Education Vision Force – Progress Report Out

Education Vision Force – Progress Report

Strategy #1 - Establish core competencies and standards of achievement for each K-12 grade in all subject areas

1. Determine what the core competencies and standards of achievement are for each grade level K-12 in reading, writing, math, problem solving, and the application of technology.

1.A CSUB contacts are Dr. Patricia Folkerth, chair of the Teacher Education Department and

Sheryl Santos, Dean of the Teacher Education Department.

2. Communicate standards of achievement to parents to help them understand what is expected.

3. Ensure that testing process measures student performance relative to set standards of achievement.

4. Educate the public on the strengths and weaknesses of state mandated testing for students.

4.A Sheryl Santos, Dean of the Teacher Education Department and Dr. David Georgi are the CSUB contacts.

Lead Organization: Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) and K-12 school

districts in Greater Bakersfield; BC, CSUB. Reference: State developed K-12 standards; Media

Time Frame: 2001

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Reports:

April 24, 2001: CSUB contacts are anxious to assist the KCSOS and school districts with task 1 and 4. The CSUB faculty has a record of assisting in these areas.

Strategy #2 - Achieve seamless transition between grade levels.

1. To improve student performance, design and implement seamless transitions between grade levels, between pre-Kindergarten, elementary and high schools, and between high schools and post secondary education.

1.A CSUB contact is Dr. Jim George

Lead Organization: Kern High School District

Time Frame: In progress: initiated 2000

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001: CSUB’s NSME and HSS are vitally interested in this sub-strategy. The University wants to be at the center of this one.

Suggestions: Use Kern Learn as a vehicle for seamless transition with collaboration from BCSD, Panama, KCSOS, BC, and CSUB.

KCSOS – Child Development & Family Services to work on the transition from pre K to Elementary.

Strategy #3 - Target reading skills first.

1. Implement “reading first” efforts in elementary and junior high schools considering these elements:

1. “Reading recovery” training for appropriate teachers

2. Time for teachers to contact parents

3. Parent component in daily reading homework

4. Silent reading time during school day

1.A CSUB contact for community based literacy project is the Office of Community Service Programs.

Lead Organization: Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) Supporting--:

Bakersfield City School District (BCSD) and other feeder schools to Kern High School

District (KHSD); KHSD

Time Frame: Develop plan in 2001 with timeline for accelerated

implementation beginning in the 2001-2002 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001: CSUB concurs about the crucial importance of early and sustained development of reading skills and will assist as needed.

Suggestions: Begin with identifying current programs e.g. Rotary Club , Rolling Readers, Bakersfield Californian/KCSOS Community Reading Program, Community Connection for Child Care Book Buys, Baby Steps- early steps to reading project, Kern Adult Literacy

Promotion campaign to educate community regarding existing programs and importance of reading

2. Promote the use of pre-reading programs for all licensed pre-school/child care facilities.

Lead Organization: Community Connection for Child Care (CCCC)

Time Frame: 2001 – Determine process and timeline for adoption, implementation

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Wendy Wayne

Progress Report:

Existing programs:

5. KCSOS –KETN/Santa Cruz office of Education/CCCC partnering to do a series of eight workshops that will be broadcast around the state on Pre-kindergarten Literacy

CCCC gives a canvas bag with a book that says, “Reading is Fun” to each income eligible family receiving assistance with child care.

California Association for Education of Young Children is sponsoring statewide trainings in pre-kindergartner reading skills.

Information on pre-reading program published in a CCCC newsletter that goes to all licensed family childcare providers and child care centers.

Continue to identify and expand programs.

3. Provide information on, and access to reading and literacy programs for every woman seeking prenatal care.

Lead Organization: Kern County Children and Families Commission Supporting—

KCSOS Child Development & Family Services & Bakersfield City School District

Time Frame: 2001

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Wendy Wayne

Progress Report:

Suggestions Other lead organizations to be contacted:

Healthy Mother, Healthy Babies

Clinica Sierra Vista

Kern County Health Department

10. Baby Steps project, collaboration between Kern County Children & Families Commission, Kern County Superintendent of Schools, and Bakersfield City School District gives a book to every new baby in the County of Kern - approximately 12,000 per year.

Strategy #4 – Evaluate and implement structural changes to improve student performance.

1. Change kindergarten eligibility deadline to September utilizing legal authorization granted in AB25. Lead Organization: KCSOS in conjunction with school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report

April 24, 2001:

AB25 is now a pilot project.

2. Legislate voluntary preschool & kindergarten.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

Universal preschool (voluntary early education) for 3 and 4 years olds in California was introduced as a bill in 1999 after a 50 member Universal Preschool Task Force completed a report to State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The cost to fully fund universal preschool in California was estimated at $5 billion. The original bill to form a Universal Preschool Master Plan died in the legislature and was introduced and failed again in 2000. There is currently Senate Bill 248 introduced by Senators Deborah Ortiz and Jackie Speier which would establish the School Readiness Program which would require voluntary school readiness programs for 3 hours per day; 180 days a year to meet the needs of all 4 year old children.

3. Extend class size reduction to grades 4, 5, & 6

Lead Organization: KCSOS in conjunction with school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

4. Extend class size reduction to junior high and high school

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

5. Offer one period to high school

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

6. Implement the principles of “Project 2000”

Lead Organization: KCSOS in conjunction with school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

7. Develop a plan to establish cross-age tutoring programs in all elementary schools

Lead Organization: KCSOS in conjunction with school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress report:

Strategy #5 – Increase engagement of junior high and high school students by offering more choices, incentives and awards, and better awareness of scholarships and other financial assistance available.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

1. Offer alternative learning environments or schools (e.g. academies and schools within schools for academically at risk or gifted).

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

2. Offer specialized high schools—e.g. fine arts, academic.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress report:

3. Increase high school day by one or two periods so as to give more choices and flexibility to students.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

4. Create enrichment opportunities in vocational training scheduled after the regular day so more students can take advantage of them.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

5. Incorporate vocational education into college prep programs by adding an optional extra period.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 – Establish plan and strategies to achieve

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

6. A. Encourage before and after high school programs at school sites have an academic component (e.g. homework club, tutoring). Provide technical assistance to increase the number of school sites, which offer before and after school programs

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 establish plan and implementation strategies; phase in implementation

beginning 2002-2003 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

7. B. Encourage before and after elementary school programs at school sites have an academic component (e.g. homework club, tutoring). Provide technical assistance to increase the number of school sites, which offer before and after school programs.

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2001 establish h plan and implementation strategies; phase in implementation

beginning 2002-2003 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

8. Expand student attendance and performance incentive programs to additional schools as needed, and recruit additional sponsoring businesses and organizations to help fund.

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2002-2003 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

9. Increase the awareness of students and their parents about the numerous scholarships and grants available by further informing guidance counselors, creating Public Service Announcements, holding more college nights, expanding school sponsored field trips to colleges and universities, especially for junior high students.

9.A CSUB contact is Dr. Homer Montalvo, Associate Vice President for Student Services and Dr. Steve Herndon, Director of Financial Aid.

Lead Organization: KHSD

Time Frame: 2001 establish plan and implementation strategies; phase in implementation

beginning 2002-2003 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Bill Hatcher

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

CSUB is deeply interested in this sub strategy

Strategy #6 – Recruit, develop, and retain the best and brightest teachers and administrators, improve accountability, and reward superior performance and professional growth

1. Improve teacher compensation by offering signing bonuses, increasing minimum entry level salary, removing salary caps, and establishing local reward system (e.g. bonuses, merit pay) that recognize exemplary performance.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts including teacher organizations

Time Frame: Initiate planning 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

2. Implement professional development programs to teach leadership and promote excellence in principals and administrators.

2.A CSUB contact is Dr. Louis Wildman

Lead Organization: CSUB

Time Frame: Initiate planning 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Mike Chertok, Jim George

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

Dr. Wildman will assume the leadership role on this sub-strategy.

3. Shorten the duration of the credentialing process.

Lead Organization: CSUB

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Mike Chertok, Jim George

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

Dean Santos will take the lead on this sub strategy but will be constrained by limitations imposed by state legislation.

4. Modify the tenure system for improved accountability (teachers re-elected based on performance and merit).

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts, including teacher organizations

Time Frame: 2002-2003 school year

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

5. Assess teacher and administrator performance by surveying parents, students, and teachers and using survey results in performance evaluations.

Lead Organization: KCSOS , CSUB, Supporting—Teacher organizations

Time Frame: 2002-2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

The School of Education does not want a role in this sub-strategy, seeing it as damaging to its current and future relationship with teachers and administrators. ARC (664-2173) has the evaluation and research capabilities to assist the KCSCS.

6. Develop an organizational chart that identifies clear lines of authority including responsibilities by and between school boards, superintendents, principals and teachers.

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

7. Carefully observe and assess teachers within the initial 2 years of employment.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts including teacher organizations

Time Frame: 2002-2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

8. Implement career ladders for teachers and administrators with appropriate financial rewards to encourage professional development.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting-school districts including teacher organizations

Time Frame: 2002-2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

Strategy #7 – Engage parents as active participants and champions of their children’s education.

1. Develop and implement “twilight” programs that make use of school facilities after the regular day and encourage children and parents to learn together.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts; neighborhood collaboratives

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

Suggestions: Explore the use of State Preschool Program funding for 3-4 years, three hours per day. Adult School, ROP to offer twilight early childhood programs while parents are in training. Model program is Elk Grove School District in Sacramento.

2. Develop and implement first visitor programs (Baby Steps and others) so that every family experiencing the birth of a child has a positive educational contact within the first few weeks of the birth.

Lead Organization: KCSOS, Supporting--BCSD, Kern County Commission on Children and


Time Frame: 2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

This project is currently in progress. With tobacco tax dollars, the Kern County Commission on Children and Families distributed funds for the Baby Steps Project. Baby Step is a unique partnership between the Kern County Superintendent of Schools, the Bakersfield City School District and the six county hospitals (Kern Medical Center, San Joaquin, Delano Regional Medical Center, Mercy, Ridgecrest Community and Memorial). Nine family advocates visit new mothers while they are in the hospital and give a gift bag. The bag includes an excellent videotape “I Am Your Child”, a new children’s book, a baby T-shirt that says “Baby Steps to Literacy,” a library card and information on a wide variety of community services. The Advocates do a follow up call within 72 hours and at three weeks and provide appropriate referrals, as needed. This program is well deserving of a Spirit of the Vision award.

Strategy #8 – Raise the educational expectations of students, teachers, parents, and the community to:

1. Create a high level of awareness that reading and math skills are critical,

Lead Organization: KCSOS,KHSD,CSUB,BC,WIB

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

2. Create an expectation that all students will graduate from high school with the basic qualifications to pursue post secondary education if they choose to do so, and

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

3. Increase the value placed on teachers and administrators.

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

4. Start academic and career advising in elementary and junior high schools covering CSU, UC, and other college requirements, and work force requirements, skills, and knowledge.

Lead Organization: KCSOS

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

In response to sub strategies 1-4 CSUB already commits considerable resources to this strategy. The School of Education faculty and administration routinely give talks on this topic. Through special grants and long standing relationships with school districts English and Mathematics faculty are working to increase the awareness of the importance of reading and math skills. The University’s Outreach Services and its externally funded programs such as CAMP and Upward Bound are committed to raising the educational expectations of the region. The University will maintain its current level of resources for this strategy.

5. Develop well-defined “maps for success” for students illustrating academic and vocational paths, showing that all roads lead eventually to some post-secondary education.

Lead Organization: KCSOS, Supporting—KHSD, CHASED, CSUB, BC, WIC & UC Merced

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

CSUB’s Outreach Services have such maps and are ready to share these with other partners

6. Develop a marketing plan that includes the following components:

11. A public awareness campaign that proclaims the value and importance of high educational performance for all students.

12. Promotion of local student successes.

13. Promotion of teachers and administrators who are making a difference.

14. Inform families on the value and importance of education.

15. Inform families and students on the value of vocational education.

16. Public education about the diverse needs of students and the responsibility of the education system to respond with unique strategies.

6.A CSUB contact is Mr. Mike Stepanovich

Lead Organization: KCSOS Marketing professionals Supporting--school districts, BC, CSUB, local business, media

Time Frame: 2001-2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

The CSUB School of Education and the Office for University Advancement are available to cooperate with KCSOS on the development of a marketing plan.

Strategy #9 - Support improvements to, and maximize the use of, school buildings and infrastructure.

1. Enlist the community’s support of efforts to pass legislation and fund school construction by:

Identify key decision leaders

Develop “business” group to support education needs

Develop and maintain an alumni group that is dedicated to support of the school/district (other than athletics)

“Negotiate” support from the community in exchange for school site access.

Develop relationships with specific industries having a natural self-interest in the improvement of schools (e.g. Realtors, Architects, Developers)

Identify “interest groups” to support specific improvements (e.g. music, art, science)

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting-- school districts; Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce (GBCC); Kern County Chamber of Commerce (KCCC)

Time Frame: 2001-2002 assess needs; develop plan

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

1. Explore other ways of funding school infrastructure more equitably than taxing across the board.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts; Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce (GBCC); Kern County Board of Trade

Time Frame: 2001-2002 assess needs; develop plan

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

2. Conduct resource mapping to assess the current utilization level for school facilities and to determine how much additional use might be available, especially at non-traditional times such as evenings and weekends.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts

Time Frame: 2001 – 2002 conduct utilization review

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

3. Quantify the amount of additional use, the potential demand, cost involved in increasing utilization.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts, neighborhood collaboratives

Time Frame: 2002 – 2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

4. Create a task force of representatives from school districts, agencies and organizations to address the barriers and opportunities of school facility use at non-traditional times; present a use protocol and funding options to the Greater Bakersfield area school district boards; the goal being to gain approval of a menu of activities and resources that are no cost to students and that are fun and educational.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts, neighborhood collaboratives

Time Frame: 2002 – 2003

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

5. Maintain a web-based inventory of school facilities, times available, rules for use, and costs.

Lead Organization: KCSOS Supporting--school districts, neighborhood collaboratives

Time Frame: 2003 – 2004

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Larry Reider

Progress Report:

Strategy #10 – Develop and expand mentoring, “school-to-career,” and vocational apprenticeship programs with businesses, unions, and guilds to better prepare students for the workforce, as well as encouraging these organizations to help in course development.

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and potential new programs.

Lead Organization: Employers Training Resource Supporting--WIB, Partnerships Plus;

KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2001 Develop plan, timeline and implementation strategies

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR will meet with the Lead Organization to develop a timeframe for implementation and individuals responsible. ETR had a “Brief Review of Workforce Preparation Among Kern County Public School Students” study conducted by an outside source. This study will be presented to the recently formed Youth Council Ad Hoc committee for review.

2. Replicate the most successful programs at additional schools, developing partnerships to support them and using businesspersons to model appropriate workplace skills and behaviors.

Lead Organization: Employers Training Resource Supporting--WIB, Partnerships Plus;

KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2001 Develop plan, timeline and implementation strategies

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR reports the initial study above identified four programs CART, Career Choice, Career Strategies and AVID.

3. Publicize the findings.

Lead Organization: Employers Training Resource Supporting--WFIB, Partnerships Plus;

KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2001 Develop plan, timeline and implementation strategies

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR reports findings are still being developed. A strategy to

publicize had not yet been formulated.

4. Determine current and future knowledge and skills needed by the business community that students should learn in school, and revise school curricula as needed and appropriate to align with workforce needs.

Lead Organization: Employers Training Resource Supporting--WFIB, Partnerships Plus;

KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2001 Develop plan, timeline and implementation strategies

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR reports SCANS (1191) identified five workplace competencies (Resources, Interpersonal Skills, Information Systems and Technology) and three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities (Basic skills, thinking skills and personal qualities) that are believed to be a necessary requirement for solid job performance.

5. Create public /private partnerships that involve business in the course development and that secures new funding for teachers/administrators who wish to implement promising practices in vocational education.

Lead Organization: Employers Training Resource Supporting--WFIB, Partnerships Plus;

KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2001 Develop plan, timeline and implementation strategies

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR reports a Youth Council Ad Hoc Committee on Exploring Technical High School Opportunities has been formed. A kick off meeting has been held and the first full meeting is being scheduled.

Strategy #11 – Change public policy to increase funding for vocational education and utilize diverse funding sources to build technological training programs in our community college, state university and private institutions.

1. Prepare a “Case for Support” to be used to advocate for the following:

Increase the ADA cap for ROP programs in the high school district

Increase resources to youth workforce development through ETR

Increase funding to community colleges, a primary source of adult vocational training

Increase funding to public universities for programs that offer vocational skills training

1.A CSUB contact is Dr. Mark Evans

Lead Organization: Bakersfield College Supporting—KHSD, WIB, CSUB, KCSOS

Time Frame: 2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Lynne Hall

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

CSUB is interested in providing assistance to partner institutions that have this as a high priority.

1. Develop an advocacy campaign for increased funding for the above programs

Lead Organization: Bakersfield College Supporting—KHSD, WFIB, CSUB, KCSOS

Time Frame: 2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Lynne Hall

Progress Report:

2. Conduct annual evaluation of progress

Lead Organization: Bakersfield College Supporting—KHSD, WFIB, CSUB, KCSOS

Time Frame: 2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Lynne Hall

Progress Report:

3. Develop and implement a plan to apply for existing federal funding, grants, and foundation awards to fund technological training programs in Community College, CSUB, and private institutions.

Lead Organization: Bakersfield College Supporting—KHSD, WFIB, CSUB, KCSOS

Time Frame: 2002

Individual Responsible: ??????

Vision Force Liaison: Lynne Hall

Progress Report:

Strategy #12 - Educate the community on the value of lifelong learning and develop adult learning capability designed to allow people to “retool” their skills to prepare for professional and life opportunities.

1. Develop and implement a communications plan to educate the community on the value of lifelong learning.

1.A CSUB contact is Dr. Mark Evans

Lead Organization: CSUB Supporting-- BC, KCSOS and school districts, media

Time Frame: 2002

Individual Responsible: Dr. Mark Evans

Vision Force Liaison: Lynne Hall

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

CSUB sees itself with lead responsibility for this sub-strategy. Dr. Evens will contact other designated lead organizations. The Extended University Division already systematically assesses the need of the community for life-long learning opportunities.

2. Conduct needs assessment and plan to meet the lifelong learning needs of Greater Bakersfield’s residents

21. Develop an understanding of Greater Bakersfield’s adult education needs, inventory the current adult education capability, and identify gaps and duplications.

22. Submit a report on the gaps and duplications to the Kern County Superintendent of Schools, the local school districts, and the local institutions of post secondary education.

23. Change the adult education’s capability to reduce or eliminate gaps and duplications and meet the lifelong learning needs of Greater Bakersfield’s residents.

Lead Organization: CSUB Supporting—WIB,BC, KHSD (Regional Occupational Center)

Time Frame: 2002 Develop plan, timeline, and strategies for implementation

Individual Responsible: Dr. Mark Evans

Vision Force Liaison: John Nilon

Progress Report:

April 24, 2001:

ETR reports to initiate this major effort, meetings with the lead organization will be necessary and will be scheduled.

CSUB reports the University wants to lead this sub-strategy. The Extended University Division already assesses the need of the community for life-long learning. Dr. Evans will contact other lead organizations. Other University academic units are as committed to meeting the life-long learning needs of the community. They range from the Art Department to individual faculty such as Dr. Ken Ishida the director for the Center for Living and Learning.


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