Meeting: - California State University, Northridge

Meeting: CECS Administrative Council Meeting

Date: March 18, 2005

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: EA1440


Present: Bonnie Campbell, Nagi El Naga, Stephen Gadomski, Tammy Glenn, Mike Kabo, S. T. Mau, Sid Schwartz, Steven Stepanek, Renate Wigfall and visitor Omar Zahir (from 10 to 10:20 a.m.)


0. Visit by Dr. Omar Zahir, Chair of Chemistry. Dr. Zahir explained the need for changing the numbering of the required chemistry courses for our majors from 101 and 102 to 106 and 107 respectively. The chairs expressed concerns about the transition. Dr. Zahir agreed to make every effort to accommodate student needs caused by the change. The chairs all supported the proposed change. Dr, Kabo was to work with EPC to effect the necessary changes in our own curriculum as a result of the proposed change.

1. Approval of meeting minutes of the February 18, 2005 meeting: The minutes were approved.

2. Announcements/Brief Discussion

2.1. S. T. Mau

- ABET Self-Study Report Writing Plan: A timeline for report writing is approved.

- Community College AD Champaign: In order to raise the profile of the college’s B.S. programs to community college students, a plan to put advertisement in student newspapers at selected community colleges is being carried out. A college advertisement covering all programs will be put forth in April. Each department is encouraged to design and put out an advertisement in May and/or June at one or more colleges of its choice. The dean’s office will pay for three advertisements for each department. Diana Field will provide some details of the Ad and will coordinate with community colleges. Tammy’s office maybe able to provide design assistance.

- Student Evaluation of Faculty, Spring 2005 Process: Each department has appointed one contact person to interact with ITR to a.) confirm the survey questions that the department want to use, b.) identify the faculty and classes to be evaluated, c.) collect and distribute the surveys, d.) deliver the completed surveys to ITR for scanning and data analysis, e.) receive the results for each faculty member, and f.) collect the completed surveys from ITR. The dean’s office will receive the printed surveys from Quickcopies for pick-up by the appointed person in each department.

- Procedures for Services to Outside Parties: A supplemental Procedure on MOU and handling funds was approved and to be added to the Principles and Practices approved in November 2003 at the college website.

2.2. Mike Kabo

Commencement issues:

1. Jazz "A" band or other? - OK

2. Alternate recessional - may have suggestions at a later date

3. National Anthem singer - no comments

4. Alumni Association part in platform party? - Tammy working on suggestions

5. Student commencement speaker - fliers posted and sent out. If no candidates Gutierrez will be asked

6. Department honors candidates (personal achievement for Honors Convocation); 534 students on graduation list (391 - Ug; 143 G); 52 names for personal achievement category (scholarship, edwards, medallion, Coop)

7. Outstanding graduating seniors (university honor) - announcements sent out

8. Wolfson Award candidate? info requested from students

9. Bio for Behl received

10. Barb Frye - Platform party for EM on line students - Bonnie to confirm

11. Mace bearer - Nagi to confirm candidate from his department

3peaters - SP05 - 99 students, 119 classes. 49 classes are 300+

Program assessment report – currently in a state of flux

FTT letter to be finalized

Open house 4/2 - need list from departments of labs available (9:30-12)

CS - EA 1211

CE - none - out of town; ST to talk with visitors (auditorium)

ME – EA 1116 + battlebots + SAE car

MSE - Boeing Lab EA 1128

ECE - Verilog Laboratory EA1104

As of 3/11 we have 5 students with 14 attendees RSVP'd for open house

Any changes to course requisites? Depts. will review

EAFB trip April 15

Alumni lists needed for EBI survey by April 1

Lunch with COOP sponsors - 4/22 - chairs invited

Need FTF and FTT letters signed promptly

2.3. Renate Wigfall

-FY04-05 budget update—Wigfall distributed a budget summary update and briefly discussed the full-time and part-time salary components as well as the operating expense components. In order to verify the salary budget information, each chair will receive a copy of the departments salary worksheet for review and signature. Verification of the salary information will assist the MAR to project 04-05 salary expenses.

-Confidentiality Statement Signed by faculty—Wigfall distributed to each department Confidentiality Statements which need to be signed by faculty and returned to Human Resources. No deadline was given. In the event that a faculty member is not willing to sign the Confidentiality Statement, a brief personal statement to that effect is required. This statement will have to be signed by the faculty member.

2.4. Tammy Glenn

-Renovation Celebration--Glenn is consulting with Central Advancement and the Alumni Association to organize a program to celebrate the completion of the renovation along with some of the various anniversaries in the college (e.g., establishment of engineering and computer science programs). In consultation with the Chairs, Glenn will explore various options based on the budget available and timeframe for hosting such an event. Part of the goal of such an event will be to make announcements about major gifts that have been contributed to support the continuing and future efforts of the programs.

-The Alumni Association has requested our recommendations for an alumni representative who will congratulate the new graduates at commencement and welcome them into the association. As of April 7, the top candidate (CEAM Alumnus Don Sepulveda) accepted our invitation to serve in this capacity.

3. Commencement: Scheduling and other issues deferred to next meeting.

4. Other business: None

5. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.


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