Importing and exporting Net2 user data



Importing and exporting Net2 user data

User data

User data is defined as all the information Net2

holds about an individual cardholder. Often

most of this information already exists in other

databases owned by the end user. It is possible

to import this existing data into Net2. This can

save many hours of administration time when

a large system is first being installed. Net2 will

accept information in the form of a Text (TXT)

file or a comma separated values (CSV) file. These

standard file formats are supported by most

database software packages including Microsoft

Access and Excel.

Producing a file for import

When producing a file for import into Net2 it is important that the data fields are arranged in the correct

order and do NOT exceed the maximum length as shown in the ¡®User data field¡¯ table. Only the first two fields

are required to define the user and all oth er fields can be left blank.

The screenshot below shows how a CSV file can be produced in Microsoft Excel. The first line can contain

the field names as the import can ignore them. Any field that is to be left blank is still included so that the

rest of the fields remain in their correct locations. Export from Net2 first to get all the column headers for the





The file must be saved in the .csv format and can then be viewed, as below, in a text format, which shows

the comma separators. Note how the blank fields display as two commas with nothing in between them.

Importing the file

To import the TXT or CSV file, select the import option from the File menu. The import wizard will appear.

The filename of the CSV file should be entered or browsed to in the Import filename window. Select the

delimiter used in the file, comma, semi-colon or tab. If the field names have been included on the first

line of the file, as shown in our example, the ¡®first row contains field names¡¯ box must be checked.

A useful feature of the import wizard is the ability to convert data entries to true text (e.g. SMITH

becomes Smith). Fields marked in the ¡®User data fields¡¯ table with an asterisk (*) will be converted if the

¡®Convert data to true case¡¯ option is active. Check the tick box to use this function.

After pressing Next, the data will be checked and will display any validation errors in a table allowing

you to correct them. It is important at this stage to check the information through to ensure each field

is correctly located. Only when this is correct can the file be imported.

Note that SMITH has changed to Smith, but unfortunately, O¡¯Brien has now changed to O¡¯brien. Names

that are changed incorrectly in this way must be manually changed in the individual user record within

the Net2 software.




Once the file preparation has been completed, you will be shown how many users will be imported. Click

Finish to import the data into the Net2 database.

Once the file import is complete the information will appear under the Users section in the Net2 software.

Users will be grouped by Department if so indicated within the CSV file, otherwise they will be added to

the root of the users folder.




User data fields

Field number

1 *

2 *

3 *



6 *

7 *






13 *

14 *

15 *

16 *






22 *



25 *



Field name


First name

Middle name

Card No



Access Level




Active date

Expiry date

Field1_100 (Address 1)

Field2_100 (Address 2)

Field3_50 (Town)

Field4_50 (County)

Field5_50 (Post code)

Field6_50 (Home telephone)

Field7_50 (Home fax)

Field8_50 (Mobile)

Field9_50 (Email)

Field10_50 (Position)

Field11_50 (Start date)

Field12_50 (Car registration)

Field13_Memo (Notes)

Field14_50 (Personnel number)



Required - Text up to 50 characters

Required - Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Number 1 to 99999999

Number 0001 to 9999

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 30 characters

Text up to 10 characters

Text up to 30 characters

Date in the default language format e.g. in the UK it is dd/mm/yyyy

Date in the default language format e.g. in the UK it is dd/mm/yyyy

Default field name shown in brackets. Text up to 100 characters

Text up to 100 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 50 characters

Text up to 4096 characters (cannot contain field separator).

Text up to 50 characters

Number 1 to 999999

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are affected by the 'Convert data to true case' option during the import.

Token type

During the export process, the token type is added as a prefix to the token number with a # as a field separator. (0#12345678)

The type is defined as follows:

0 - Unspecified

1 - Proximity only (Clamshell)

2 - Proximity ISO card

3 - Keyfob

4 - Hands free keyfob

5 - Watchprox

6 - Proximity ISO card (no magstripe)

7 - Car Registration

8 - Hands free keycard

9 - Fingerprint

10 - Telephone number




Additional Imports

If further imports are required, the same process can be followed again, it is important however, not to

include any duplicate records in the new import file, as Net2 will reject these.


The Export feature can be accessed from the drop-down File menu at the top of the screen. This allows all

user details to be exported in a .csv format to any destination that you specify. The layout of the file is the

same as that detailed in the table above.

If exporting user data from one Net2 system to another Net2 database, be careful not to overwrite any

existing users with duplicate User IDs. The simplest way to ensure this is to delete the User ID column in the

.csv file (Column AA) before the import and new IDs will be created for these users in the new database.

Advanced Permissions

Advanced Permissions is a feature in Net2 that allows users to have multiple Access Levels and/or Individual

Permissions to doors. This provides a wider range of access rights for users but also affects the way in which

user information is imported and exported.

When exporting the users from a Net2 system that has Advanced Permissions enabled, the .CSV file will

display the permissions in the following format:

{¡®AccessLevels¡¯:[{¡®Name¡¯:¡¯Shift A¡¯, ¡®Ordinal¡¯:¡¯1¡¯}],¡¯IndividualPermissions¡¯:[{¡®Area¡¯:¡¯Outside

world¡¯,¡¯ TimeZone¡¯:¡¯All day, every day¡¯},{¡®Area¡¯:¡¯On Site¡¯,¡¯ TimeZone¡¯:¡¯All day, every day¡¯}]}

Each permission is separated with two brackets ¡®[{ }]¡® whether this is an access level or Individual

Permission. Each permission is also captured within apostrophes (¡® ¡®) for each entry.

There is a similar format for tokens (in this case one token, one vehicle reg):

{¡®Cards¡¯:[{¡®Number¡¯:¡¯12345678¡¯,¡¯ Type¡¯:¡¯0¡¯,¡¯Lost¡¯:¡¯0¡¯},{¡®Number¡¯:¡¯A123XYZ¡¯, ¡®Type¡¯:¡¯7¡¯}]}

This then allows the use of only a single row for each user.

The format used is a standard data format known as JSON (Javascript Object Notation) a lightweight datainterchange format.

Paxton¡¯s Software Development Kit (SDK) has been updated to allow users with Advanced Permissions to be

imported into Net2.

The changes to the .CSV format are backward compatible and will still allow users to be added using .CSV

files from previous versions of Net2.

When creating .CSV files to import into Net2, it is important to understand the format in which the Access

Levels and Individual Permissions need to be entered for the import to work correctly.



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