, the project’s specifications will direct you to use a specific programming technique. In that case, you should implement the project as directed.

The projects

The following pages present the user interface, operation, and specifications for each project. As you view these pages, remember that each project builds upon the previous projects.

Project 1: Product Maintenance

For this project, you’ll create a series of pages that allow you to add, update, or delete a product that’s available to the application. (Prerequisites: chapters 1-8)

The Index page


The Products page


The Product page


The Confirm Delete page



• When the application starts, it displays the Index page. This page contains a link that leads to the Products page that can be used to add, update, or delete products.

• To add a new product, the user selects the Add Product button. This displays the Product page with all text fields empty. Then, the user can fill in the text fields and click on the Update Product button to add the product.

• To edit an existing product, the user selects the Edit link for the product. This displays the Product page with all existing data for the product displayed. Then, the user can edit any entries and click on the Update Product button to update the data for the existing product.

• To delete a product, the user selects the Delete link for the product. This displays the Confirm Delete page. Then, if the user confirms the deletion by selecting the Yes button, the product is deleted and the Products page is displayed to reflect the new data. If the user selects the No button, the Products page is displayed.


• Use a Product class like the one shown later in this document to store the product data.

• Use a ProductIO class like the one shown later in this document to read and write the product data to a text file named products.txt in the WEB-INF directory.

• Use a text file like the products.txt file shown later in this document as a starting point for the products that are available to the application.

• Use server-side validation to validate all user entries. In particular, make sure the user enters a code, description, and price for each product. In addition, make sure the product’s price is a valid double value.

• If possible, get the,, and product.txt files from your instructor or trainer. Otherwise, you can import starting versions of these files from the book applications.

The Product class


import java.text.NumberFormat;


public class Product implements Serializable


private String code;

private String description;

private double price;

public Product()


code = "";

description = "";

price = 0;


public void setCode(String code)


this.code = code;


public String getCode()


return code;


public void setDescription(String description)


this.description = description;


public String getDescription()


return description;


public void setPrice(double price)


this.price = price;


public double getPrice()


return price;


public String getPriceNumberFormat()


NumberFormat number = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();


if (price == 0)

return "";


return number.format(price);


public String getPriceCurrencyFormat()


NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

return currency.format(price);



The ProductIO class



import java.util.*;


public class ProductIO


private static ArrayList products = null;

public static ArrayList getProducts(String path)


products = new ArrayList();

File file = new File(path);



BufferedReader in =

new BufferedReader(

new FileReader(file));

String line = in.readLine();

while (line != null)


StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line, "|");

if (t.countTokens() >= 3)


String code = t.nextToken();

String description = t.nextToken();

String priceAsString = t.nextToken();

double price = Double.parseDouble(priceAsString);

Product p = new Product();






line = in.readLine();



return products;


catch(IOException e)



return null;



public static Product getProduct(String productCode, String path)


products = getProducts(path);

for (Product p : products)


if (productCode != null &&



return p;



return null;


public static boolean exists(String productCode, String path)


products = getProducts(path);

for (Product p : products)


if (productCode != null &&



return true;



return false;


private static void saveProducts(ArrayList products,

String path)




File file = new File(path);

PrintWriter out =

new PrintWriter(

new FileWriter(file));

for (Product p : products)


out.println(p.getCode() + "|"

+ p.getDescription() + "|"

+ p.getPrice());




catch(IOException e)





public static void insert(Product product, String path)


products = getProducts(path);


saveProducts(products, path);


public static void update(Product product, String path)


products = getProducts(path);

for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++)


Product p = products.get(i);

if (product.getCode() != null &&



products.set(i, product);



saveProducts(products, path);


public static void delete(Product product, String path)


products = getProducts(path);

for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++)


Product p = products.get(i);

if (product != null &&






saveProducts(products, path);



A product.txt file that contains four products

8601|86 (the band) - True Life Songs and Pictures|14.95

pf01|Paddlefoot - The first CD|12.95

pf02|Paddlefoot - The second CD|14.95

jr01|Joe Rut - Genuine Wood Grained Finish|14.95

Project 2: Product Maintenance without scripting

For this project, you’ll enhance the application described in project 1 by removing the scripting from the JSPs and by adding a custom tag to validate user entries. (Prerequisites: chapters 1-12)

The Product page with custom tags for validation



• Use EL and JSTL to remove all scripting from the JSPs.

• Use a custom tag to mark empty fields that are required on the Product page with an asterisk.

Project 3: Product Maintenance with a database

For this project, you’ll enhance the application described in the previous projects by modifying it so it uses a database instead of a text file to store the product data. (Prerequisites: chapters 1-14)

The Product page



• Use a class named ProductDB that’s in the package to add, update, and delete the products in the Product Maintenance application.

• Use a connection pool as described in chapter 14.

• Use the music database that’s created when you do the procedure for creating the databases that’s described in appendix A.

Project 4: Product Maintenance with SSL and authentication

For this project, you’ll enhance the application described in the previous projects by modifying it so it uses a secure connection and only allows authorized users. (Prerequisites: chapters 1-14, 16, and 17)

The Login page for the application


The Index page after the View Products link is clicked


The Products page with a secure connection



• Only allow users in the programmer role and customer service role to access any pages in the Product Maintenance application. Use the UserPass and UserRole tables in the music database to define the usernames and passwords for these roles.

• Use a secure connection for all pages except the Index page.

Project 5: Product Maintenance within the Music Store web site

For this project, you’ll enhance the application described in the previous projects by adding it to the admin section of the Music Store web site. (Prerequisites: 1-14, 16, 17, and 21-24)

The Index page


The Products page



• Add the JSP files for the Product Maintenance application to the admin directory of the Music Store web site.

• Add the servlets for the Product Maintenance application to the music.admin package of the Music Store web site.

• Modify the admin/index.jsp file of the Music Store web site so it includes a button that starts the newly added Product Maintenance application.

• Modify all necessary JSP, Java, and XML files within the Music Store web site so they work with the newly added Product Maintenance application.

• Don’t break the other applications in the existing Music Store web site.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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