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Importing Tips & Tricks

Some terms you will see below:

Field data-these are fields in your account that are rewritable. Meaning you just erase the data and fill in new data. Examples include: first name, last name, date of birth, hire date, etc. Importing will replace what was in the field with your new data set.

Table data-these are the tables in your account with their accompanying columns. Examples include: Compensation table, Job Information, Employment status, custom tables. Importing will add a new line of data to the table.

There are four types of Imports:

• Adding new employees to BambooHR en masse. See page 6

• Adding field data to BambooHR for existing employees. See page 4

• Adding table data to BambooHR for existing employees. See page 7

• Adding benefit data to BambooHR for existing employees. See page 11

Basic Excel formatting tips

Make sure the top row in your Excel spreadsheet has the headings of each of the columns you are importing. You can create a report in BambooHR to easily grab these column headers.

1. Make sure the column headings are named exactly as shown in BambooHR, including the same capitalizations, abbreviations, symbols, etc.

2. Make sure you have a column labeled ‘Employee #,’ and that each number matches up with the correct employee name.

3. For any date fields, format as follows:

1. In the screenshot below, notice how the hire date is showing in General format.[pic]

2. In the next screenshot, once you have column W selected, notice that you can click on the arrow next to General, and see more options to select. Click on “Short Date,” which will put the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.


*You will also want to do the same to all of your columns containing a currency amount. Instead of selecting ‘Short Date,’ you will select ‘Currency.’ For a foreign currency, you need to have the amount, a single space and then the three letter currency code in the Pay Rate column. It will look like this 14.00 EUR for example.

3. Save your file with one of the following formats:


Navigate to the Import link

***It is best practice to create a spreadsheet with 1 line of data to test. Once imported correctly, you can proceed with the rest of your lines of data, importing a second time with the remaining lines. Remember that once you have imported data, it cannot be undone and can only be fixed by hand if there are mistakes***

1. Go to your BambooHR account.

2. In the URL, type in “/manage/import” at the end of the link.


Basic field data for existing employees

1) If you are importing information into single fields, you will be using the Basic Importer. Click ‘Choose File’ and select your saved Excel or CSV file, then click 'Upload.'

2) You will need to make sure the column names match up with the field names in BambooHR. If it doesn’t automatically select the correct BambooHR field name for you, you can search for the correct field in the drop down box. Your screen should look similar to this below:

*You can also click through a few records to make sure everything is going to import correctly by clicking on the blue ‘Next’ button.

3) If everything looks good, then scroll down to the bottom. You should see a couple of more options to select before importing.

4) The first selection you can make is whether you are updating existing employees or adding new employees. Because we are adding to existing employees, we will select ‘Update existing employees (based on Employee #)’. If you are importing employees that are not in BambooHR yet, you will select 'Insert a new employee.'

For the second selection, it is asking what you want to do with unknown list values. You can either have them ignored, or you can have them added to the list of other options. This pertains to any drop down lists in BambooHR. Some examples of drop down lists include: Job title, Department, Employment status, Location or any custom lists that have been created for you.

5) Once you have finished making those last two selections, click 'Import.'

6) Once you click 'Import', the next screen you come to should look like the one shown below. Notice you will get a success message. Then be sure to click 'Show Import Details' so you can confirm each row of the spreadsheet was imported successfully.

* We recommend that you pick a few employees from the spreadsheet and double check that the data is correct in BambooHR. That way you can be sure the information was imported to the correct employee profile.

Importing New Employees

Importing to new employees is the same as above paying careful attention to step 4. In this step you will instead select ‘Insert a new employee’. This needs to be done with caution. Selecting this button will add new employees to your BambooHR account.

Importing Table Data

***Please note: only 1 table per spreadsheet. The Compensation table data will be on 1 spreadsheet, while the Employment status table data will be on a separate spreadsheet and imported separately.

***It is best practice to create a spreadsheet with 1 line of data to test. Once imported correctly, you can proceed with the rest of your lines of data, importing a second time with the remaining lines. Remember that once you have imported data, it cannot be undone and can only be fixed manually if there are mistakes***

If you are importing information for a table, you will need to have the information for that specific table saved on a separate spreadsheet. Then, you will click on the link in blue that says ‘go here,’ as shown below:

1) Make sure you select the correct table you want to import by clicking on the upside down arrow in the ‘Select a table’ box. You will then see different options to select from in that drop down box.

2) Once you select the table you want to import, click ‘Choose File’ and select your saved Excel or CSV file, then click ‘Upload.'

3) You will need to make sure the column names match up with the field names in BambooHR. Your screen may look similar to this below, where some of the field names are matching the column names and some are not. You can match the fields by clicking the Field box and selecting the correct field in BambooHR.

*If your spreadsheet has information that is not part of the specific table you are importing into, you will want to ‘Ignore’ that column for importing purposes to avoid any errors. In the case for column B “Last Name, First Name,” you have already imported the employees, so you will need to select the “xxxxx Do not import this field xxxxx” option.

4) Again, you have the option of selecting what you want to do with unknown values. You can either have them ignored, or you can have them added to the list of other options.

5) If the data looks good and looks like it will be importing correctly, click ‘Import The Data.’

6) If the data imported, and there were no problems, you will see a green success message telling you how many rows were successfully added. Then click 'Show Import Details' to see the detailed results.

7) If there were problems with the import, your screen will look similar to this:

*Notice the error message with the exclamation point inside that says, “There were errors during the import. No rows were imported. See import results below for more information.”

If you click 'Show Import Details,' you will see the reasons why the information did not import. In this case, the employee numbers could not be found.

8) Please fix your spreadsheet and import the information again.

Importing Benefits Data

1) You'll use the following columns for the benefits importer:

Benefit- This is the name of the benefit, such as Medical, Dental, or Life. It will need to be the exact same as it is in BambooHR.

Status- This is where you designate if the employee has enrolled in or waived the benefit. The options for this column are: enrolled, waived, or withdrew.

Eligible- If the employee is not eligible for the benefit, you will put a “no” in this column and the system will mark the employee as not eligible. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank, as long as you have “enrolled” or “waived” designated for the benefit status (or you could put a “yes”).

Coverage- This is who is covered under the benefit. The following categories will be accepted into BambooHR and should also be copied exactly: Employee, Employee + Spouse, Employee + Child(ren), Employee + Family, Family, and Two-party.

Plan- This is where you designate which plan the employee has opted into. Don't worry about this column if there is only one plan offered. The plans will need to first be set up in BambooHR under the Benefits section, and the plan name will need to be copied over exactly as it is into your spreadsheet.

Eligibility date- This is the date when the employee becomes eligible to enroll in or waive the benefit.

Effective date- This is the date when the employee can begin using the benefit.

Employee pays- This is what the employee is paying for the benefit. This is an open field, so it can either be a dollar amount or a percentage.

Company pays- This is what the company is paying for the benefit. It is also an open field.

2) Make sure you have a column labeled ‘Employee #,’ and that each number matches up with the correct employee name.

3) Make sure any date fields are in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. This is the same as the “Short Date” format in Microsoft Excel.

4) Save your file with one of the following formats: CSV, XLS, XLSX, or TXT.

Navigate to the Import link

***It is best practice to create a spreadsheet with 1 line of data to test. Once imported correctly, you can proceed with the rest of your lines of data, importing a second time with the remaining lines. Remember that once you have imported data, it can not be undone and can only be fixed by hand if there are mistakes.***

1) Go to your BambooHR account.

2) In the URL, type in “/manage/import/benefits” at the end of

Importing the data

1) Click ‘Choose File’ and select your saved Excel or CSV file, then click 'Upload.'

2) You will need to make sure the column names match up with the field names in BambooHR. If it doesn’t automatically select the correct BambooHR field name for you, you can search for the correct field in the drop down box.


*You can also click through a few records to make sure everything is going to import correctly by clicking on the blue ‘Next’ button.

3) If everything looks good, then scroll down to the bottom and click “Import.”

4) Once you click “Import”, the next screen you come to should look like the one shown below. Notice you will get a success message.

* We recommend that you pick a few employees from the spreadsheet and double check that the data is correct in BambooHR. That way you can be sure the information was imported to the correct employee profile.

5) If there were problems with the import, your screen will look similar to this:

*Notice the error message with the exclamation point inside that says, “The import was successful, but there were some invalid records.” Please note that this screen will not save, so if you navigate away from it the notification will be lost.

If you click 'Show Import Details,' you will see the reasons why the information did not import. In this case, one of the employee numbers could not be found.

6) Feel free to fix your spreadsheet and try again, or continue importing more data.

Please contact our Customer Service team with any questions you may have!




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