California State University Dominguez Hills

California State University Dominguez Hills

Academic Senate Minutes

November 19, 2008 (Amended)

Voting Members Present: Berlin, Brooks, D., Bordinaro, Carvalho, Chavez, D’Amore, Einbinder, Erbe, Ferris, Fisher, Furtado, Gould, Hancock, Hinchberger, Jones, Kaplan, Keville, Kowalski, Kravchak, Kulikov, Malamud, Murrey, Needham, Pawar, Russo, Salhi, Sneed, Wang, Zugman, and Hwang.

Voting Members Absent: Best, Bohman, Faraji, Ganezer, Heinze-Balcazar, Jacobs, Kalayjian, Ma, Niederman, Park, Pinto, and Vasquez.

Ex-Officio Members Present: Arasimowicz, Bergmann, Borrego, Bradfield, Russell for Cook, Gordon, M., Hohm, Karber, Kennedy, Lopez, Robles, Rodriguez, M., and Strong.

Guests: Whisler, Heidi; Christina Luu

1. The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m.

2. The agenda was approved with amendment MSP

3. The minutes were approved with amendment MSP

Time Certains:

TC 3:00 p.m. TSA-Mark Seigle and Brian Cummins-Cummins passed out the material for the Tax Shelter Annuity changes. In the past employees were able to choose from a larger list of financial companies but now the CSU has made some changes and there are five companies employees may choose from. An employee cannot continue payroll deduction to a company that is not one of the chosen five. An employee may transfer their funds from their company to one of the chosen five companies or they may choose to keep the money in their TSA that is not one of the five. Cummins said that in choosing the companies the CSU sent out a call to 90 companies of those that would be interested to work with us and could meet our criteria. Only seven companies answered and of the seven, five were chosen.

Executive Reports

Chair’s Report-Munashe Furusa-Furusa reported that the provost search has been completed and Dr. Ronald Vogel has been selected to be our next Provost. We are looking forward to working with him and Furusa thanked the faculty for their participation in open forum.

Vice Chair Report-Hamoud Salhi-None

Faculty Policy Chair- Carl Sneed-None

Education Policy Chair- Cathy Jacobs-None

Parliamentarian Report-Marisela Chavez-Chavez reported that a call has gone out for one faculty member to serve on the promotion increase committee. Chavez reported that a call went out for one faculty member to serve on the ACIP committee.

Statewide Senate Report-Bordinaro went over the report she prepared for the senate. They are attached at the end of the minutes. Daphne Brooks asked that in section six that a student be included on that taskforce and in section 8 a student on that taskforce as well, Bordinaro said that committee is already set. The next plenary session will be in January of 2009.

VP of Enrollment and Planning-Sue Borrego-Borrego reported that 1150 transfer students have been admitted and that last year around this time the number was 550. There have been a series of undergraduate transfer postcards and advertisement sent out and advertisements have been placed in news papers and community college news papers. Borrego reported that we have revised the WebPages and the focus is on getting students admitted.

Borrego reported that we are 700 current students down from where we were last year at this time, and we don’t know why. 70% of these students are on financial aid so there are no fees to pay upfront that would be keeping them away.

We are creating a poster that gives five easy steps to enrollment it will be posted all around campus.

Kravchak reported that music students have had problems with financial aid and people soft. Borrego encouraged them to work with financial aid to resolve their issues. Kravchak said that it is taking way too long to process financial aid and people soft is way too slow. Borrego said that the system here has been broken a long time and it will take more than 8 weeks to fix. Daphne Brooks said that many students have not received their award letters. Borrego said that students who applied for financial aid up to October 15, 2008 should have received their letters.

Interim Provost’s Report-Louanne Kennedy-Kennedy went over the budget report. She said that some faculty positions would be filled but the criteria would not be loss of faculty in a department.

Open Forum-Bradfield reported that bargaining opened up on Monday and that administration has nothing to offer so far. He said that the alliance press has been very positive.

Hohm announced that AIDS Day will be on December 1, 2008 and that four faculty will be presenting their work.

Salhi asked Kennedy what the criteria was for replacing new faculty and the rationale for choosing other schools over schools that have higher needs. Kennedy said that they had to look at the priorities and that the number of faculty that is left in a department is not an argument. All departments are losing faculty.

Daphne Brooks thanked the faculty and administration for an event that the student body wanted to hold but in the end could not. The students did really feel supported even if they had to cancel the event after all.

Meeting adjourned at 3:49 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By,

__________________________ __________________________________

Mary Brooks, Chair’s Assistant Munashe Furusa, Chair, Academic Senate


Academic Senate of the California State University - Academic Affairs Committee

Report to CSU Dominguez Hills campus senate

(Items of particular importance to CSUDH faculty indicated with **)

1. Administrative Reports

1.1 Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Keith O. Boyum

• **Proficiency in the First Year at the University Conference:

1. It is our prescribed mission to provide developmental assistance for our students. This is not outside our scope of duties.

2. Community colleges – models for us to consider adopting. Want to work with CSU on developmental programs. Boyum proposes an ad hoc committee for exploring new approaches

3. Would like campus input as to next steps

• **Executive Order 1037 - Grading Symbols, Minimum Standards Governing the Assignment of Grades, Policies on the Repetition of Courses, Polices on Academic Renewal, and Grade Appeals (Director, Enrollment Management Services Jim Blackburn) ()

1. Not economically prudent for a student to keep repeating and failing or dropping a class

2. Section 6E (serious illness, accident, other emergency) withdrawals units will not count against total number of Ws allowed.

3. Implementation: immediate but not retroactive if student has already maxed out on W units, but applies to all current students not maxed out on W units. Allowing for individual campus implementation timelines, there is some wiggle room for the start date.

4. Many campuses are publishing the new guidelines in their catalog and then implementing on a case by case basis.

• Other

1. **Sharing extended education curriculum among campuses - residence credit – Ex. Fullerton student wants to take online course from Chico). These units would be regarded as “in residence”.

2. **Proposed professional science masters program possibly shared among Fullerton, DH, and two other campuses. How would programs like these be supported? Self-support?

3. Learning Management System task force advocates having several products available to choose from. Questions of support, cost and intercompatibility will need to be addressed.

1.2 Dean of Academic Program Planning Christine Hanson

• Engineering schools want to shorten path to graduation by cutting GE. CO is encouraging them to look at entire program instead of just GE. CO wants 120 units total for engineering programs. There was considerable discussion about this issue.

• Honorary degree nominations – what role do faculty have in this process. There is no official process for this, although many campus senate exec committees are the de facto groups that do the nominating.

• 1940 Swan bill – Bachelor of vocational education provides for a Board of examiners - includes those outside the CSU, with no direct campus oversight. We are pulling out of BVE degrees, but the Swan language still exists in Title 5. We are contacting legislators to attach cleanup language to existing bills to amend Title 5 to get rid of the BVE board.

• Dual degrees – student takes half in US, half international, awarded TWO degrees instead of one. Need articulation agreements, MOUs, etc. A joint degree would have these aspects.

1.3 Other – Darlene Yee for Senate Executive committee

• Mid year reduction very possible

o Senate to submit 7% cut scenario

o This will most likely be a permanent cut to our base budget

• Access to Excellence accountability and implementation plan in light of budget cuts

• Systemwide impaction – each campus can determine their own criteria for impaction

2. Liaison Reports

2.1 Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC): giving advice to EVC Reichard about Moodle;

2.2 **CSU Ed.D. Advisory Committee:

• EdD’s in progress; committee looking at dissertation policies and Title 5 language regarding this issue;

• Carnegie foundation report on how to restructure EdD curriculum, clarifying the difference between EdD (practitioners) and PhD in education (researchers), looking at best practices.

2.3 Commission on Extended University:

• Award for self-support innovation

Respectfully submitted,

Caroline M. Bordinaro

November 18, 2008

CSU Statewide Academic Senate

November 2008 Plenary Meeting Report

(Items of particular importance to CSUDH faculty indicated with **)

1. We passed several resolutions at the November plenary. (Texts of these resolutions available upon request)

a. CSU Budget Advocacy - covers budget advocacy marketing and strategy and encourages a greater official role for Academic Senate CSU (Passed unanimously)

b. Support for Policy Change on Sub-programs: Minors, Options, Concentrations, Special Emphases - advocates for policy change giving campus presidents authority to approve these types of programs without Chancellor’s Office review (Passed unanimously)

c. Constructive Engagement in the CFA/CSU 2008-2009 “Reopener” Bargaining - encourages collegial and constructive communication in the latest bargaining process (Passed unanimously)

d. Systemwide Impaction, Enrollment Management and the 2009-2010 Budget Environment – advises caution if declaring impaction to maintain integrity of courses and programs, and asks that impaction status be emphasized as a temporary measure (Passed)

2. Several other resolutions were introduced during the plenary. They will be taken up at our next meeting in January after allowing campuses time to review them and provide feedback. (Texts of these resolutions available upon request)

a. Acknowledgement of Faculty Involvement in the Access to Excellence Accountability Plan – advocates for faculty involvement at every stage of accountability plan development and implementation for the plan.

b. Academic Senate of the California State University (CSU) Support of the Give Students a Compass Project – supports the new Compass Project general education outcomes.

c. **Quality Assurance in On-Line/Distanced Learning/Technology Mediated Course Offerings – ensures that faculty are in control of and responsible for the quality of online courses, and cautions against creating an abundance of online courses or programs to the detriment of instructional quality.

d. Protection of Instruction During Budget Crisis – advocates for ensuring quality in instruction even in times of unsure or unstable program funding.

e. Collecting of Faculty Survey Data About Decisions to Leave or Not to Join the CSU – encourages campuses to administer exit surveys and other assessments to ascertain why faculty are leaving or not accepting employment from the CSU.

3. Senate Chair’s Report –

a. Chancellor received the 2008 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education award from McGraw Hill -

b. Transforming Course Design project

i. Micro-economics and survey of US history are the next two courses to be redesigned.

ii. The history council concerned about the progress of US History survey transformation

c. Bachelor of Vocational Education degree – clarification:

i. CSU will award Career Technical Education degrees, but will no longer offer the BVE

ii. There is language in Title 5 that dictates committee membership that oversees the BVE programs, including non-CSU members.

iii. There is now a senate task force to oversee removal of this clause from Title 5.

d. **The senate is collecting budget impact stories and anecdotes to present to the board. Please send budget cut impact stories to senator Buckley Barrett (CSUSB) at

e. Chair Tarjan attended the California Community College (CCC) senate plenary and invited their senate chair to speak to CSU senate.

4. Lower Division Transfer Pattern Committee report – Committee representatives met with counterparts from CCC hoping to prepare a joint statement of LDTP acceptance. The CCC did not want LDTP to replace campus to campus articulation and would not approve the statement until they received assurances from CSU that this was not the case. CSU transfer administrators sent a memo to CCC regarding this issue. The memo allayed fears held by CCC and we expect more participation and support for LDTP in the future.

5. Fiscal and Governmental Committee report –

a. Relevance contract re-opener to budget

b. Impaction policy

i. Static or reduced enrollment

ii. May be December budget session with new legislature

iii. Discussed CSU quality budget indicators

6. Report from retiring CFO Richard West –

a. Introduced Ben Quilliam, who will be replacing him

b. Fourth revision of 2008-9 budget due to falling revenue and inability of Sacramento to move forward either with increased revenue and/or reductions.

c. Regarding the $97m reduction to CSU, $31m giveback is a one-time event, but $60m reduction proposed by the governor would be a permanent baseline reduction.

d. $12.1 billion state budget shortfall is the current estimate and may grow to cumulative arrears of $25b in the coming two year period.

7. Transforming Course Design Mathematics presentation – Business major College algebra

a. High failure rate (60-70%)

b. They initially created lots of supplemental reading with practice problems and problem by problem analysis. No students took advantage of this, because it was a 45pg downloadable document

c. Created a better placement test for the course, which steered more prepared students in the right direction.

d. Created a lab for those not prepared for this class

i. Put supplemental reading into lab

ii. Graduate assistant, peer assistant and instructor on hand in lab to help one-on-one or in small groups.

iii. “ALEX” program keeps students on track and analyzes progress. This counts as the textbook for the lab.

iv. One unit, but does not officially add to unit load, because students can test out of the lab.

e. Lots of department support

f. Allows students to tailor their class experience depending on their background/abilities in calculus

g. Grades and abilities in SLOs were improved over one semester

h. Gives grad assistants more hands-on experience teaching in the lab, better prepares for the classroom

i. Employs scaffolded learning

j. Lab is “private”; mistakes can be made in a “safe” environment.

8. Report from EVC Gary Reichard –

a. A search is on for statewide dean of extended education.

b. Access to Excellence Phase II - Accountability plan: First step is to establish system level actions, second step is to determine metrics, and third step is to recommend institutional actions (optional).

c. **Voluntary System of Accountability/Collegiate Learning Assessment

i. VSA requires some type of assessment.

ii. Our CLA statement of commitment is 18mos old, expires after 24mos.

iii. 300 universities using CLA

iv. Concerns about and problems with CLA

1. Single number measurement of entire institution

2. Sampling strategies are extremely skewed

3. Results are wholly inaccurate

v. Joint task force on CLA – charge:

1. What CLA actually measures

2. Methodology of administration

3. Relationship to programs and improvement of them

4. Applications for GE programs

5. Should it be the sole instrument or used in concert with other instruments.

vi. System must consider the political climate regarding accountability.

d. Consideration of GBPF (MBA extra fee) this week at the Board of Trustees meeting; probably no other fees, even though Teacher Preparation Assessment must go forward unfunded.

e. **Enrollment impaction decision this week

i. State not funding CSU to accept all qualified high school graduates.

ii. BOT considering systemwide impaction for 2009-2010 for first time in CSU history. Systemwide impaction allows campuses to employ supplementary criteria for admissions outside their local area.

iii. Campuses directed to:

1. stop accepting spring 2009 applications no later than December 1, fall 2009 applications no later than March 1. Those who apply after these deadlines may be rejected.

2. to make provisional admissions rescindable if the student doesn’t fulfill requirements

3. not to admit any 2nd bachelors students or post-bacc students (STEM exceptions)

4. implement academic probation

iv. Dual admission process – admit students to impacted AND under enrolled campus concurrently.

v. CSU will attempt to guarantee qualified applicants to at least one CSU, but can waitlist; impose higher SAT requirements, etc.

vi. There will be a systemwide enrollment management/impaction workshop on Dec. 1 at the Chancellor’s Office.

vii. DH will not be implementing the impaction criteria

f. Established a Learning Management Services (Blackboard e.g.) workgroup to look at collaboration, facilitation, customization. LMS group will identify elements better handled by system as assistor; attention to how we can develop cross-campus sharing.

g. Workshops on undergraduate research hosted by Council on Undergraduate Research; helping to find grants for UG research.

9. Report from John Travis, CFA –

a. Alliance for CSU now at ~60K members

b. Chancellor gave back $31m when requested—not required

c. 31.1 mil was promised to be one time only, but this is now in doubt

d. 67mil may also be a permanent base budget cut

e. Return to bargaining over salary increases

i. contract reopening meeting Nov. 17

ii. CFA acutely aware of state and national economic situation

f. Trend toward moving classes taught by lecturers to extended education. This will result in a loss of retirement and health benefits for the instructor.

g. PPI won’t be called back to bargaining; is guaranteed for next year as well as this year

10. Report from Faculty Trustee Craig Smith –

a. Access to Excellence - workload reallocation details in implementation. Watch this very carefully.

b. Systemwide impaction is a political message.

i. CSU has to stop making do and show that we can’t keep taking cuts without any effect.

ii. **Some press is reporting that all campuses are impacted and not accepting new students. Those not impacted need to do some outreach to let people know - DH must get the word out that we ARE STILL ACCEPTING STUDENTS

iii. Campuses can declare impaction immediately

iv. Possibility of changing the fee structure to more accurately reflect number of units enrolled, instead of a two-tiered part time/full time arrangement.

c. Decline in lottery funds; this may affect programs

11. Report from CSSA Liaison Brandon Chapin - Youth vote was a big factor in national and state election

Respectfully submitted,

Caroline M. Bordinaro

November 18, 2008


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