2018 PSCFA Cool Off - Coaches Meeting Agenda??April 28, 2018??Call to order: 1:15 pm. ?Schools in Attendance:?San Diego Mesa, Mt. San Antonio College, Grossmont College, California Baptist?University, Irvine Valley College,?Glendale Community College AZ, Saddleback Community College, Rio Hondo College, Azusa Pacific University, Mt. San Jacinto College, ?Proxy Votes:??N/A?I: Approval of 2017 Coaches Conference Meeting Minutes-Approved. (Move to approve: Neesen, 2nd: Tovmasian)???II. Coaches Conference Bids??A. Current Bids?1.?Appendix A:?Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort?–?September 7-9, 2018?-PASSES (Tovmasian, Neesen)B. New Bids-None??III. PSCFA Executive Board?A. President Elections?1. Roger Willis-Raymondo? -?Will become President for 2018-2019?2. Brittany Hubble – Vice President for 2018-2020?–?2-year?term??-Approved (Neesen, Dana Jean)3. Other nominations-?NoneB. Treasure Nominations – will shadow Bryan for a year before taking over ?1. Das Nugent???-Approved as “Incoming Treasurer” (Neesen/Tovmasian)2. Other nominations?-None??IV. Tournament Calendar? See Appendix B:?Current Tournaments/Dates—The body updated the tournament calendar. Any other updates will be discussed at the Coaches’ Conference in the Fall. Please, submit any changes?after meeting?to pscfaexecsec@??V.?PSCFA- 2018-2019 -Tournament Hosts?(Roger will be contacting potential directors before the coaches conference).A.?Seminar - OCC?B.?El Camino – Warm Up??C. Tentative- Mt. Sac - Fall Champs?D. Tentative-?Palomar College?E. Cerritos College – Cool-Off???VI. Treasurer's Report?See Appendix C?Bryan proposes to update the fee structure in the cool off to ensure that at the Cool Off Tournament, it is explicit that PSCFA will collect the $35.00 facilities fee from each participating school to be paid to the host school. ?VII:?New Hires?Mt. SAC, CSULB, and Cerritos are currently hiring new coaches or directors. Grant Tovmasian is taking over as Director of Forensics at Rio Hondo. ??VII: Announcements??A. Rolland and Nichole will update?PSCFA By-laws?to match changes?for Coaches Conference??B. Panels/Ideas for Coaches Conference?1. Francesca – Panel - Coaching LD (Saturday)?2. Jasmine McLeod is interesting in hosting a panel on judging equity3. Roger will be sending out a call for panels once the Omni bid is finalized.C. New web master search (PSCFA website and all PSCFA social media)?1. Mike spoke about taking over for Danny on , and suggested appointing potential interns to handle social media.2. Bryan discussed updating the fee structure in the by-laws to handle the cost incurred by the webmaster for the website. D. Life Pacific College in San Dimas is interested in joining PSCFA. They are starting a program and have funding. Minutes prepared by Bryan Malinis – Treasure & Roger Willis-Raymondo?– Vice President Cool Off Agenda prepared and minutes edited by Nichole Barta –Secretary ???????APPENDIX A?Coaches Conference Bid 2018?Omni Rancho Las Palmas?Room Rates?Date?Room Rate?Tax?Resort Fee?Total per night?9/7-9/9?149.00?21.00?5.00?175.00?9/14-9/16?159.00?22.00?5.00?186.00??For the PSCFA coaches conference there will be a mandatory $50 per school registration fee.??a. Additionally, meeting room, AV, and hospitality fees will be assessed for each bid brought forth at the spring meeting and the cost of those fees will be split among attending schools.??b. An estimated cost of what the additional per school fee would be should be included based on the number of attending schools from the previous conference.?EX:?If the meeting room fees were $4000 and 25 schools attended the per school fee would be $210 (4000/25=160?$50 dollar?mandatory fee + $160 per school facilities fee= $210)?Estimate* of Per School Fees?Number of Schools?Conference Fee?Facilities Fee?Total?10-14?50?60?110?15-19?50?45?95?20+?50?30?80?*Price can change with the addition of services at the body’s request?Things not included in cost:?Wifi?in meeting rooms, coaches’ reception, AV, Banquet tax/service charges.???Appendix B?PSCFA?Tournament Calendar??2018-2019??Coaches Conference, September?7-9, 2018, Omni Rancho Las Palmas?Early Bird, September???? ,?2018, Fullerton College?PSCFA Seminar, September 15, 2018, OCC?Golden Gate Swing SFSU/CCSF,?September??,?2018, San Francisco State University?Warm-Up, September 22-23, 2018,?El Camino College??Mills/Aztec Invitational, October 6-7, 2018, SDSU?(Palomar will host October 5 at Palomar)Gary?Rybold?FREE NPDA,?September?28,?2018, Irvine Valley College?Crossman Invitational,?October?????? ,?2018, El Camino College?Fullerton College, October????????,?2018?Fullerton College?Watson-Lancer, October 27-28, 2018, Pasadena City College?Halloween Express, October???? ,?2018, Fullerton College?Blumer Invitational,?November ?,?2018, CSUF?Norton,?November?????,2018?Bradley University?Robert?Barbera?Invitational,? November?2-4, 2018,?CSUN?? (is this the correct date?)Ray Dahlin Invitational,?November 9,?2018,?Palomar?College?(hosted at Grossmont)?Griffin Invitational,?November?10-11, 2018, Grossmont College?Claremont Debate Tournament, November????? ,?2018,?Claremont?Mekenna?College?California Cup,?November?????? ,?2018, USC, UCLA, Claremont?PSCFA Fall Champs,?November 30-December 2, 2018,?Mt. Sac???Hell Froze Over,?January? ,?2019, ?Bradley University?Close to the Coast, January?19-20, 2019, Orange Coast College??Jannese?Davidson,?January?,?2019?,?Concordia University?Winter at the Beach??The Hornet Invitational,?February???? ,?2019, Fullerton College?Virginia is for Lovers,?February ? ? ??? ,?2019??James Madison University?Golden Cowboy, Canceled?Montezuma Mesa,?February???? ,?2019, SDSU?Round Robin,?February??,?2019, Pt Loma (NPDA only)?Sunset Cliffs, February?8-10, 2019, Pt Loma?Tabor-Venitsky, February 15-17, 2019, Cerritos?Western States Conference, February?????? ,?2019,?Seattle?PSCFA Spring Champs,?February ?22-24, 2019,?CSULB/Palomar??IE Districts, March????????? ,?2019,?Express Debate “California Swing”, March???????? ,?2019,?Fullerton/CSUF?Claremont College BP, March?????????? ,?Claremont College?Christian Nationals, March?17-19,?2019,??International (IFA), March?11-12, 2019,?Berlin??CCCFA State Championships, March 7-10, 2019,?Woodland Hills * Hosted?By?Moorpark??Pi Kappa Delta, March 21-24, 2019,?Long Island, New York??NEDA Nationals, TBA,?Novice Nationals, TBA,?National?Parli?Championship,? March???????????National?Parli?Debate Championship, TBA,??AFA-NIET,?April?5-8, 2019,?Alabama??Phi Ro Pi,?April?8-13, 2019,?Reno, Nevada??BP Nationals, April?????????? ,?2019,?International?Parli, TBA,?NFA, April?18-22, 2019, Santa Ana, California Cool-Off, April?30-31, 2019,?Cerritos College??ARTa, May 4, 2019 China Debate Tour,?TBA, China?Appendix C?Treasurer’s Report??PSCFA Cool-Off Facility Fee Clarification?Currently,?we do not collect any facility fees at the Cool-Off.?2016 Coaches Conferences Meeting Minutes – the “COOL OFF FEE STRUCTURE” does not reflect a Facility Fee of $35 and only has a School Fee which is calculated based on the number of students attending from that school.?2015-2016 Rules and Procedures (part VI.C) – “Tournament Host Incentive: A facilities fee of $35 will be added to the fee sheets at Fall Champs, Spring???? Champs, and Cool-Off.? All facilities fees collected will be given to the host school. The host school can choose to have check cut directly to the school or to keep the money?on account with PSCFA.” This appears to be in addition to the School Fee.????Move to update the Cool-Off Fee Structure to reflect a $35 per school Facilities Fee so as not to continue to pay the host out of PSCFA General Funds.???PSCFA 2017-2018 Finances?Net income by tournament/event??Coaches Conference 2017?1552.51?Warm-up 2017?1191.45?Fall Champs 2017?9025.79?Spring Champs 2018?1627.49?Cool Off 2018 (estimate as of today)?162.01???Additional expenses??PSCFA Stipends?-2200?Bovero Awards?-1000?Tax Preparation?-200?Web Entry (estimate)?-300?Miscellaneous Supplies?-380.3???ESTIMATED NET INCOME?9478.95???Current On-Account Balance?-9093?Current Bank Balance (minus On-Account)?22123.75?? ................

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