SAS System viewer, 8

SAS System Viewer 8.2 – Great tool for Data managers and Programmers to browse SAS Data sets

Harpreet Sahni

CDM Programming Manager, AstraZeneca


The SAS System Viewer 8.2 is an application for viewing and printing files that are created by the SAS System. The Viewer provides a quick and convenient way for non SAS savvy people as well as for SAS programmers to view the contents of SAS output files without invoking the entire SAS System, or even having the SAS System installed on the computer. The SAS Viewer can be used to open a SAS data set, Catalog, Transport, JMP®, HTML and all text based files. It is a freely distributed application, available at the SAS web site.

This paper describes how the SAS System Viewer has helped SAS users and programmers to overcome limitations imposed by systems and processes that were in place before its implementation. It also describes the key features of the SAS System Viewer along with sample SAS data set, how those features are being used and finally, some limitations of SAS Viewer.


SAS is one of the most widely used software at pharmaceutical companies – programmers and statisticians use SAS programs to check and analyze the clinical data, and the Clinical Databases created using SAS are used for submission to FDA.

In Clinical Data Management, the data managers are solely dependent on programmers to provide access to clinical databases for browsing, ad hoc listings, checking of data and validation of simple edit checks.

Old Solution

SAS databases reside either on NT, UNIX or other commonly available platforms. To open a SAS data set on the servers, data managers needed user accounts (for UNIX servers) and installation of base SAS on their desktop. To provide UNIX access, an administrator had to create user accounts. Security had to be maintained so that data managers could not overwrite or change the contents of the data. All this meant additional cost in terms of maintenance on the servers and SAS licenses.

To provide a quick view of data sets to the data managers, where they did not have access to Clinical Database, programmers normally ran the PROC PRINT on each data set in the database. The results were then sent to the data managers either as a hard copy or via e-mail. Sending these huge files over the network via e-mail would lead to slow network traffic. One of the responsibilities of the clinical data mangers is to validate the clinical databases vs. paper CRF. In order to facilitate that process, programmers ran PROC CONTENTS on the SAS database and provided the SAS System output to the data managers. This process was cumbersome and time consuming.

New Solution

SAS System Viewer 8.2 provided answers to lot of issues. SAS Viewer is a freely distributed application, available at the SAS web site


Viewer doesn’t require any special users’ licenses. It allows viewing and printing of files created by the SAS system. It opens the SAS data sets in a read only mode, thereby preventing data managers from overwriting or updating the data.

SAS System Viewer is platform independent and can open NT or UNIX (or other commonly available platforms) based SAS data sets. It allows users to access data sets that reside on:

• Local drive

• Over the mapped network drive

• On other servers using FTP or http.

If the users don’t have user accounts on servers, the NFS mount (on UNIX) can be set up and then the data sets be accessed on mapped NT drives. In addition to browsing data sets, SAS System Viewer has other features such as filtering of data. This helps data managers to do simple ad-hoc listings without having to learn SAS.

SAS Viewer allows viewing of data structures/meta data, exporting data sets or SAS outputs to .txt or .csv (comma separated files) files and printing the output and listing files created by the SAS System without exporting or converting to Word documents.

Challenges/Lessons Learned Implementing SAS Viewer

The task of implementing any software in a tightly regulated environment, especially pharmaceuticals, is challenging. But what helped greatly while implementing the SAS System Viewer was the fact that, in the FDA's general guidance for electronic submissions, the SAS System Viewer is listed as one of the tools used by the agency to view SAS XPORT transport files and SAS data sets directly. (). This helped getting a buy in from IS and the users.

Some other challenges we faced during and post SAS System Viewer implementation were:

• We had to come up with a process of getting users access for NFS mount for viewing data sets. This involved getting a buy in from IS.

• Help desk had to be educated to troubleshoot issues related to SAS System Viewer.

• The user base had to be educated in the use of the tool. We had to prepare all teaching material and hold special training sessions. So far we have about 150 users using this tool.

• An ongoing challenge we face is that if a UNIX data set is opened for viewing and editing at the same time, no warnings are given by the tool. The only way programmers know that this has happened is that it does not allow them to upload/update the opened data set.

Key Features and their Usefulness for Data Managers and Programmers

The following section of the paper describes the key features of the SAS System Viewer 8.2.

In the example, a very generic SAS data set is used. It contains following variables:

Figure 1 shows the variable names in demog1 data set.


Accessing Files Over Network Using FTP or HTTP

Using SAS System Viewer, users can open files over the network by entering their user id, password and full file path under File menu – Network Open.

For example, to open a SAS data set demog1.sd2 on UNIX server test1 as user tiger and password hello the following information will be entered in the network open dialog box:

• Userid: tiger

• Password: hello

• Path:

Batch Submit

SAS System Viewer allows users/programmers to create new SAS program files and Batch Submit the code to the SAS System for processing.

Viewing Variables (Partial output from proc contents)

The CONTENTS procedure in SAS shows the contents of SAS data sets.

/* SAS code for getting the contents of demog1 */

proc contents data=demog1 details;


Figure 2. Partial output generated from proc contents in demog1 data set.


The same level of information can be viewed using SAS System Viewer’s View Menu and selecting the sub menu Variables (figure 3). The View Variables option shows the following attributes of the opened SAS data sets:

• Variable name, length, type, format, informat and label (figure 4)

Using Properties sub menu under File menu, other logistics of a data set can be viewed such as:

• Number of rows/observations

• Number of columns/variables and

• Date the data set was created or modified.

Figure 3. How to get the content information of a SAS data set with SAS system viewer.


Figure 4. The attributes of demog1 data set in SAS System Viewer 8.2


Viewing Data set with Variable and Labels

While browsing/programming a data set, it is helpful to have labels and data set variables together. Using SAS System Viewer’s Headers and Names option under View menu, the data can be browsed with labels and variable names together as column headers.

Figure 5. How to view Labels and Variables along with the data with SAS System Viewer


Figure 6. Labels and Variables as the column headers in View-Headers and Names


Simple queries for Ad-hoc Reports

Using SAS system Viewer’s Filter Option, under View menu, simple queries can be run on a sample data set. The Filter has two options-

• Show all observations allowed by memory

• Show selected number of observations. Selecting this option helps in quick browsing of large data sets like Labs.

The Filter uses the where clause, order by and row fetching option. The row fetching option provides more resources for other applications and speeds up the viewing process of SAS generated files when a small range of observations is retrieved from the file. The complete set of observations can be viewed using Page Up and Page Down sub menu option (arrows on toolbar). If the Viewer is not able to open an entire file in memory, the sorting and filtering options are disabled from use for that particular file.

The Filter on the active files can also be set in the tab -Grid Filter under the Menu View/Options.

The Filter feature of SAS System Viewer allows programmers and data managers to validate simple edit checks or listings.

The simple queries on the example data set are:

1. where name contains ‘Henry’

2. where status = ‘D’ and children = ‘2’

3. where status in (‘D’, ‘S’) and salary > 10000

4. where (gender = ‘M’ OR status = ‘D’) and salary > 10000

5. not (status in (‘M’ , ‘S’))

6. where children != “ “

To go back to the complete data set from the filtered data, the user will have to clear/delete the where clause from the filter window.

Figure7. The where filter


Hiding/Choosing Variables

SAS System Viewer allows the drop and keep functionality of SAS system without actually changing the data set. Using Choose Columns option under Edit menu, the user can choose and hide columns in a data set.

In SAS the following code is used to drop or keep the variables in the output data set-

data demog1 (drop= salary cars age);

set demog1;


/*OR */

data demog1 (keep= name DOB gender weight height);

set demog1;


In Viewer the following steps are used to choose columns/variables to be displayed from the data set

1. Click Choose and Hide column under Edit menu.

2. Select the variable to be displayed in the data set by highlighting on its name on left hand side panel (Available Columns)

3. Click on the single arrow.

4. Click OK.

Initially all the variables will be on the right hand side panel (Display Columns). Click on double arrows to bring all the variables to the left hand side panel.

The Filter Option can be applied on the displayed variables. The position/order of the displayed columns can be also changed using this option.

Figure 8. How to choose variables/columns to be displayed in the data set


Copying Data set to Excel or Saving Data set as CSV file

The complete data set can be copied and pasted into an Excel spreadsheet. To keep the format of each variable intact in Excel, format the complete spreadsheet as text.

SAS System Viewer allows sorting (ascending or descending) on just one variable, but taking the data set to Excel allows sorting on up to three columns.

If the user doesn’t have SAS system viewer, then programmers can copy the data set to MS Excel and e-mail the data as Excel file.

The data set can be saved as .txt or .csv file directly from SAS System Viewer using File Save As option under File menu.

/* SAS code for exporting data set to .csv file */

proc export data=demog1



Printing Option -Setting Headers/Footers

The Grid Header/Footer tabbed dialog that exists in the Page Setup dialog box under File menu, can be used to set the Headers and Footers on a data set. The header/footer format can be customized like any other Windows application by adding header and footer tokens listed below.

In the space provided, enter the text that you want to appear in a specific region as left aligned, centered, or right aligned. Left aligned, centered and right aligned text need to be separated with a comma.

$F File name of the document

$A Application name

$P Page number

$N Number of pages

$D Date

Tips for Programmers

To make the browsing easier for the users, the programmers can sort and order the variables in the data set prior to saving on the network. Since SAS System Viewer cannot apply user defined format decodes to the data, the programmers can provide format catalog information in the form of text file along with the data sets.

/* SAS code for getting information about formats and informats is in the catalog that is specified in the Library */




The SAS System Viewer is an easy-to-use tool. Despite some limitations of the tool and new processes we had to create and implement, programmers and data managers have greatly benefitted from its implementation.

Further, the software has no license costs associated with it. It has led to additional cost savings. The data managers have been empowered by reducing their dependency on programmers and the programmers have more time available to perform other tasks. Just the fact that more than 150 users are using the tool is a testament to its functionality and use.


• SAS system viewer documentation available at the SAS web site:

• SAS system Viewer online help.

• SAS Institute, Inc., SAS ® Online Doc.


Many thanks to Karin LaPann and Robert Schechter for their helpful comments on this paper.


SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.

Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

Contact Information

I welcome your comments or questions. Contact the author at:

Email: Harpreet.Sahni@.

Work Phone: 302-886-8227.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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